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Author Topic: Shukaku fight  (Read 2120 times)


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Shukaku fight
« on: May 31, 2016, 02:21:59 AM »

Warren vs Bocchiere

OOC fight, winner keeps Shukaku, no effect on IC whatsoever otherwise

Fight at neutral featureless dirt plains, no trees or anything around

A post per 7 days, extendable ~once~ to 14 days if notified with legitimate reason beforehand, failure to comply means auto loss

Fight till loss or give up, in case of stalemate or going on forever judge decision can be asked, a draw is possible

No rinnegan-given "rikudou chakra", no limbo, no bleach powers, no gudodama, no decay release

Beasts equally powerful

Think that's all relevant things, as agreed I go first
« Last Edit: May 31, 2016, 03:21:00 AM by Warren »


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Re: Shukaku fight
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2016, 02:34:34 AM »

Warren showed up, several pieces of black metal floating behind as he walked, another odd one in hand with awful lot of assumed metal wire coiled around it. He fed the latter unveriable chakra til coming to a stop, creating a slightly smaller yet denser than usual black rod with a sharpened tip from a palm only to slide it inside the thing. After that he tossed it up to the air, the aforementioned pieces clattering together around it to form an odd nigh 90 degree angular shape, and it all disappeared with a puff.

His foe not there yet, he extended both hands with what one could only describe as black sand flowing forth from both. The stream from left dug its way underground, the stream from right formed roughly eyeball sized spheres that floated up and all across the vicinity.


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Re: Shukaku fight
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2016, 04:36:34 AM »

(Well, since we're doing actions on our entrance posts now...)

Before Warren could see Bocchiere a thick mist would quickly form all about the surrounding area, enveloping Warren with it. It would be thick enough that Warren would not be able to see through it with any of his Doujutsu, as it was made of Bocchiere's chakra.

Bocchiere himself hovered within the mist, floating just a few inches off the ground as he moved toward Warren under the cover of the cloud, from the man's right. His Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan was currently active, and he bore no visible weapons on his body, he was just in his normal pants and tabi boots, his amulet of Jashin around his neck and Akatsuki ring on his thumb. Though his arms were branded with many seals for summoning and other purposes.

A user of the Silent Killing from his time as Kirigakure ANBU, Bocchiere would not be hampered by the lack of sight, quite used to tracking and killing targets by sound alone. This, combined with the Negative Emotions Sensing passively granted by the 9 Tails, should allow him to effectively track Warren without the use of sight.

He currently hovered 50 feet from Warren, but was moving closer.


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Re: Shukaku fight
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2016, 05:32:48 AM »

Warren simply closed eyes as the mist appeared, leaving the sand underground to continue its work of pulverizing earth and minerals, freeing his left hand to start spreading it over his person instead. Lest intercepted he'd fairly quickly (my next post) have enough to cover himself head to toe, otherwise he'd have to draw more from surroundings.

The right hand meanwhile continued its work without halt, only now it simply spread sand in an outwards radius from himself in about 3 meters tall field, and to accelerate the spread greatly the earlier eye-like formations would have been broken back down into sand too.

He thought little of the battle and had rigorously trained to withstand and mediate between the multiple presences in his mind, leaving him with effectively zero hatred or other negativity to speak of. Due to being well focused on his task he was showing no killing intent whatsoever either, so with the two details combined the Kurama-granted sensing would for the time being be of no use.

This didn't make him completely undetectable though, for with so much sand on the move there'd be quite the constant rustling in the air indeed, an assailant would just have to figure out how to determine where the origin was rather than being led around in circles.

Lastly the very same rustly sand would be a double edged sword, since though it made a fair bit of noise, it also bore his chakra much like the mist did Bocchiere's. This basically made it a makeshift sensory field, so if he kept approaching Warren wouldn't need his eyes to see him.


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Re: Shukaku fight
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2016, 08:09:03 AM »

Bocchiere would not have blamed Warren for his actions, they were a logical course to take. The Kirigakure no Jutsu he had used to conceal himself from sight was such a common occurrence that the technique itself bordered on the banal. Which was exactly what Bocchiere counted on his opponents thinking. Many people in the same situation would do the same as Warren, charging headlong into the unknown would be foolish, so they await an attack they know will come, entrench themselves, try and do everything they can to keep from being caught off guard. Little do they know the switch has already been thrown, the lethal dose already delivered. For when Bocchiere uses the Kirigakure no Jutsu in this fashion it has another name. Hitokui Kiri. The Man-Eating Mist.

Warren underestimated Bocchiere's hearing. He'd stop his forward motion upon hearing Warren's breathing, which was also the man's downfall. Hovering about 45 feet from Warren, Bocchiere would make a single kata, moments before the expanding field of sensory sand would have caught "sight" of him. He'd manipulate every single molecule of water vapor within a 20 foot radius around Warren to collapse inward toward the man and shred him to bits. The chakra water would easily be able to punch through Warren's body like a bullet, and it was doing so before the sand armor could finish covering him entirely. Not to mention the fact that Warren had already allowed himself to be enveloped by the mist that was attempting to end his life. It was literally already touching him once it moved to attack, avoiding all damage from that was surely impossible. Parts of the man's body already covered in sand armor may be spared but the uncovered parts would not be so lucky.

But that was not all. Bocchiere mentioned that Warren's breath was his downfall and that was not just because it gave away his position. As mentioned before the water vapor was entirely made of Bocchiere's chakra and as any airborne substance is wont to do it would be inhaled by Warren with each breath he took. Artificial or otherwise Warren is a living creature and one must assume he has been breathing this whole time since there is no other information to go on. So the chakra vapor within his lungs, his throat, his mouth would all act like the rest of the water vapor as well, but in reverse, and explode outward from inside Warren. This would shred his upper abdomen, neck, and head to pieces since his body was not currently enhanced by anything other than the sand covering it.

Should this prove to be a success, as it had no right not to be, Warren would be reduced to not much more than a grisly mess on the ground. As if he had been chewed up and spit out by some great beast. Which was not entirely untrue.

How could Warren possibly hope to survive this? He was not noted to be using any Chakra sensory techniques and even if he had what would he have sensed? Assuming he had Spider-Sense levels of sensing and knew from the "flux" or whatever of Bocch's chakra that he was about to use a jutsu, Warren obviously did not suspect the mist. It had been there all along, he had allowed it to fully embrace him without a single worry. The natural wind currents would already have it be moving through Warren's field of sand, likely constantly causing it to trigger, something Warren was surely brushing off as the ever innocuous mist.

Even if he were to say, randomly use the Preta Path the second he thought something was happening, without even knowing if that defense would help him. It would only absorb the water vapor outside his body, and even then only outside the confines of the Blocking Technique Absorption Seal's barrier. This would of course do nothing for the water exploding from within him, and unless his biology is unique enough that all of the vitals normally contained within the upper torso, neck, and head were in his left foot, would very likely still be enough to kill him all on its own.


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Re: Shukaku fight
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2016, 09:57:23 AM »

Not only did his rapidly expanding sand field catch Bocchiere in time for the movement into a kata (considering he had only stopped instead of backed off after all, and the spread was accelerated by the broken up spheres), he had also simply opened eyes too. Just as aforementioned the chakra was indeed everywhere, so even if he hadn't caught the movement then due to his doujutsu even the tiniest beginning of a shift in the power present would have made it clear something was coming.

After all he had just let it drift about before then on its own, so what else could it have been but something harmful? As destructive as even lone drops of water could be however, it'd take a moment (even if ever so tiny) to accelerate it to damaging velocity, which coupled with the warning he'd get via sand and sight would leave him enough time to counter.

The rather minute amounts of breathed in mist were neutralized with him hardly needing to do anything, for so strong was his lean towards fire he was the equivalent of a walking furnace, able to literally spit flame with nary a seal formed. Needless to say, even if any of the tiny amounts of water natured chakra (tis mist we're talking about after all) would have avoided eradication from contact with his inside, it'd have been completely erased by what he actually did to counter the jutsu.

While some preferred to form a seal while molding chakra for sake of focus, Warren hardly needed to do such a thing at his level. This too would give him another minor speed advantage over Bocchiere who did require one for his jutsu, for all he had to do was will it without moving a muscle. Bursting out like a nova, his fire natured power flared so explosively that not only would it completely purge any intruding elements that may have yet remained inside him, but also strike a blackened circle to the ground around his feet with licks of flame left behind, not even to speak of completely blowing apart any Bocchi's chakra in his vicinity.

Furthermore channeled along his sand, rinnegan 'material' being quite conductive of its creators power after all, although it wouldn't quite entirely erase the mist since it extended beyond his sands current reach it would still punch quite a clean big hole in its center. This'd leave both combatants visible, lest Bocchi chose to dive back into the mist of course.

Edit: added forgotten detail of sand spread speed
« Last Edit: May 31, 2016, 09:58:34 AM by Warren »


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Re: Shukaku fight
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2016, 06:44:18 AM »

Waiting on Judge decision.


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Re: Shukaku fight
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2016, 06:50:42 AM »

Talking things out with both fighters.

Decision Pending.
(Placeholder for decision)
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Shukaku fight
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2016, 09:45:38 AM »

No need, gloat all you wish I don't care, I forfeit. There is no value nor point to even trying to be a part of this corrupt mess anymore.

Lock this and the challenge thread, and never message me again about anything, ever. I'm blocking you after I post this.


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Re: Shukaku fight
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2016, 10:07:13 AM »

Bocchiere would collect the Shukaku from the pile of salt Warren had spontaneously turned into and leaves the area with his theme song playing.

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