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Author Topic: Bocchiere vs Yujo: In Conclusion  (Read 3309 times)


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Bocchiere vs Yujo: In Conclusion
« on: March 23, 2016, 09:03:18 PM »

Current Host: Uzumaki Yujo

Affiliation: Uzushiogakure

Battle Method: 1v1/2v2 OOC death match

Judge(s): PMs will be used to determine an agreed-upon judge

List of Challengers:

Special Rules:

-The match will be OOC for the benefit of both participating characters. This is essentially to prevent either playing from having to deal with the hassle of dying IC, and additionally leaves both participants free for IC RP during the match. Thus, though the match will be OOC, participants must still RP as their character, exactly as if they were IC, with the addition of following any decided voids, nerfs, etc.

-The match will strictly be 1v1, to prevent any complications arising from extra participants. The player remaining alive retains Gyūki/Isobu. The player that is killed will neither gain nor lose anything else. Essentially, this means the match is strictly about the beast and thus nothing else will be changed as a result.

-If desired, a logical RP can be worked out for a reasonable and plausible IC transfer of the beast to the next host.

-No match will begin without a judge agreed upon beforehand.

-You must have a biography/profile detailing what abilities and techniques you have, which includes your mastery in your abilities. Techniques used that are not listed in your profile will be voided. The same will go for notable skills and abilities not explained in your profile. Exceptions for this are General Skills, such as Tree Climbing Practice or Water Surface Walking Practice. Simple nature manipulation such as producing a small gust of wind to re-balance yourself or causing some water to flow into your mouth to drink is fine as well. Combining techniques on the fly, such as using a wind technique to empower a fire, is also exempt from this.

- If, by some chance, the match should reach a point of true stalemate after a minimum of 30 days then a judge may be called in to determine a winner based on how the fight has progressed up to this point. Both participants must request this of the judge in person (I.E. Both fighters MUST send a PM for this option. Stipulation: If for whatever reason after the prerequisite 30 days has passed, and either combatant cannot further fight his/her opponent, that person must speak with the judge, explaining that position; at which point the fight's judge will decide if the fight will be concluded upon his/her decision, or will continue] If this is chosen, then the judge may declare a winner based on these criteria:

•Who effectively manipulated the flow of the battle the best? The strategy employed (based on the posts) may have been defensive and attrition-based, but was it effective in the long run in wearing down the opponent?

•What caused the stalemate? The challenger being unable to defeat the challenged, or vice versa? Is it constant cancellation of jutsu and techniques by both sides, or merely one side taking refuge in a relatively inaccessible area (such as pocket dimension) in order to avoid defeat entirely?

•Who showed the greatest skill in the fight? This is completely and utterly at the discretion of the judge. His(her) decision is final on the matter, regardless of accusations of cheating or bribery or otherwise. This should be kept in mind when deciding on a judge for the fight.


~If using any of the eight IG KG, the same system against combing rinnegan/sage, uchiha/hyuga, etc. applies. Any external or custom special skills will need to be accurately assessed and set before the match begins.


-Arguing is discouraged. I will talk over any concerns regarding the match with you if the conversation remains calm and logical. If it steps outside of that, then the judge will be asked to make a decision. Pointlessly bickering is not fun or useful for anyone. Inflammatory, racial, harassing, or abusive language aimed at each other either in the match or in PM will result in an immediate void of the challenge. If challenger, (s)he loses all rights to ever challenge the current Jinchūriki. If host, he loses the match and Bijū given to the challenger.

-If any of the rules set forward are broken, I reserve the right to cancel the match. This will not prevent you from re-challenging (3-Month Cooldown)

Non-Negotiable Voids:

-Anything that does not have a reasonable explanation within the Naruto/SL lore
-Any custom technique that has no prescribed flaw (auto-hitting/character control)
-Any of the recent Rikudo powered abilities
-Body Revival Technique (when used to survive Hachimon)
-Swift Release
-If you have Kamui with other MS Jutsu. Its either Kamui or the other techniques.

~ All information subject to change
~ Mail me with any questions

Zone: Plains.
Judge: Ryoji.
Nature of the Fight: 1v1 OOC Deathmatch.
Stakes: Yujo (3+8 Tails), Bocchiere (9+Whatever other beast he wants to give up)

As Bocchiere is the Challenger, Yujo will be taking first post. (First post will immediately proceed this one)

Let's make this a good one.

They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Re: Bocchiere vs Yujo: In Conclusion
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2016, 01:18:01 AM »

As the sun stood high in the sky a pillar of fire would burst forth from the earth, scorching a 15 foot wide crater in the grassy plains. As the blaze subsided Bocchiere would be revealed to be standing in the middle of the crater, wearing his now common shirtless attire. His scythe was slung across his back, his amulet of Jashin was around his neck, and his Akatsuki ring was on his right thumb. His 3 tomoe Sharingan remains active and his arms are covered in a variety of seals and fuinjutsu.



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Re: Bocchiere vs Yujo: In Conclusion
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2016, 07:36:28 PM »

As the sun stood high in the sky a pillar of fire would burst forth from the earth, scorching a 15 foot wide crater in the grassy plains. As the blaze subsided Bocchiere would be revealed to be standing in the middle of the crater, wearing his now common shirtless attire. His scythe was slung across his back, his amulet of Jashin was around his neck, and his Akatsuki ring was on his right thumb. His 3 tomoe Sharingan remains active and his arms are covered in a variety of seals and fuinjutsu.

As stated thusly, Yujo would be taking the first post, meaning the above is voided. The first post of the battle will be placed below.

"Retreat!" A silent order, given internally by the vulnerable vegetation to any within earshot. Premonitions, prognostications, prophecies; telling of a battle to take place upon these plains, one that'd reshape the landscape of humanity. The first engineer of this masterpiece arrived just as the order was given, the still exposed flora falling prey to his advance. An ornate door, resembling those of an Italian chapel materialized somewhere near the southern side of the plains. The black structure stood as a passage way between this world, and the frozen one, the same that a particular man chose to take refuge in from the vicissitudes the human world seemed to harbor.

With the threshold of this 'Portal' crossed he made his entrance. His first step accompanied by the deaths of every unfortunate blade within a 5 foot radius of his foot. Moisture within the flora crystallizing under the freezing weight of his presence, shattering into a glitter like dust that'd rise to glisten his entrance even further. One may assume that the magnificence of the sparkling man would be aided by bathing in the glow of light, their notions would be shattered by the full moon above, creating the light that his sparkles craved, if his judgment was correct, it'd be sometime around 9:00 PM.

As he stood now fully exited from his door, he scanned the area quickly for any signs of hostiles, or even the man who deemed himself worthy of a challenge, the reprobate patchwork was disappointed to see neither. With this in mind he began idly drawing in at the infant toy residing in his mouth. The small blue rubber toy within the mouth of a man known to consume his opponents, was a sight to see, but it wasn't the most off putting article of this encounter. The sound created within his mouth was unlike a toddlers, in fact it sounded similar to a sweaty footed nurse frantically moving around a hospital floor, in Crocs.

It was at this point he removed the tool from his mouth, and began rifling in through his back pocket, and for this moment the noise would cease. He'd now simply await his opponent, natural energy being gathered as per usual, his freezing presence spreading to it's programmed radius.
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Re: Bocchiere vs Yujo: In Conclusion
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2016, 12:03:10 PM »

Will gladly repost and waste the past 4 days waiting for this fight to start just as soon as Yujo shows him the rule that says the host gets to just "declare" who is going first, since they sure did not discuss it, and Yujo getting super salty over a harmless joke is not going to cut it as a reason. Take it easy man, if your fuse is that short this fight is going to give you a hernia.

(End OOC)

Bocchiere supposes some eclipse must be happening if the sun and moon are both out at the same time, probably why Yujo was confused about what time it was. Regardless, since Edward Cullen was now here they could begin. Bocchiere would make a single kata and cause a Moku Bunshin to quickly grow and stand alongside him. Identical in every way this clone would also bear Sharingan eyes and the rest of Bocchiere's paraphernalia. At the same time he would ascend his own eyes to their Rinnegan state.

The clone would use its Flame King's Raiment Technique to match and, for now, cancel out Yujo's Freezing Presence.

Bocchiere himself would project five clones of himself into the invisible world of Limbo using his Limbo: Border Jail technique. The five clones would immediately and undetectably close the 20 meter distance between himself and Yujo and aim to kill the man with a flurry of strikes. Simultaneously, two of the clones would aim to kick Yujo in the chest and cave in his rib cage to crush his internal organs, one would aim double palm strikes at his back to render the man's spine naught but rubble and the remaining two would aim to pulp the man's head between identical leaping kicks, one on either side of his head. Since one Limbo clone possesses the strength to knock down and back a full sized Tailed Beast their strength would be more than sufficient to kill a man.

Since Yujo did not possess Six Paths Chakra (of the Sage Mode or Rinnegan variety) he would have no way to detect or see the clones, and no way to know the attack was coming, since Bocchiere himself would not provide any warning that he had even used a technique. It was improbable Yujo even knew of the techniques existence. Bocchiere himself only ever witnessed a single other user thus far.

It seemed unlikely that he would survive this flurry of attacks he did not even know was about to hit him but then again Yujo is a repeat user of Casualty Puppet and (maybe?) the Juugo Clan KG. Both of those render the user mentally unstable so the fact that Yujo is insane is probably a given, he might just do something totally nuts and somehow avoid the damage. Unless of course he's been making use of those techniques while being completely immune to the downsides for no discernible reason, but that seems pretty unlikely.

On the other hand it almost seemed that Yujo was using an entirely different technique. It is explicitly stated he's used it several times, "Largely due to the fact that Yujo has assimilated the knowledge, and sometimes bodies of many prominent ninja," yet Yujo looks like this.

Whilst a normal Casualty Puppet user is an angry monster that looks like it's from a Resident Evil game, like this,

Did I mention that Bocchiere also personally gave Yujo Earth Grudge Fear? He's still on the claims list for that so Yujo is a creature made entirely of thread and corpses. So he should probably look more like this.

And that is literally a monster from a Resident Evil game which really just brings the whole thing full circle.



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Re: Bocchiere vs Yujo: In Conclusion
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2016, 12:38:15 AM »

As requested I am making a ruling in regard to Bocc’s post. It was suggested that the post not only contained a god mod technique that is void, but it was at the same time inflammatory thus breaking one of the rules set above in the preferences.

My ruling on limbo is a simple one. As of this forum topic (,7997.15.html) Most, if not all techniques from chapter 600 forward would be considered void, as they should be. Without question Limbo will not be allowed in any fight that I am judging, ever. This technique alone requires a repost on the part of Bocchiere.

Next is the inflammatory allegation. The definitions of Inflammatory and Harassing are as follows:

Inflammatory: "Arousing or intended to arouse angry or violent feelings."
Harassing: "Subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation."

Bocc referred to Yujo as “Edward Cullen” which for those who followed American pop culture in early 2008 through 2012 know that is usually considered an insult, no matter how immature it may seem to an outsider looking in. He then continued with explaining what Yujo’s character should look like despite how he himself describes his own character. Now, in my opinion being told something of that nature, in a public setting no less, would spark some violent feelings; thus I am sympathetic.

Alas despite the more or less obvious goading on Bocc’s part, I do not see this is severe enough infraction to warrant a DQ. Thus I am issuing Bocc a warning. Leave the snide comments out of the posts, and out of Yujo’s inbox. I know for a fact you can write a post without them, and I’m sure you have friends whom you can talk all the smack with where it won’t threaten your status as host.

Now, as a note that I would like both participants to see. Stop being a bunch of baby back bitches.

Yujo, stop crying wolf, otherwise we are going to stop listening altogether by the time it matters the most. You’re a grown ass man. Act like one. You wonder why people have a negative disposition of you in their heads? It's because of fights like this, where every single post is an OOC battle that no one wants to fight. This is a game. One you don't even care about that much anymore. Stop acting like a victim only to turn around and do similar things to other people without hesitation. It's hypocritical and being the person you spend most of your time talking to on the internet, perhaps you should take my word that it needs to stop. 

Bocc, stop it >.> You’re on thin ice as it stands and people are looking for literally any reason they can to get you out of here. I don’t want to see that happen, so practice some self control when it comes to being snide. It’s your personality, I know. I understand full well that you don’t actually mean to come off as a jerk most of the time, but people have a certain profile of you in their head already and will misconstrue anything you say so they can match you to that profile. Practice a bit more caution.

Bocc needs to repost due to his usage of a god mod technique.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer


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Re: Bocchiere vs Yujo: In Conclusion
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2016, 08:12:27 AM »

Has agreed to repost, making an entrance post, and in exchange Yujo is dropping his usage of both Casualty Puppet and the Juugo Clan KG. He also notes that when one goes out of their way to say how sparkly they are they do so at their own risk.  :P

A pillar of fire would burst forth from the earth, scorching a 15 foot wide crater in the grassy plains. As the blaze subsided Bocchiere would be revealed to be standing in the middle of the crater, wearing his now common shirtless attire. His scythe was slung across his back, his amulet of Jashin was around his neck, and his Akatsuki ring was on his right thumb. His 3 tomoe Sharingan remains active and his arms are covered in a variety of seals and fuinjutsu.

He stood 20 meters from Yujo and his Flame King's Raiment Technique would flow from his body across the zone, currently equaling the output of Yujo's Freezing Presence.


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Re: Bocchiere vs Yujo: In Conclusion
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2016, 01:50:27 AM »

With only a cursory glance towards the man who knew only to be the Godaime Tsuchikage, as it was totes Yujo's father who Bocchiere had personally given Jiongu to, the monk took one final moment to savor his rubber toy before removing it from his mouth and into his 'back pocket' for safe keeping, this occurring whilst the past Kage's flames dissipated. Meanwhile one of the creepy hearts residing behind one of several Hannya styled masks began gathering Natural Energy, an idea Yujo totally didn't steal from that double Hirudora guy that beat up his extraterrestrial friend. This was only needed due to Yujo forgetting how to passively absorb natural energy just as the fight began, an occurrence not questioned for a second by the monk himself, luckily he kept a stockpile of the stuff stored in one of several seals tattooed on his body, for cases just like this.

Anywhozers, as the Tsuchikage spawned in Yujo's thready innards took the form of two hands, and without further interruption, the moment we've all been waiting for...Clouds residing within the air above converged, being supplemented by a larger output of chakra via this Uzumaki's insanely large chakra pool, much much larger than the Uzumaki's very own derelict father, otherwise known as the boastful abdominal guy. Normally this jutsu required minimal chakra to form, and even so,,8891.0.html

(Spoiler Alert) Of course he wasn't multiplying said jutsu by 100 thousand trillion, though just enough to place the Kage in peril of becoming very wet in the next 30 seconds or so if the rain was unimpeded. Other details could totally be added to describe this, just refer back to any of the previous fights of mine, or Ryoji's. The self-aware shinobi then questioned once again if he actually was Ryoji, a plot twist much greater than Han Solo dying.

It was common for a shinobi utilizing a jutsu of this caliber to find himself at a loss for what to do with the rest of his actions, activate sage mode..? Yeah probably a suitable response considering he did respect his opponent's skill as a fighter, and being as Yujo absorbed the knowledge of Masane, who absorbed the knowledge of Tsuyo, who absorbed the knowledge of Bocchiere (Human Pathception) not too much was going to be a surprise to him in the way of techniques, especially since those new dust release techniques inexplicably were dropped, and it's night time.

Normally favoring the dark side of his dual sage mode, Yujo decided to switch it up a bit mostly because he wanted to post the cool picture of it here to show that there are other custom sage modes that are cool, coming at you Kage.

It was around this time a chibi version of Yujo paused the fight from his personal theater and turned to the camera that had been projecting the battle and said, "Damn, it would have totally been a good idea to empower this jutsu with Sage chakra, huh? Okay so let's take a rewind, and being as Wall of Text No jutsu has already been activated, I'll spare potential readers the trouble and just retcon a little. So now assume I activated his sage mode before using the Dokuton Rain, easy peasy." With that done, Chibi Yujo turned to the Chibi Rusaku sitting next to him and handed him their shared small popcorn, and resumed playing the fight, it was date night.

With a final action, Yujo materialized a black baseball of ice into his hand, winded up and chucked it at his opponent, his intention was to knock him unconscious so Bocchiere could be fitted with a binky too, for all will share in it's glory, in the case that it didn't put his opponent to sleep, Yujo had other plans for it. (Do note, the Baseball was thrown at somewhere near 300 Mph)
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Re: Bocchiere vs Yujo: In Conclusion
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2016, 07:59:56 PM »

Bocchiere is waiting on a judge decision to determine whether a post will be required or not. A post is being judiciously constructed in the mean time should such a thing be required.



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Re: Bocchiere vs Yujo: In Conclusion
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2016, 12:24:47 AM »

Just want to let you know that despite the disdain between you two that I love you both.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: Bocchiere vs Yujo: In Conclusion
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2016, 06:58:31 AM »

Bocchiere supposes he will start at the top of Yujo’s post and work his way down.

“Yujo's thready innards took the form of two hands,”

Ok so he creates a pair of hands to form a kata inside his body.  Presumably in his chest but it does not actually specify, though innards seems to imply such, as they usually refer to your guts. So let’s go with chest. Even if Jiongu does remove your bones you still have your internal organs, the whole point of the jutsu is that it lets you replace your organs with other peoples and achieve an effective immortality. Yujo does not explain why he can create a pair of hands inside his chest cavity and not hurt himself, it is quite full of important organs after all, and as we all know, “If you did not say it, it did not happen.” He will likely make an excuse along the lines of, “Well obviously I had a plan and/or I wouldn’t willingly hurt myself like that.” To which my response would be, “So if I just posted “Bocchiere vaporizes his head off his shoulders with a Jinton blast.” You would not be able to claim the win and would instead have to assume I am up to some diabolical plot?” No.

In spite of the extreme pain and likely internal damage that comes from squeezing one’s kidneys we’ll assume Yujo is able to fight through it and still cast his jutsu.

“Clouds residing within the air above converged… ) Of course he wasn't multiplying said jutsu by 100 thousand trillion, though just enough to place the Kage in peril of becoming very wet in the next 30 seconds or so if the rain was unimpeded. Other details could totally be added to describe this…”
Thank you Yujo, I think I will. So he is manipulating pre-existing clouds, meaning they are quite high up in the air. From some simple research the average time it takes a raindrop to hit the ground is roughly 3 minutes. As Yujo has said he is giving control of the details to Bocchiere so let’s say the drops are falling from a height of 2000 meters, a pretty average height. To cover that distance in 30 seconds they would have to be moving around 66.6 (Twilight Zone theme plays) m/s. That is a little over 10 times the terminal speed of a rain drop.

“ A large raindrop, about one-quarter of an inch across or about the size of a house fly, has terminal fall speeds of about 10 meters per second or about 20 mph.” -

Now Yujo did empower the technique with Sage Chakra, but he didn’t actually explain what that was changing. So again Bocchiere will handle that for him and say it is merely making it rain more drops, rather than making them faster. He can already hear the clarion call of, “It’s Naruto it doesn’t have to make sense!” So on the chance the judge agrees that Yujo can hand-wave away the laws of physics with no explanation Bocchiere will note that Yujo still did not describe how it was raining, other than that he would be soaked in about 30 seconds. So, taking advantage of that as well, this makes the best case scenario for Yujo a situation where a single large sheet of rain is falling from above and is not going to be touching Bocchiere at all for about 30 seconds, after which it will soak him almost immediately. Since Bocchiere is about to enter Kyuubi Speed Hax mode and make every post of his be taking place in about 2 seconds or less this means that rain will totally be coming into play, in about 15 rounds. Side note, according to this discussion we had,8644.0.html

Making it rain what, if Yujo stays true to form, is poison that likely absorbs chakra, seeps through your skin, and destroys your chakra system, and then soaking yourself in said poison… well that would affect you too. The last part of Yujo’s post there actually seems to have nothing wrong with it, so now Bocchiere can start taking his own actions.

The Jashinist would form a kata of his own as, unknown to him, Yujo formed a kata inside his guts.
He would also instantly enter his Demon Fox Chakra Mode. A red chakra cloak that would instantly envelop Bocchiere’s body, a literal cloak of chakra not dissimilar in shape to his old Akatsuki cloak added on top of the normal full body chakra coating that comes with Nine Tails Chakra Mode. This transformation is identical to Kurama Mode in nearly every way, except for the fact that it is crimson and black in color instead of gold and black, and instead of exuding a powerful life-force that would make trees grow and such it would be acidic to the touch, much like Naruto’s V2 form. Unlike Naruto’s V2 form though it would not burn Bocchiere while he was using it as the man and Bijuu’s Killing Intent was as one, and the chakra cloak would not damage him anymore than it would Kurama himself.

As Yujo reared back and pitched his ball at where Bocchiere was standing he would not realize that he was throwing it at Bocchiere’s afterimage until the sphere ice passed right through it and the image faded. Since Yujo had failed to activate his Sharingan at any point thus far in the fight he would quite simply be unable to perceive the, quite frankly, ridiculous speed that Bocchiere was now afforded. After all Naruto’s speed in the base Nine Tails Chakra Mode was such that Killer Bee saw only a yellow flash when he moved, ramp that speed up even more and well… by the time he realized he was merely chasing shadows Yujo would already be dead.

Bocchiere had run straight past Yujo’s left side at his maximum possible speed, about 5 feet from the man, and extended both of his hands to his left, fingers pointing outward. A small white sphere would have formed on the tip of each finger (the speed of said formation greatly enhanced by the Demon Fox Chakra Mode) and Bocchiere would have angled his fingers so that 5 beams of chakra would cross in front of 5 beams of chakra and form a lattice-work of Dust Release beams. Jinton: Desubīmu: Dust Release: Death Beam.

These beams would have extended to pass through Yujo’s body as Bocchiere dashed past and would dice his body into bits not entirely unlike, once again, Resident Evil.

Though there were less beams in total than the gif they would still cut through Yujo’s vitals and instantly kill him, as they fileted his eyes, brain, and all his hearts.

Yujo would not be able to simply Kamui through this attack since, as previously stated, he had not activated his Sharingan at all. He would not have time to finish activating the Doujutsu before the attack killed him, no less ascend it into its Mangekyo form.

Bocchiere on the other hand did have his Sharingan active and would be able to react to any move Yujo made before had made it with the predictive capabilities of the eyes. That combined with the overwhelming speed he now possessed meant that he could literally strike Yujo before he even made a move, so if by some literal miracle Yujo figured out what was happening and tried to, say, leap up over the attack, Bocchiere would simply be able to make adjustments to his aim and still kill Yujo.

If Yujo, again by some divine intervention, perceived what was about to happen and tried to employ his own speed buffs to keep up he would find himself too behind the times for it to matter. As soon as Yujo would be able to visually perceive the chakra mode as being activated Bocchiere would already be dashing toward him and since it was in the middle of his big pitch his body would be committed to the motion of throwing the sphere of ice at Bocchiere and unable to make any decent dodge. Bocchiere still had his Sharingan active and would be able to preempt any sloppy dodge Yujo attempted before he made it, regardless of the increased speed, and would place the beams in his path so the man would still die.

Yujo’s chakra sensing would not help him either. Not only had he not activated the oft relied on Mind’s Eye of the Kagura but, “To be able to sense an opponent, a shinobi must have their chakra to "sensory mode". As such, if they are distracted and don't have their chakra on sensory mode, they can be kept from detecting enemies.”

Yujo seemed pretty intent on attacking Bocchiere and doesn’t seem to have mentioned using his sensory abilities anywhere, so claiming to suddenly sense the attack coming out of nowhere does not seem like it would be a fruitful path at all.

If it seems like Yujo has the deck so impossibly stacked against him that he could not possibly survive that would be because that is true. But wait! There’s more! The more observant readers with some knowledge of Bocchiere’s techniques would know that neither the chakra mode nor the Dust Release technique required hand signs, so what was that kata from earlier for? Well that is for Bocchiere to know and for everyone but Ryoji to find out next turn. Bocchiere has already pm’d the fight judge with the details of just what exactly he did there and what effect It will have, so that he cannot be accused of making it up, but will be neglecting to add that to the post here so Yujo cannot meta-game his way out of it.

Speaking of neglecting to post things, if Yujo did not note the Buddha like sentinel he gains upon entering his Sage Mode because Bocchiere is unable to sense Natural Energy we regret to inform him that Kurama is able to sense Natural Energy, and would inform Bocchiere of its appearance. Or maybe it isn’t actually there, who knows?

So, in summary, Bocchiere has set up a technique, entered Demon Fox Chakra Mode, and is attempting to dice Yujo to pieces. While the Uzumaki is likely very distracted by the intense pain from his organs, has no chakra eating rain on call for quite some time (relatively speaking), has no Doujutsu to speak of, and is in the middle of a MLB pitch. Bocchiere leans over and takes a handful of popcorn from Rusaku and says, “This gonna be good.”


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Re: Bocchiere vs Yujo: In Conclusion
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2016, 06:58:51 AM »

Yujo has gone over the agreed upon 7 day posting limit, losing the fight by "time out".

For sure
---Original Message from 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō(2016-03-23 22:17:14)---
Working on that actually. 7 day posting limit fine with you? I'd do my normal of 3, but for this fight, nah.

He has not been in communication with me or our judge, and there are no decisions pending. I am posting this here because the fight topic has already been locked for some reason. It can now be unstickied as well since the fight is concluded.

Bocchiere picks the 3 and 8 tails title belts off of Yujo's diced corpse, tosses them over his shoulder, and walks out of the zone as his theme song plays.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2016, 08:03:12 PM by Bocchiere »

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