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Author Topic: IC Rules  (Read 11858 times)


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Re: IC Rules
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2017, 01:57:56 PM »

ok. The vote went down to make rules, so that is what we have to do, not debate if we need to make rules. yes?

If the terms metagaming and character control are defined in the rules, then the judges do not have to interpret that later.

Let's look at this from two view points:

1] The RP bijuu hunt planned out by two people who have already agreed to fight.
2] The RP bijuu hunt where the host is forced to face his challenger.

#1 is great. You have a timed rp, to promote rp and create storyline, then they fight by the rules of combat agreed upon ahead of time.

#2 is much more tricky. I would suggest an intent to hunt be posted to the activity thread. And that the host deal with the RP for each hunter on a first come first serve basis.

I think that other hunters should be able to find the host/summoner too. But have to post a valid reason why they wish to enter the hunt.

[Kayenta senses bijuu chakra out on the sands as the jinchuuriki is fighting a hunter. I request being allowed to enter the RP based on that clue. As evidence for my claim I state that she is a sensor, that she has sealed numerous bijuu in others during the past so can identify the beast. And she is iving in Suna and not on the other side of the world.

The people say...hey yeah that is right. But athos steps up and says, "WHOA....she moved to OTO. no way can she sense that going on.

Kay is denied entry to the rp and I cry for a week cause he was mean to me.]
« Last Edit: January 12, 2017, 01:59:03 PM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: IC Rules
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2017, 07:35:00 PM »

ok. The vote went down to make rules, so that is what we have to do, not debate if we need to make rules. yes?

That is correct.

If the terms metagaming and character control are defined in the rules, then the judges do not have to interpret that later.

YES! A thousand times YES!
I wanted to use a meme, but I can never get a picture sized right for serious discussion so I  borrowed my fellow mod Kamui's method.

Metagaming, textbook: Any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game.

SL Metagaming: Any strategy, action, or method used In Context (IC, RP, etc.) which uses external factors to affect the game.

SL Godmodding: Any strategy, action, or method used In Context (IC, RP, etc.) which goes beyond the agreed upon limits or environment set by the narutoverse inspired shinobilegends world.

SL Character-Controlling: Any strategy, action, or method used In Context (IC, RP, etc.) which both controls another players' character without their permission and transcends the prescribed ruleset that players determine the fate of their own characters based upon the roleplay that the character is in or agreed upon secondary factors (I.E, voiding out a character's existence at the beginning of a RP if the player does not want their character getting involved and the other RPers agree with that).

All three major no-nos of SL RP canbe fit into one way or another into the textbook definition of metagaming. I think it would be best for us to use SL inspired definitions for metagaming, character controlling, etc. to keep down on confusion.

1] The RP bijuu hunt planned out by two people who have already agreed to fight.
2] The RP bijuu hunt where the host is forced to face his challenger.

Hm, judges can be used to keep metagaming down to a minimum, but do judges have power over just the hunter and hunted or anyone and everyone who gets involved in the RP over the duration of the potentially long affair? Because the judge in this case would have to not only not be involved in the RP directly, but also not have one of their characters get involved in the RP as well. Not to mention if the judge is basically GM said judge would have to also be acknowledged by other participants such as neutrals.

What if the judges for IC matches be the SL GM's, upon request of course?

Other hunters finding the hunted is definitely fine by my book, and prior to the start of a Battle Phase, enter the area. Though, the logic of having to wait for the conclusion of the battle phase before another hunter can step in and take a crack at the hunted (or the original hunter if he/she succeeded) is kind of missing as you point out.

Maybe force a cooldown where victorious hunters/hunted cannot flee the area for a turn or two, leaving some wiggle room for interception?, at which point a new Battle Phase starts? What keeps it from being an exceptionally long loop of battle phases for a single biju, if preventing such a loop is even desirable?
« Last Edit: January 12, 2017, 07:35:44 PM by Eric »
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: IC Rules
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2017, 07:16:37 PM »

if other rpers make a request to enter the rp...then the host doesn't have to sit around idle saying....hey i am just sitting here in case anyone in the world decides it might be a good time to jump me...hellooooooooo!

what else?

oh yes judges and what they re responsible/have authority over?

well if you consider a judge is a referee...then everything they say goes? HEY YOU WATER BOY...GET OFF THE FIELD!!

and GM's? I love we have them, but they were not created to be bijuu babysitters. But to encourage rp for the community...not just the 6 guys who like to fight over these beasts.

you dig?


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Re: IC Rules
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2017, 11:57:45 PM »

The judge might as well be the referee, where anything they say goes. The timeout to keep the victor from running right after winning the battle phase is a no then?

And this is RP, albeit, I am not even sure what the community around here even consists of anymore. I feel so out of touch lately.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: IC Rules
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2017, 02:04:06 AM »,8682.15.html

Posting this topic as placeholder, it has some nice ideas I want to revisit.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: IC Rules
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2017, 12:10:14 AM »

Recently, I think I am the last person that people want to hear about making things better but I have been talking to some friends lately that have made me think that we can still enjoy this game. It isn't too late. But I don't want too sound too dramatic xD

To try and start more RP and to make Bijuu actually start to mean something more than simply just power crutches people want to use. Kettle, pot, black. I can already hear everybody but I need you guys to work with me. I know other people are trying to inspire RP in other, larger ways but I feel like I need to be a part of making the Bijuu an actual part of RP.

And something clicked recently, which surprised me actually. It was the key to doing it was the IC rules, out of all things. Especially given what my previous viewpoint on it was before o.o But for Bijuu Challenges to be fully implemented ICly would hopefully help push for them to actually be driving forces in actual RP. I'm not saying mastery has to be through IC, actually I would say sticking to the mastery rules whether you have OOC or IC challenges is both the best and simplest answer. But interactions ICly, for them to be noticed in villages. Or maybe not, I'm not someone to tell people how to be a Jinchuuriki but as everyone knows, I've always been proud of it and never really hid the fact in IC.

But they shouldn't be things that we fight over, I don't want to start being the guy talking about old SL so I won't, but some people will get my point just by saying that >.> Still, if you've stuck through this post so far, thanks. There is a chance this is going to be a bumpy and long road but I think we can do this. Bring life back into the community, into RP, and even something like the Bijuu.

That being said, I guess I'll stop 'ranting' and talk about the actual rules.


Honestly, as they currently stand in the first post of the topic, the things that are up there are pretty solid so far o.o Despite what I've said before, I'm actually shocked and surprised. But for future note, I have only really read the first post because I was told everything was mostly summed up there already. If that isn't the case and I'm about to look dumb, then please forgive me >.<

Right now, there is a few things that come directly to mind.

1. Let's say Jimmy has the 15 Tails, and Jon wants to hunt him. But so does Joe. But they aren't together, but they get there at the same time. If Jon attacks first, does Joe have to wait and play sidelines? Or can he also declare himself in the Battle Phase? o.o

2. As for the Battle Phase, though it may affect with the levels of IC a bit, I think there should be some sort of limit on the amount of people that can get involved. Like, no more than a 2 v 2 because even that can be extremely hectic.

2a. But for the sake of RP, if we let a number of... Four people enter, as well as maybe 2-4 neutral members, then maybe break it up? Old school, into different zones or forum pages, or whatever the circumstances for an IC challenge is. But if we do let a large amount of people in, I think each fight should cap of at 2 people on each side, maybe 3 if you are feeling frisky. Like if there is six people defending a Jinchuuriki, including the host, and then six attack. Separate into three 2v2 fights, all taking place at the same time. Or if there is three people on each side, then one 2v2 and one 1v1.

2b. If it set up I mentioned more towards the end, then we should also implement a 'tag-in' system. Or not. What I mean by is if, let's say using the last example I used, the 1v1 fight is a support of the main fighters. And one of them wins. Said person can't then enter the other fight and make it a 3v2, but if someone in the 2v2 loses and it becomes a 1v2, then the winner of the previous 1v1 can 'tag-in' so long as the person KO'd was on their team, bringing it back up to a 2v2.

3. Are we letting uneven battles? o.o Because that makes a lot of what I just said not important xD I am under the impression that we wouldn't but looking at the rules it seems set up for the Hunted to take on any amount of Hunters/Support. I know it'd be silly for two people to go hunting a Jinchuuriki and when they start the fight, they fight one at a time or something. I also doubt any Jinchuuriki won't have at least one person to help them fight off defenders, but it still needs to be talked about o.o Though in the reverse, I don't see anything with a Jinchuuriki having a support yet fighting a challenger head-on if they come alone. Though, again, I guess that depends on who the Jinchuuriki is.

4. I think we should also make a rule that states you can't change to IC challenges while you have OOC challenges. For example, I have to fight Ryoji a few times. If these rules go through, I couldn't turn around and say 'Well, now I am using IC Rules, so come find me scrub-lord' >> And I can see someone trying to exploit that rule. So if you have current OOC challenges, while you can switch to IC Challenges, though it doesn't negate the challenges already in effect.

4a. But if we do something like that, it would be good to note that the person can't be hunted ICly until they finish their OOC challenges. To prevent previous challengers from being screwed over from the switch or by someone else winning when they didn't even get their chance. I don't think it should be a problem, seeing if the person was still doing OOC challenges than the Hunters would have been forced to wait for the list to be cleared out, anyway.

5. I also don't know if this was discussed but before it was implemented that people who are summoners have a special seal on them that gives of the Bijuu's presence the same way it would if you were a Jinchuuriki, to make things ICly fair o.o I don't know if that was talked about but it would be nice to have...

But I have typed enough x.x I am going to stop and see if I can get actual conversation going.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: IC Rules
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2017, 05:24:20 AM »

1] The RP bijuu hunt planned out by two people who have already agreed to fight.
2] The RP bijuu hunt where the host is forced to face his challenger.

#1 is great. You have a timed rp, to promote rp and create storyline, then they fight by the rules of combat agreed upon ahead of time.

#2 is much more tricky. I would suggest an intent to hunt be posted to the activity thread. And that the host deal with the RP for each hunter on a first come first serve basis.

I think that other hunters should be able to find the host/summoner too. But have to post a valid reason why they wish to enter the hunt.

[Kayenta senses bijuu chakra out on the sands as the jinchuuriki is fighting a hunter. I request being allowed to enter the RP based on that clue. As evidence for my claim I state that she is a sensor, that she has sealed numerous bijuu in others during the past so can identify the beast. And she is iving in Suna and not on the other side of the world.

The people say...hey yeah that is right. But athos steps up and says, "WHOA....she moved to OTO. no way can she sense that going on.

Kay is denied entry to the rp and I cry for a week cause he was mean to me.]

This is a good start. I agree that additional combatants have to have a legitimate reason for stepping into the fray. As more people get involved, we should probably get something like a neutral party to mediate the event so it doesn't turn into a quagmire like the FFA did.

Another thing we should take into account is those people who will try to just hide somewhere and keep people from finding them. If a host isn't taking reasonable measures to make themselves accessible to those who would seek to take their bijuu, then I think there should be some action taken on part of the council to do something about that.

Metagaming, textbook: Any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game.

SL Metagaming: Any strategy, action, or method used In Context (IC, RP, etc.) which uses external factors to affect the game.

SL Godmodding: Any strategy, action, or method used In Context (IC, RP, etc.) which goes beyond the agreed upon limits or environment set by the narutoverse inspired shinobilegends world.

SL Character-Controlling: Any strategy, action, or method used In Context (IC, RP, etc.) which both controls another players' character without their permission and transcends the prescribed ruleset that players determine the fate of their own characters based upon the roleplay that the character is in or agreed upon secondary factors (I.E, voiding out a character's existence at the beginning of a RP if the player does not want their character getting involved and the other RPers agree with that).

All three major no-nos of SL RP canbe fit into one way or another into the textbook definition of metagaming. I think it would be best for us to use SL inspired definitions for metagaming, character controlling, etc. to keep down on confusion.

1] The RP bijuu hunt planned out by two people who have already agreed to fight.
2] The RP bijuu hunt where the host is forced to face his challenger.

Hm, judges can be used to keep metagaming down to a minimum, but do judges have power over just the hunter and hunted or anyone and everyone who gets involved in the RP over the duration of the potentially long affair? Because the judge in this case would have to not only not be involved in the RP directly, but also not have one of their characters get involved in the RP as well. Not to mention if the judge is basically GM said judge would have to also be acknowledged by other participants such as neutrals.

What if the judges for IC matches be the SL GM's, upon request of course?

Other hunters finding the hunted is definitely fine by my book, and prior to the start of a Battle Phase, enter the area. Though, the logic of having to wait for the conclusion of the battle phase before another hunter can step in and take a crack at the hunted (or the original hunter if he/she succeeded) is kind of missing as you point out.

Maybe force a cooldown where victorious hunters/hunted cannot flee the area for a turn or two, leaving some wiggle room for interception?, at which point a new Battle Phase starts? What keeps it from being an exceptionally long loop of battle phases for a single biju, if preventing such a loop is even desirable?

I'm particularly interested in your last comment, Eric. To eliminate the possibility of some kind of infinite battle loop from happening, maybe we can limit the number of consecutive challenges that can be made for a biju in a single roleplay? We could just limit the number of individual agents who can jump in and try to snag the biju. We'd have to distinguish between those who are actually going after the biju and neutral parties, though.

1. Let's say Jimmy has the 15 Tails, and Jon wants to hunt him. But so does Joe. But they aren't together, but they get there at the same time. If Jon attacks first, does Joe have to wait and play sidelines? Or can he also declare himself in the Battle Phase? o.o

2. As for the Battle Phase, though it may affect with the levels of IC a bit, I think there should be some sort of limit on the amount of people that can get involved. Like, no more than a 2 v 2 because even that can be extremely hectic.

2a. But for the sake of RP, if we let a number of... Four people enter, as well as maybe 2-4 neutral members, then maybe break it up? Old school, into different zones or forum pages, or whatever the circumstances for an IC challenge is. But if we do let a large amount of people in, I think each fight should cap of at 2 people on each side, maybe 3 if you are feeling frisky. Like if there is six people defending a Jinchuuriki, including the host, and then six attack. Separate into three 2v2 fights, all taking place at the same time. Or if there is three people on each side, then one 2v2 and one 1v1.

2b. If it set up I mentioned more towards the end, then we should also implement a 'tag-in' system. Or not. What I mean by is if, let's say using the last example I used, the 1v1 fight is a support of the main fighters. And one of them wins. Said person can't then enter the other fight and make it a 3v2, but if someone in the 2v2 loses and it becomes a 1v2, then the winner of the previous 1v1 can 'tag-in' so long as the person KO'd was on their team, bringing it back up to a 2v2.

3. Are we letting uneven battles? o.o Because that makes a lot of what I just said not important xD I am under the impression that we wouldn't but looking at the rules it seems set up for the Hunted to take on any amount of Hunters/Support. I know it'd be silly for two people to go hunting a Jinchuuriki and when they start the fight, they fight one at a time or something. I also doubt any Jinchuuriki won't have at least one person to help them fight off defenders, but it still needs to be talked about o.o Though in the reverse, I don't see anything with a Jinchuuriki having a support yet fighting a challenger head-on if they come alone. Though, again, I guess that depends on who the Jinchuuriki is.

4. I think we should also make a rule that states you can't change to IC challenges while you have OOC challenges. For example, I have to fight Ryoji a few times. If these rules go through, I couldn't turn around and say 'Well, now I am using IC Rules, so come find me scrub-lord' >> And I can see someone trying to exploit that rule. So if you have current OOC challenges, while you can switch to IC Challenges, though it doesn't negate the challenges already in effect.

4a. But if we do something like that, it would be good to note that the person can't be hunted ICly until they finish their OOC challenges. To prevent previous challengers from being screwed over from the switch or by someone else winning when they didn't even get their chance. I don't think it should be a problem, seeing if the person was still doing OOC challenges than the Hunters would have been forced to wait for the list to be cleared out, anyway.

5. I also don't know if this was discussed but before it was implemented that people who are summoners have a special seal on them that gives of the Bijuu's presence the same way it would if you were a Jinchuuriki, to make things ICly fair o.o I don't know if that was talked about but it would be nice to have...

But I have typed enough x.x I am going to stop and see if I can get actual conversation going.

1. Joe definitely shouldn't have to wait. He should be able to jump in, which leads me to the next two points you make. Tag teaming should be allowed. If you and I go against two other people and we take out one of the opposition, we should be allowed to tag team that person. Alternatively, if we beat both of our opponents, we should be able to go and assist other "teammates" who are fighting somewhere else. THere should be a limit to this, though. Not because I'm worried about an IC fight being 1 on 6 (that's good story and forces creativity to get out of that sticky situation), but it would be hard to keep that contained if we're not doing it on the forums.

There should also be battles split up into different "groups" like you suggested. Reminds me of the first rounds of fights in Bleach with the Shinigami vs the Arrancar in Karakura Town. Several individual battles occurring simultaneously.

I agree with points 4 - 5.


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Re: IC Rules
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2017, 08:55:29 AM »

1] The RP bijuu hunt planned out by two people who have already agreed to fight.
2] The RP bijuu hunt where the host is forced to face his challenger.

#1 is great. You have a timed rp, to promote rp and create storyline, then they fight by the rules of combat agreed upon ahead of time.

#2 is much more tricky. I would suggest an intent to hunt be posted to the activity thread. And that the host deal with the RP for each hunter on a first come first serve basis.

I think that other hunters should be able to find the host/summoner too. But have to post a valid reason why they wish to enter the hunt.

[Kayenta senses bijuu chakra out on the sands as the jinchuuriki is fighting a hunter. I request being allowed to enter the RP based on that clue. As evidence for my claim I state that she is a sensor, that she has sealed numerous bijuu in others during the past so can identify the beast. And she is iving in Suna and not on the other side of the world.

The people say...hey yeah that is right. But athos steps up and says, "WHOA....she moved to OTO. no way can she sense that going on.

Kay is denied entry to the rp and I cry for a week cause he was mean to me.]

This is a good start. I agree that additional combatants have to have a legitimate reason for stepping into the fray. As more people get involved, we should probably get something like a neutral party to mediate the event so it doesn't turn into a quagmire like the FFA did.

Another thing we should take into account is those people who will try to just hide somewhere and keep people from finding them. If a host isn't taking reasonable measures to make themselves accessible to those who would seek to take their bijuu, then I think there should be some action taken on part of the council to do something about that. [/color]

Metagaming, textbook: Any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game.

SL Metagaming: Any strategy, action, or method used In Context (IC, RP, etc.) which uses external factors to affect the game.

SL Godmodding: Any strategy, action, or method used In Context (IC, RP, etc.) which goes beyond the agreed upon limits or environment set by the narutoverse inspired shinobilegends world.

SL Character-Controlling: Any strategy, action, or method used In Context (IC, RP, etc.) which both controls another players' character without their permission and transcends the prescribed ruleset that players determine the fate of their own characters based upon the roleplay that the character is in or agreed upon secondary factors (I.E, voiding out a character's existence at the beginning of a RP if the player does not want their character getting involved and the other RPers agree with that).

All three major no-nos of SL RP canbe fit into one way or another into the textbook definition of metagaming. I think it would be best for us to use SL inspired definitions for metagaming, character controlling, etc. to keep down on confusion.

1] The RP bijuu hunt planned out by two people who have already agreed to fight.
2] The RP bijuu hunt where the host is forced to face his challenger.

Hm, judges can be used to keep metagaming down to a minimum, but do judges have power over just the hunter and hunted or anyone and everyone who gets involved in the RP over the duration of the potentially long affair? Because the judge in this case would have to not only not be involved in the RP directly, but also not have one of their characters get involved in the RP as well. Not to mention if the judge is basically GM said judge would have to also be acknowledged by other participants such as neutrals.

What if the judges for IC matches be the SL GM's, upon request of course?

Other hunters finding the hunted is definitely fine by my book, and prior to the start of a Battle Phase, enter the area. Though, the logic of having to wait for the conclusion of the battle phase before another hunter can step in and take a crack at the hunted (or the original hunter if he/she succeeded) is kind of missing as you point out.

Maybe force a cooldown where victorious hunters/hunted cannot flee the area for a turn or two, leaving some wiggle room for interception?, at which point a new Battle Phase starts? What keeps it from being an exceptionally long loop of battle phases for a single biju, if preventing such a loop is even desirable?

I'm particularly interested in your last comment, Eric. To eliminate the possibility of some kind of infinite battle loop from happening, maybe we can limit the number of consecutive challenges that can be made for a biju in a single roleplay? We could just limit the number of individual agents who can jump in and try to snag the biju. We'd have to distinguish between those who are actually going after the biju and neutral parties, though.[/color]

1. Let's say Jimmy has the 15 Tails, and Jon wants to hunt him. But so does Joe. But they aren't together, but they get there at the same time. If Jon attacks first, does Joe have to wait and play sidelines? Or can he also declare himself in the Battle Phase? o.o

2. As for the Battle Phase, though it may affect with the levels of IC a bit, I think there should be some sort of limit on the amount of people that can get involved. Like, no more than a 2 v 2 because even that can be extremely hectic.

2a. But for the sake of RP, if we let a number of... Four people enter, as well as maybe 2-4 neutral members, then maybe break it up? Old school, into different zones or forum pages, or whatever the circumstances for an IC challenge is. But if we do let a large amount of people in, I think each fight should cap of at 2 people on each side, maybe 3 if you are feeling frisky. Like if there is six people defending a Jinchuuriki, including the host, and then six attack. Separate into three 2v2 fights, all taking place at the same time. Or if there is three people on each side, then one 2v2 and one 1v1.

2b. If it set up I mentioned more towards the end, then we should also implement a 'tag-in' system. Or not. What I mean by is if, let's say using the last example I used, the 1v1 fight is a support of the main fighters. And one of them wins. Said person can't then enter the other fight and make it a 3v2, but if someone in the 2v2 loses and it becomes a 1v2, then the winner of the previous 1v1 can 'tag-in' so long as the person KO'd was on their team, bringing it back up to a 2v2.

3. Are we letting uneven battles? o.o Because that makes a lot of what I just said not important xD I am under the impression that we wouldn't but looking at the rules it seems set up for the Hunted to take on any amount of Hunters/Support. I know it'd be silly for two people to go hunting a Jinchuuriki and when they start the fight, they fight one at a time or something. I also doubt any Jinchuuriki won't have at least one person to help them fight off defenders, but it still needs to be talked about o.o Though in the reverse, I don't see anything with a Jinchuuriki having a support yet fighting a challenger head-on if they come alone. Though, again, I guess that depends on who the Jinchuuriki is.

4. I think we should also make a rule that states you can't change to IC challenges while you have OOC challenges. For example, I have to fight Ryoji a few times. If these rules go through, I couldn't turn around and say 'Well, now I am using IC Rules, so come find me scrub-lord' >> And I can see someone trying to exploit that rule. So if you have current OOC challenges, while you can switch to IC Challenges, though it doesn't negate the challenges already in effect.

4a. But if we do something like that, it would be good to note that the person can't be hunted ICly until they finish their OOC challenges. To prevent previous challengers from being screwed over from the switch or by someone else winning when they didn't even get their chance. I don't think it should be a problem, seeing if the person was still doing OOC challenges than the Hunters would have been forced to wait for the list to be cleared out, anyway.

5. I also don't know if this was discussed but before it was implemented that people who are summoners have a special seal on them that gives of the Bijuu's presence the same way it would if you were a Jinchuuriki, to make things ICly fair o.o I don't know if that was talked about but it would be nice to have...

But I have typed enough x.x I am going to stop and see if I can get actual conversation going.

1. Joe definitely shouldn't have to wait. He should be able to jump in, which leads me to the next two points you make. Tag teaming should be allowed. If you and I go against two other people and we take out one of the opposition, we should be allowed to tag team that person. Alternatively, if we beat both of our opponents, we should be able to go and assist other "teammates" who are fighting somewhere else. THere should be a limit to this, though. Not because I'm worried about an IC fight being 1 on 6 (that's good story and forces creativity to get out of that sticky situation), but it would be hard to keep that contained if we're not doing it on the forums.

There should also be battles split up into different "groups" like you suggested. Reminds me of the first rounds of fights in Bleach with the Shinigami vs the Arrancar in Karakura Town. Several individual battles occurring simultaneously.

I agree with points 4 - 5.

I am shit with posting between quotes and making multiples and stuff, so I am just gonna color code my responses and stuff o.o I also hope I don't get hate for replying to Tobi before someone else did.

I wanted to mostly just comment on people hiding and trying to prevent it. I want there to be some sort of official rule against it, though something like that would have to be phrased so specifically that it may be ridiculous at that point. Like limiting an OP canon move so much that there is no point using it. Plus, I don't think anyone who is willing to fight and kill someone for a Bijuu should then turn around and hide when it is their turn o.o

Well, once the Battle Phase is initiated and people announce what sides they are all on, no one else can join. But as for when the fight is over, I think there should be at least a one week cool down. OOC challenges get a one week optional cooldown between challenges and if someone is doing IC challenges, there is a chance that they can just get stuck endlessly fighting. Hell, they could even get stuck always fighting with only one week between IC challenges between, guys, let's be real, how much public RP can you really get done in just one week? Would you even be finished the aftermath of the last fight? Or even one RP after that? o.o

The only thing I wanted to say here was that, at the risk of breaking immersion, it would probably be better for organization's sake to have the IC fights also be on the forums. But at the same time, that would raise the question 'why even have them take place on SL at all?' if in the end, they all end up here. SL is our home, where our roots our. I think OOC fights should be here on the forums, and IC fights should take place on the site. If it happens in a village, the fight can actually take place there, and it isn't like we will have to worry about the fight expiring before it finishes, I do believe I read the decided time limit between each person's post was 72 hours. SL can hold stuff up to hundreds of days now.

And then when the fights are over someone, maybe even me, can grab the.. PDFs(?) of the fights and then put them here on the Forum, for archive and organization o.o

I lied, one more thing. For split fights, if that is decided on, we could use the different zones but also as part of the village. Like, well, in the old days. The main fight would happen on the board while the sub fights would happen 'off screen' or in the other zones.

Yay <3
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: IC Rules
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2017, 04:20:49 PM »

Well, if we're just throwing ideas around, I thought of one;

Instead of forcing people to only do IC, why not allow Jinchuuriki to continue to pick their preferred method for challenges? The upside to OOC matches is that people can go all out and not worry about the consequences. I think that works best for 1v1 challenges.

However, I think if a Jinchuuriki doesn't have any challenges, for say, 2+ weeks, then they should be forced to RP IC on-site where anyone with probable cause and reasoning can jump them. (Ie, someone in the area, or someone RPing tracking them, not just *kamui's behind you and unsheathes katana nothing personal kid*. Make it believable. If you are or hunting or want to be a Jinchuuriki, you should at least be decent at RP.) Then maybe go with something like what Athos is saying for the rules pertaining to that.

Just a thought.


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Re: IC Rules
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2017, 06:48:42 PM »

I'm glad to see discussion has been revitalized on this topic. While I would like to condense and comment, I have to first ask whether the IC hunt rules supersede regular RP hunts. For example, Uetto of the 2 tails walks into Ichiraku, orders a giant case of sake, then goes to town with it. While hanging out the liquor in exchange for two bottles of the same alcohol content, he ends up shaking hands with Athos Uzumaki, who subsequently seals him upon contact for later biju extraction without issuing a challenge.

What does that count as? Is it permissible if the IC hunt rules are in place? What if the target host/summoner is in a situation like that after a neutral party takes them down?
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: IC Rules
« Reply #25 on: March 01, 2017, 07:46:48 PM »

I'm glad to see discussion has been revitalized on this topic. While I would like to condense and comment, I have to first ask whether the IC hunt rules supersede regular RP hunts. For example, Uetto of the 2 tails walks into Ichiraku, orders a giant case of sake, then goes to town with it. While hanging out the liquor in exchange for two bottles of the same alcohol content, he ends up shaking hands with Athos Uzumaki, who subsequently seals him upon contact for later biju extraction without issuing a challenge.

What does that count as? Is it permissible if the IC hunt rules are in place? What if the target host/summoner is in a situation like that after a neutral party takes them down?

Alright, I'm mobile right now so ignore any errors or if this looks bad or is short xD

But I don't think it should count, nor do I think such an underhanded technique even be allowed o.o we have our current set up so that when a battle phase starts, everyone's cards are on the table; who they are with, if they are a hunter, hunted, or stopping them from destroying the village during the fight. Just bypassing the whole point of the challenge system? .-. Nah home.

By letting people just walk up to you and claim your beast... Is silly o.o I mean, sort of.

But this begs the question; are we requiring people to challenge on the forums, so their intentions are known and therefore we have no one 'cutting in line' or is it just a FFA? I really prefer the former xD

But if we do have challenges, well, using Eric's example. If I went up and sealed kirk with a handshake but I am not on his challenger's list, or if I am not the current challenger, than the RP action is voided. The IC rules and challenges need to come first because otherwise, why have the set up in the first place if people can just ignored it o.o

Also, this got me thinking, maybe if we do have challenges... Then do they have to go in a line? Like Uetto has the 2 Tails again, and his current challenger list is Dart, Jay, and Myself in that order of challenging. So Dart technically gets first go by OOC rules but to add an RP element, should anybody on the challenge list be able to start their hunt even if they are last? Or do they need to wait still?

And if they don't need to wait, I think we should make it so people can only challenge one IC host at a time o.o so people just can't throw their names on the list and forever be hunting that Bijuu.

@Chinote, you can choose between which you want, IC or OOC, and even change which you use during still being a host ;o but what you said about the other stuff doesn't sound bad.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: IC Rules
« Reply #26 on: March 01, 2017, 08:20:03 PM »

@Chinote, you can choose between which you want, IC or OOC, and even change which you use during still being a host ;o but what you said about the other stuff doesn't sound bad.
I know you can choose, I just remember someone at one point saying changing it to IC only. I'm saying keep the challenge system as is, but also add in that if they don't have challengers for a period of time, they should be forced to RP ICly in a way that leaves them able to be hunted. Just to try and get some more RP while also making people that may not be into the bijuu shenanigans see it and consider it or whatever.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2017, 08:31:02 PM by Ѕhadow »


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Re: IC Rules
« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2017, 08:32:10 PM »

@Chinote, you can choose between which you want, IC or OOC, and even change which you use during still being a host ;o but what you said about the other stuff doesn't sound bad.
I know you can choose, I just remember someone at one point saying changing it to IC only. I'm saying keep the challenge system as is, but also add in that if they don't have challengers for a period of time, they should be forced to RP ICly in a way that leaves them able to be hunted. Just to try and get some more RP while also making people that may not be into the bijuu shenanigans see it and consider it or whatever.

When the original template was made I left it widely open to the host's desire which route they took. The possibility of someone abusing the IC choice had a safeguard added on to it in that case.

"Hosts must make an RP post in public once every fourteen (14) days while not engaged in an active challenge."

Hosts have to post in a public place everyone can access. This usually means the zones for some and for most their respective villages. IC bijuu hunting isn't as popular as OOC in any matter which is why the rules regarding IC are lax.

I've been to Kiri, Amegakure, and Kusagakure all for a bijuu IC. Two of those IC hunts caused a village attack and the other one ended with the host agreeing to leave the village as to not put the village in danger. (IC that makes sense so it was a nice change)
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: IC Rules
« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2017, 10:33:50 PM »

Hmm, people would probably hate having to try to IC hunt Tomi, given his past history xD
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Re: IC Rules
« Reply #29 on: March 01, 2017, 11:55:04 PM »

When the original template was made I left it widely open to the host's desire which route they took. The possibility of someone abusing the IC choice had a safeguard added on to it in that case.

"Hosts must make an RP post in public once every fourteen (14) days while not engaged in an active challenge."

Hosts have to post in a public place everyone can access. This usually means the zones for some and for most their respective villages. IC bijuu hunting isn't as popular as OOC in any matter which is why the rules regarding IC are lax.

I've been to Kiri, Amegakure, and Kusagakure all for a bijuu IC. Two of those IC hunts caused a village attack and the other one ended with the host agreeing to leave the village as to not put the village in danger. (IC that makes sense so it was a nice change)

Hey, that's exactly what I said.
Don't start drinking at 9 am on your day off, kids.
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