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Author Topic: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!  (Read 13413 times)

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2019, 11:17:53 PM »

Posts on hold until deliberations between both parties and the judge are concluded.


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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2019, 08:10:43 PM »

There was an evident misunderstanding whether the laz0r of doom would have struck the ground, spouting lava everywhere, or not. Based on what I have read I deem about the same as Madara; laz0r did strike the ground, but the magnet shield thingumajic warded off portion of the resulting blast, so there would indeed be lava everywhere except in the shield-sized radius around Kamui.

So in that sense, Madara could contest spitting out the marked kunai, since it wasn't clearly stated where it would land to due to aforementioned misunderstanding.

However, it would be a fairly simple matter to just say he either spat it at the still intact ground, or simply hiraishin'd over while it was still over said ground (thus falling down safely onto it).

I've been told said kunai is iron, which to my knowledge begins melting at temperatures only slightly less the highest I was able to find lava reaching. Coupled with the fact there wasn't any clear temperature stated for it, it is within reason to expect it would last at least couple of seconds thus enabling the hiraishin. Even if it was somehow hotter than lava can be, vaporizing iron still takes almost twice the temperature, and I refuse to believe either of you despite all that chakra godliness can take that kind of temperatures without your bodily fluids boiling, so yeah no.

This leads us to the issue of the kirin counter, because I know you two will just bring it up next even if the repost is made.

Hiraishin: Guiding thunder is relatively slow technique, taking several seconds to suck things up and requiring separate seal to actually port it away. Beast bomb is big, but so is kirin. Beast bomb is fast, but so is kirin. Thus slow it is indeed.

Considering Kamui's teleport would work regardless of whether he had to repost or not, he would have ample time to shut down the Guiding thunder with Takamimusubi, meaning Naruto would have to either avoid or tank the kirin without dying.

And thus we come to the conclusion.

TL;DR = Madara may demand a repost if he wishes due to unclear details of where the spat out kunai flew/landed. However that still will not prevent the Hiraishin nor consequent Guiding thunder shutdown, especially due to sharingans predictive sight.

So either -repost or not- Madara defends against/avoids Kirin somehow, or you two get a new judge.


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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2019, 08:13:17 PM »

Naruto was quick to forget that the heat generated by his opponent's body would make it seem like there was lava flowing around the area. When in reality this was nothing but a simple mirage brought on the extreme heat that surrounded the area, it was apparent that his opponent forgot that the reason why this area surrounding Kamui was even hot to begin with is because of his chakra cloak that was superheated by Magnet Release Chakra Mode. It was a simple mistake that could've been made by anyone, but this act alone would be costly to his opponent for jumping to such conclusions. Naruto presumed that his earlier attack had an impact on the environment around them, but in reality it was deflected away from the area and effected a portion of land that was great deal away from them. Naruto was correct about one thing, namely the area where his opponent was standing at. When Kamui used his magnetic barrier earlier, the patch of ground that Kamui was standing on was untouched by most of the destruction around them.

"Takamimusubi." Kamui continued to focus his line of sight on the original as his the merged tomoes in his left eye started rapidly spinning counter-clockwise for a second and back to clockwise. A pulse of chakra would spread out in the shape of dome at this very moment and due to the distance between him, his opponent would be caught in a very elaborate trap. What was this trap? It was a very powerful genjutsu that nullified any type of barrier-related techniques on those that it was cast on, but thankfully for his opponent. Takamimusubi had a weakness, it not only effected the person in their line of sight, but also the user as well. This meant that Kamui couldn't utilize any barrier ninjutsu for the duration that Takamimusubi is active. It was a small price to pay to put his opponent in a situation where Kirin couldn't be avoided with the maneuvers that were taken by his opponent just now. This meant that his opponent wouldn't be able to formulate his plan to manifest chakra arms and couldn't apply shape manipulation within that allotted time. Once again, Naruto would find himself at the mercy of this natural lighting attack converging on his location, the original and the clone next to him would take a brunt of the attack. While the clones on the ground below would be next in line for the devastating force that this giant bolt of lighting had unleashed.

"That was rather pathetic..." Kamui noticed that the marked kunai that his opponent tried to use earlier to redirect his attack was melting away into a metal slag from being in his presence. At the moment, it seem that it would be futile to even attempt to escape through the marker on the kunai, since it was nothing more than slag at then moment. What Naruto didn't count on was that Kamui was more than smart enough to seal away any chance of his opponent using the marker to escape from his fate. He wasn't going to take any chances from here on and decided to manifest the skeletal body of his Susano'o around his person. Kamui would evolve his Susano'o to the next level by having chakra-like muscle tendons form around the bones, this was followed by complete manifestation of the lower body that underwent the same changes as the upper body. Within a minute, in his place stood a seventy-foot tall, hulking humanoid creature that had two bipedal limbs(arms) in addition to the limbs that it normally had. It should be noted that this hulking manifestation of chakra had two balled up fists, these bipedal arms tried their best that it could to hide these closed fists behind the back of the Susano'o.

Kamui safely floated within the chest cavity of the Susano'o and brought his hands together to form the mirrored ram handseal, molding his chakra accordingly. Once the specific nature of chakra was molded within his body, his gullet briefly expanded and his cheeks puffed up slightly. Kamui parted his lips and spat out a steady stream of chakra-infused hydrofluoric acid onto the ground in front him, this corrosive liquid subsequently evaporated into a gas the moment that it left the safety of his Susano'o. This cloud of corrosive gas would spread over a wide radius over time and with the heat that his body was giving off, the corrosive cloud of gas would even rise into the air above where his opponent and his clone were located at. Too make matters worse, since the attack was infused with his chakra, he could control the direction that the corrosive gas was heading with his will alone. This meant that if even if his opponent survived the initial force from the impact of the lighting bolt and tried to change the direction of the wind towards him in a desperate attempt to blow this corrosive gas back at him. Kamui could still manipulate the ph levels of the corrosive gas to make it generally harmless to him, if there was a need to. Hopefully there was still some fight left in his opponent, but the future for his opponent was taking a turn for the worse. If nothing was done in time to avoid the oncoming onslaught that was heading Naruto's way, this match would be set, game and match for Kamui. It was a pity, since there were many, many techniques that he was eager to bring out against him. It was survival of the fittest at this stage and there wasn't a slight hint of regret in his train of thought, he had to do what must be done or risk getting killed himself in this dangerous game of death.

[Humanoid Susano'o]
[Acid Release Gas]

As according to the ruling that was given by our judge, I will now be reposting to address some discrepancies with the environment in my last post, for the record. All of this was a result of a small mistake on my part.


Naruto was quick to forget that the lava flow still surrounded the perimeter of the space that was protected by the magnetic barrier that was used earlier and was still converging to him at a steady pace. The space that surrounded him wasn't relatively small as his opponent presumed, since it was stated that the ground would be flattened for 1420 yards. Naruto was correct about one thing, namely the area where his opponent was standing at would eventually be consumed with the lava flow that was currently moving at a relatively moderate pace. When Kamui used his magnetic barrier earlier, the patch of ground that Kamui was standing on was untouched by most of the destruction around them. This meant that the marker that he spat out earlier had in fact embedded itself into an area that was relatively untouched by the lava flow for now, giving him that slight window of opportunity to dodge that attempted decapitation from his opponent's clones.


"Takamimusubi." Kamui continued to focus his line of sight on the original as his the merged tomoes in his left eye started rapidly spinning counter-clockwise for a second and back to clockwise. A pulse of chakra would spread out in the shape of dome at this very moment and due to the distance between him, his opponent would be caught in a very elaborate trap. What was this trap? It was a very powerful genjutsu that nullified any type of barrier-related techniques on those that it was cast on, but thankfully for his opponent. Takamimusubi had a weakness, it not only effected the person in their line of sight, but also the user as well. This meant that Kamui couldn't utilize any barrier ninjutsu for the duration that Takamimusubi is active. It was a small price to pay to put his opponent in a situation where Kirin couldn't be avoided with the maneuvers that were taken by his opponent just now. Naruto find himself once again at the mercy of this natural lighting attack converging on his location, the original and the clone next to him would take a brunt of the attack. While the clones on the ground below would be next in line for the devastating force that this giant bolt of lighting had unleashed.

"That was rather pathetic..." Kamui noticed that the marked kunai that his opponent tried to use earlier to redirect his attack was rapidly heating up from being in his presence, which meant the glowing hot kunai would quickly melt away into useless iron slag and would render the marker that was placed on it utterly useless. At the moment, it seem that it would be futile for his opponent to even attempt to escape through the marker on that kunai before it melted, since Takamimusubi was still in effect. What Naruto didn't count on was that Kamui was more than smart enough to seal away any chance of his opponent using the marker to escape from his fate. With the lava flow already converging on his location, he wasn't going to take any chances from here forth and decided to manifest the skeletal body of his Susano'o around his person. Kamui would evolve his Susano'o to the next level by having chakra-like muscle tendons form around the bones, this was followed by complete manifestation of the lower body that underwent the same changes as the upper body. Within a minute, in his place stood a seventy-foot tall, hulking humanoid creature that had two bipedal limbs(arms) in addition to the limbs that it normally had. It should be noted that this hulking manifestation of chakra had two balled up fists, these bipedal arms tried their best that it could to hide these closed fists behind the back of the Susano'o.

Kamui safely floated within the chest cavity of the Susano'o that and brought his hands together to form the mirrored ram handseal, molding his chakra accordingly as he did so. Once the specific nature of chakra was molded within his body, his gullet briefly expanded and his cheeks puffed up slightly. Kamui parted his lips and spat out a steady stream of chakra-infused hydrofluoric acid onto the ground that was being overwhelm with the lava flow. This corrosive liquid subsequently evaporated into a gas the moment that it left the safety of his Susano'o and touched the scorched earth. The resulting cloud of corrosive gas would spread over a wide radius over time and with the heat that his body was giving off, combined with the heat surrounding this lava flow, this corrosive cloud of gas would even rise into the air above where his opponent and his clone were located at. Too make matters worse, since the attack was infused with his chakra, he could control the direction that the corrosive gas was heading with his will alone. This meant that if even if his opponent survived the initial force from the impact of the lighting bolt and tried to change the direction of the wind towards him. Kamui could still manipulate the ph levels of the corrosive gas to make it generally harmless to him, if there was a need to. Hopefully there was still some fight left in his opponent, because there were many, many techniques that he was eager to bring out against him.

[Humanoid Susano'o]
[Acid Release Gas]

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2019, 05:59:43 AM »

Naruto  wouldn't be caught so easily off despite the quickness of his opponent's attack as he would respond like he did in their last encounter, but this time the Uchiha was fighting against a much swifter and perceptive Naruto than the one he fought last. Instantly responding to the Will of its Master, the  Uzumaki's Ruyi Jingu Bang would instantly appear in front of him in the form of Giant Shield, adorned with a Chakra Absorbing Seal, the "father" of the spiky haired shinobi's jutsu upon his palms. It was a close call, but the Pulse of Chakra would intercepted from coming in contact with thanks to his Sage Weapon. The clone close to Kamui, knowing what the Real Mccoy had done, would keep the shield suspended via Chakra Levitation. Not only would the chakra be intercepted, but the shield would be big enough to conceal him completely from Kamui'sview, a repeat of what happened between them a few months back. Without a pause in his use of Guiding Thunder, he would end up guiding the thunder towards Kamui, as stated prior, before the heat could have the chance of damaging the Hiraishin Mark, especially since the clone had tossed it from the air where the heat would be less concentrated. Lastly, the clone would activate the Tailed Beast Bomb he kept from previously, the second Tailed Beast Flash Barrage with the same potency as the first fired at Kamui. He would do this if the Lightning manages to strike his location, adding to the damage and destruction of Kirin, capable of shattering and melting a Humanoid Susano'o on its own power, as well as the other effects his previous one entailed. This would include, but not limited to, creating more lava in the area, covering the untainted area around Kamui if it strikes and clearing the Acid Release Gas away from them. Unless quick and drastic measures be taken by his opponent, he would find himself engulfed by both the deadly Kirin and Tailed Beast Beast Bomb, resulting in a magnificent explosion of tremendous power. He would then proceed with the Shape Manipulation of one of his Chakra Arms as intended.

[Ruyi Jingu Bang, As One Wishes Golden Staff]
[Flying Thunder God: Guiding Thunder]
[Shape Manipulation]


However, if somehow Naruto's attempt fails he ends up struck by the Kirin, sending the Uzumaki careening into the ground below. The potent electricity devastating the environment and leaving a massive crater where it hit the floor, the lightning pushing Naruto into it before the Acid could make contact.

Moments after, a giant golden chakra hand emerges from the impression, pushing up against the lava drenched floor would rise a colossal and translucent golden fox, emerging from the smoke. The corrosive gas in the area would suddenly draw into the beast, into Naruto's palm, sealed away into his Advanced Sealing Method. Like Kamui in his Susano'o, the young man floats within the chakra construct panting slightly, but not from exhaustion. The Kirin left its impact upon him and it showed, however the durability in his Kurama Mode provided a strong enough defense against lightning. As mentioned before, Naruto's initial form was strong enough to protect him against such powerful moves such as Natural Disaster Befalling Heaven and Earth, which itself is composed of many natural lightning strikes and his durability is even more so in his Kurama Mode, being simply a compact version of his Tailed Beast Mode.

Without a word, the man controls the Chakra Avatar of his Biju to slap his hand with violent force into the ground. Such great power causes a huge tidal wave of earth and lava to race towards his opponent right before Naruto  unleashes from one of his seals, Wind Style: Rasenshuriken while the Nine Tails takes control of the avatar, forming 4 uncompressed Tailed Beast Balls, "Sync with me Kurama!" Quickly both would fire off their attacks, the Bijudama circling around the Rasenshuriken. Controlled by Naruto's chakra, the jutsu follows right behind the wave, attempting to hide the attack behind it, making itself known whether or not his opponent stops the tidal wave. If successful, the Tailed Beast Planetary Rasenshuriken threatens to cut into Kamui with mountain slicing force and explode into an explosion that can be seen from miles away, able to disintegrate objects as well as decimate the Chakra Circulatory System even if he survives, rendering him unable to perform jutsu. Naruto's control of it would allow for the Uzumaki to change its trajectory in a sudden fashion if necessary.

[Tailed Beast Mode]
[Advanced Element Sealing Method]
[Tailed Beast Planetary Rasenshuriken]


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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2019, 06:05:45 PM »

Fight is on hold until deliberations between both parties are concluded. Judge may be called to give a ruling, if both players cannot come to a reasonable compromise.

Edit: We worked out a compromise in the end and I'll go ahead and post my response to the post above.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2019, 06:33:19 AM by Camel »


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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2019, 06:50:31 AM »

Kamui made use of the predictive capabilities of his dōjutsu to detect the appearance of ninja tool that he was quite familiar with. Kamui clapped his hands together in response and raised both of his hands in the direction of the ninja tool. Jingū Bang would find itself in a stasis field created from a fūinjutsu that distorted the space around the incoming seal that was intending to absorb the pulse of chakra from his genjutsu. As a result, the corresponding seal would activate on the ninja tool and instead of absorbing the Yin Chakra from his genjutsu as his opponent planned on, it would instead absorb the incoming whirlpool of chakra that was made of the same elemental nature as Takamimusubi. This would allow his previous course of actions to follow through with no intervention whatsoever from his opponent. Jingū Bang would get thrown into the molten lava on the ground below them in the aftermath of the lighting strike, along with the original and the single remaining clone that was subsequently dispelled. Kamui wasn't no slouch and had recall that this same ninja tool was used in their last skirmish. This meant that he was more than familiar with the abilities that this ninja tool was capable of and had already formulated a plan to rid his adversary of this troublesome ninja tool.

Kamui wasted no time in the aftermath of the actions by quickly stabilizing the chakra that comprises Susano'o to create a colossal form known as the Complete Body — Susano'o. This form far exceeded the size of the previous stage from before, it would rival in size to his opponent's tailed beast mode and gained more than enough power to go toe to toe with his opponent. When combined with the super-heated chakra from his Magnet Release Chakra Mode, this colossal chakra construct was a force to be reckon with. Kamui wasn't sure if his opponent rose up from the lava field, but was quickly reassured of his survival upon noticing that his opponent was rising up from the surface in a dramatic manner. Kamui remained floating in his position within the temple of the ginormous chakra construct and used his will power to make the construct enter a horse stance. The chakra construct would ball both of its hands into a fist and quickly positioned them at its waist as the man began drawing in chakra from his respective tailed beast. One second later, the colossal being would extend both of it's arms in the direction of his opponent with their palms facing outward in form of a seal of confrontation posed in a different manner. Kamui would have the chakra construct open its mouth and channeled a roar that was infused with the chakra of his tailed beast into a sphere of pressure and pure destruction that would spread outward for a couple of miles. As a result, the wave of lava was repelled back towards Naruto at a frightening pace and the combination technique that was cleverly hidden behind the wave would prematurely detonate before it could reach his location. The explosion that came soon after would even be pushed back by this sphere of destruction and in the end, it would create a small safe zone around the colossal chakra construct. (110 yards)


Kamui was analytical as he always was and had already knew of the cunningness of his opponent, which lead him up to the decision of releasing this devastating counter-attack in such a manner. He covered all of his ground in this move and there was no way for his opponent to even change the trajectory of his technique, in order to avoid the incoming sphere of pressure and destruction. The incoming shockwave from this sphere of destruction was heading at an angle(360°) that made it impossible to curve the technique in a evasive maneuver and to make matters worse. It was heading straight towards Naruto and if he didn't take evasive action within time, the incoming shockwave would throw him back sixty-five yards into three extremely large risen pillars of rock that were from the remains of a nearby mountain. After this was all said and done, the small safe zone surrounding the colossal chakra construct would slowly began filling back up with lava from surrounding area and within a minute or two, the area would once again be transformed into a field of lava.

[Seal Reflection]
[Complete Body — Susano'o]
[Susano'o: Tailed Beast Shockwave]

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!
« Reply #21 on: January 21, 2019, 05:23:02 PM »

It was nice attempt in order to try to make sure his Takamimusubi hit, exploiting the weakness of the seal upon Jingu Bang to absorb one jutsu at a time. However, merely stopping the Jingu Bang from absorbing the jutsu didn't end up with Kamui's desired outcome. While he may be using one disadvantage of Jingu Bang against Naruto, the Uzumaki  on the other hand had capitalized on multiple weaknesses of Takamimusubi. In order for the   shadow=red,left]U[/shadow]chiha's jutsu to work, Naruto  would have to be within his line of sight, which was immediately obstructed by the Sage Weapon. Second, the chakra would have to actually come in contact with Naruto, an aspect his opponent failed to take into account with his counter strike.

A shield, by the end of the day is still, well...a shield and it still acted that way in regards to the pulse of chakra.  Much like how an umbrella guards one from precipitation, the gigantic shield would block the chakra from coming into contact with him, giving him enough time to teleport the Kirin. With these two undeniable facts working in Naruto's  favor,  Kamui would be subject to the mighty power of Kirin, not paying attention to the clone at all, he would be blindsided by both the Armored Susano'o destoying power of the Lightning Bolt, and the Humanoid Susano'o obliterating power of the Tailed Beast Flash Barrage. If not annihilated by the resulting explosions,  Kamui's body would be left at the mercy of a sea of lava, plunged into the depths of newly heated area to face Hell on Earth. Meanwhile,  the original, still hovering in the air would launch anther devastating attack below upon his foe. Using his giant Chakra Arm to act as a giant Fresnel Lens, Naruto  simulates the attack he used upon Kamui their last battle. He'd unleash upon his foe a powerful beam of sunlight, drowning the area around them in blinding light as pure concentrated heat well over 2000 degrees descends upon Kamui. Closing their eyes and using their sensory abilities, the Narutos are able to protect themselves against the continuous blinding light as well as keep track of Kamui if he still lives after the Kirin and Tailed Beast Bomb combination. With this attack being composed of pure heat and moving as fast as Thermal Radiation, sensing it or seeing it coming would be seemingly impossible, especially considering the constant light blinding the use of Sharingan.



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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2019, 06:21:02 AM »

Naruto failed to react or even respond to this fūinjutsu in question and as a result, the shield wouldn't even be in front of him to conceal him as he had planned. Seal Reflection had effected the chakra absorbing seal and due to this seal being on the ninja tool itself, it would also be effected momentarily until the Yin Release Chakra from that fūinjutsu is absorbed accordingly, allowing his previous actions to follow through yet again. Naruto never stated that this shield was a bubble that surrounded him, so it's safe to say that it left his back severely exposed. It could only block chakra from the front, but by doing so it also diverted some of the pulse of chakra to the exposed back of his opponent, effecting him in the end. Nonetheless, there was leeway for him to respond to the formation of these fresnal lenses and thankfully due to this sudden exposure. There was nothing prohibiting him from the detecting the usage of his opponent's chakra arms that were applying shape manipulation to form those fresnal lenses again.

No matter the outcome there was still the issue to deal with the incoming technique that managed to push through his Susano'o: Tailed Beast Shockwave that he used just a minute ago. Rather than jump to avoid the incoming technique, Kamui made the colossal chakra construct brace itself for impact by raising two arms of the chakra construct with its palms facing forward. At the moment that the attack touched the palms of his enormous chakra construct, the incoming technique would subsequently be absorbed into his Complete Body — Susano'o due to him reversing his chakra flow and using the chakra absorption technique through his chakra construct as a medium. Veins popped up around the temple of the Shodaime as he somewhat struggled to stabilize the chakra that was absorbed, a wave of pressurized air erupted from the chakra construct as it began transforming suddenly. Naruto would find himself slightly pushed back away from his position, the air itself would feel dense with chakra and the pressurized air would suddenly begin cooling down the lava fields below; turning them in barren wastelands that were still hot to the touch.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" Kamui shouted as the Complete Body — Susanoo underwent a dramatic transformation, the colossal chakra construct began drawing on the power of the chakra that it absorbed, along with chakra of the Shukaku. The armor of the Complete Body form is reduced somewhat, exposing the humanoid within that was composed out of the black flames of Amaterasu. The chakra construct turned in the direction of the floating jinchūriki of the Nine Tails, facing him as the black flames flickered wildly from the back of the enormous chakra construct. Kamui could be seen panting heavily as he heard a voice in the back of mind and momentarily found himself in the realm of his tailed beast, the Shukaku had both of its palms together in the form of a clap.

"Oh boy, Kamui. I can only help you maintain this transformation for about three minutes at the most and then you'll be reverted back to base form. End it as quickly as you can!" Shukaku said. Kamui simply smiled and nodded back in response, the visage of the man would soon fade away and eventually return back to the current dimension they're in. He would quickly generate a giant chakra sword composed of the black flames of Amaterasu to intercept the beam of sunlight that was heading his way. Effectively blocking it and simultaneously setting it ablaze in the process, his opponent would quickly notice that some of the black flames were suddenly traveling up the beam towards Naruto himself in the form of a long thin blade. Naruto would find himself in harm's way once again, but this time it was due to his carelessness of being within the range of the shape manipulated black flames. However, it would take a second or two for the blacks flames to reach their target, giving his opponent a chance to break the connection before the black flames effected him entirely.

[Chakra Absorption Technique]
[Indra's Complete Body — Susanoo]
[Carnage Purgatory]

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2019, 08:42:06 PM »

Sensing the Amaterasu begin to rapidly head his direction,  Naruto channeling the sunlight as he moves himself higher in the air to avoid the deadly black flames of Hades itself.  Once the light fades,  Naruto opens his eyes to be met with the gargantuan purple chakra cast. As the colossal Susano'o stands before them,  Naruto for a moment is in shock. Hes never seen a Susano'o take such a drastic transformation and reach such drastic height in power before, but this would not deter the Uzumaki . In his Mental Realm, he talks with the Nine Tails about their current situation, "It appears hes somehow taken my chakra and is blending it in with the power of that oversized rodent!" Kurama says in disgust. He notices that while he may be concerned, Naruto is grinning like an idiot, balling one fist and slamming it into the palm of another. His Tailed Beast would be frustrated at Naruto's elated attitude, "What the hell are you smiling about? Don't tell me this excites you?!" The man couldn't help but chuckle a little, his Biju was right, "I dunno Kurama...for some reason when I saw that Susano'o...something felt like it woke up inside me, like a long forgotten memory beginning to spark. I kinda felt like that when all this talk of Sage of Six Paths started, as if I knew it in my soul and I just needed a reminder."  Naruto's Will of Fire would become a blazing inferno inside him, his desire to never give up despite the odds would flare something to life in him that was long since dormant. Kurama looks at his Jinchuriki in shock as he senses a familiar power rise from him and sees an echo from ancient times appear behind the Uzumaki, "No, it can't be...could it?"   Naruto crosses his arms and gives his friend a puzzling look, "Whats wrong? It looks like you've seen a ghost" Standing directly behind him would the chakra apparition of the Senju and Uzumaki   progenitor, Asura Ōtsutsuki.

In the physical realm, Naruto appears to gain inspiration and a new fighting drive, as if possessed. He has the chakra head of Kurama form a massive Tailed Beast Bomb. Using Kurama's ability to supercharge his Bijudama, he would create one with the equivalent power of 5 Biju at once, firing it off as a penetrating wave instead of a ball.  Using his Chakra Levitation Technique, Naruto guides the blast as an omni-directional laser if needed, able to make the swiftest turns in order to chase down Kamui if needed. He makes sure the blast comes in contact with some of the Amaterasu in the air, setting it on fire. This would greatly amp up the penetrative power of the beam to burn throw objects in its path, essentially combining the Super Tailed Beast Bomb with Kamui's Amaterasu. 

Meanwhile, Naruto himself forms a handseal, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" creating a total of four copies of the Nine Tails Chakra Avatar. Two of which stay by the original while the other two attempt to charge Kamui, all flying. Using their powerful tails they would attempt to slam into the Indra's Complete Body - Susano'o in order to try to crush the construct between the two Nine Tails. The clones that stay behind the original seem to be in a meditative state, as if they were preparing for something. 

[Super Tailed Beast Wave]
[Shadow Clone Jutsu]
[Tailed Beast Full Charge]           


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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2019, 10:31:05 PM »

Kamui was momentarily given a vision of his predecessor, Ōtsutsuki Indra standing besides a tall and pale man that was floating in mid-air in a sitting position. The image of Indra would fade away as the elderly man turned around to face him, a voice could heard booming through his mind.

"The power that you called upon is the will of my son, Indra. This willpower transcends the boundaries of the living and even in death, you will still have the fortitude to call upon a portion of my power. Before I take my leave, I have one question for you. What is a true ninja to you?" The elderly old man floated in front of him, eagerly awaiting a response to his question. Kamui turned his head down, tapped his chin and looked back towards the old man. He was pondering hard at what being a ninja meant to him, more likely what did he define as a real ninja. Kamui looked back at his life and even though the man had made some mistakes in his life, this will of his allowed to come to terms that there must a balance in our lives. Do more good, treat others kindly and most importantly. Kamui wanted to amend for the sins of the organizations that were created in his wake, after the man pondered on all of this for a moment until there was he figured it all out.

"Ninjas protect those that they care about, even if their lives are in danger. Strength protects through love. I believe that selfless sacrifice is the essence of a ninja and I wouldn't hesitate to do what I need to do in order to protect those I love. That's my ninja way." Kamui said as the image of elderly man started to fade away, but as the image started to waver in his vision. The elderly man displayed his deep wrinkles in the form of a smile and his satisfaction with his answer could be clearly seen. As this vision faded away, he returned back to the dimension that they were currently in.

Kamui sensed that the young man was drawing chakra in preparation for a empowered tailed beast ball and was quick to notice that the beam of light was manipulated to fire from multiple angles. The colossal chakra construct raised the remaining three bipedal arms into the air and generated three more blades of chakra that were emblazed like the one he used to initially protect himself from the beam. He stabbed the chakra blade into the ground and applied some shape manipulation had the first chakra blade form into a multi-layered shield in front of him, while the other chakra blades formed into three identical seven-branched versions of themselves. Kamui had the colossal chakra construct act accordingly and performed a series of acrobatics to fend off each beam of light heading towards him, while the shield in front of him was strong enough to withstand the full frontal assault of the wave of chakra heading his way. From above came the clones of the original Naruto heading towards him in downward slam, their tails were outstretched in unison and were aiming to crush his colossal chakra construct.

Kamui smiled and outstretched his arms outward, while his Susano'o did the same as well. He channeled an enormous amount of lighting nature chakra into the chakra construct and expelled it from the body of chakra construct in the form of very strong electrical discharge. The colossal chakra construct would simultaneously would perform multiple slashes with the emblazed chakra blades that were left, effectively destroying the clones that went foolishly head-on without any disregard for the range of his techniques. Once that was done, the chakra construct grabbed the emblazed chakra blade that it had stabbed into the lava field and leap back about fifty yards from where it was original standing. The colossal chakra construct would kick up some magma in its wake upon skidding to a halt, leaving a relatively large trench in the fields that were quickly engulfed in lava. Kamui had the colossal chakra construct combine each individual chakra blades into steady and strong longbow, the bow would be combined with some lighting nature chakra in the process of it's formation. 

This was all that he had left with the newfound power that he gained, it was all or nothing from here forth. Kamui had a limited amount of time left in this state and this meant that climax was about to reach a peak point. The colossal chakra construct would generate an arrow composed of the came combined natures of the bow and drew it accordingly, pointing it straight at the original and his remaining clones. Once the target was in sight, the colossal chakra construct fired off a very powerful arrow that had enough penetrating power to even go through the protective cloak of chakra granted by a tailed beast. Dangerous as it was, this technique was the last thing that he could muster before the duration of his power would quickly start to fade away within the next minute or so. But for now his willpower would stand out and he was eager to see what Naruto was capable of. Kamui was wondering if this young man would muster enough courage and strength to counter this technique.

[Shape Manipulation]
[Indra's Complete Body — Susanoo: Chidori Current]
[Indra's Arrow]

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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2019, 09:52:58 AM »

As the clones are destroyed, the spirit of Asura  would sense the chakra of his Brother and Father in the ethereal plane, causing his influence over Naruto to become more prominent. So much so in fact that for a brief moment Naruto himself takes the appearance of the ancient Otsutsuki before reverting back to his normal self.

He could tell that charging Lightning Release chakra was a power of devastating proportions and he needed to meet that strength with something potent of his own, "You're strong, but bond between Kurama  and me can overcome any obstacle! Our power rests in our unity!" Unbeknownst to the Uzumaki, in the deeper reaches of his psyche, the same elderly voice that spoke to the Uchiha speaks to Kurama  while Naruto remains unaware, "It seems even Asura is impressed with your Jinchuriki, Kurama. Out of all the previous incarnations, hes never become so in tune like he is now, I'm happy you've made such a worthy friend."

The Nine  Tails  would almost be at a loss for words, it had been so long since he heard the voice of his creator, giving him comfort and satisfaction at these turn of events.
"Old Man...hes always surprising me. Whenever it looks like hes down and out, he manages to shatter through the shell of his limits into new heights, but its not just that..." "Oh?" Responds the Sage of Six Paths[/color], interested in what else peeks the Tailed Beast's interest about the Uzumaki. "Ever since I was sealed in the kid, i've given him nothing but grief in both mind and body, but that didn't stop him from trying to forge a bond with me, fighting through my hate. Even now he fights on to preserve our friendship." Hagoromo chuckles, "The shinobi of this generation sure are a special sort. The one with Shukaku especially, theres a kind of pureness in his resolve that I haven't seen for a long time. Indra and Asura's power face off in a battle not filled with strife or malice, but in an untainted rivalry. You and Shukaku can learn a thing or two from them!" Laughs the Sage as his voice gets softer, fading away from Kurama's mindscape.

"Hey! Pay attention!" Shouts Naruto , bringing the Fox's focus back on the fight as the Uzumaki  decides to enter back into his subconscious, completely missing Hagoromo in the process, "I've got an idea, but I'm gonna need more power from you in order for it to work..." Naruto gave a stern look at Kamui  as he draws back his bow, his power was incredible. If Susano'o wasn't bad enough, he had both Shukaku and Kurama's  chakra coalescing within it, making it a god-like avatar of destruction incarnate. Kurama ponders Naruto's request for a moment before responding back, "Because you were so reckless, Kamui absorbed a good portion of my power, so there isn't much I can do on my end. Why not use that thing taught to you by those wrinkled old toads?"

"Hm? You mean Sage Mode? Last time if I recall, you stopped me every time I tried to use it with your power..." The Tailed Beast fires back, "Idiot, this is different! Before, I didn't want to share space with a slimy amphibian, but we're comrades now. So lets synchronize our might!" The Uzumaki nods in delight as he makes the clones surrounding him begin to meld together into his Tailed Beast Mode, creating a giant  three-faced, six-armed construct.

Next he would remove from his weapon pouch one of his Natural Energy Pills, swallowing it. The ingredients forcibly draw in Natural Energy from the environment into the boy's body and almost instantly, he would balance that energy within him, combining his Tailed Beast Mode with his Perfect Sage Mode,"Whoa..." Naruto  is taken aback mass of chakra created, so much so that even a non-sensory type shinobi would be able to feel his power within the country,"We're new to this form so we've only got one shot at this Naruto!"

In the real world, the construct would begin to form two gigantic attacks within their hands, one a mammoth sized Bijūdama Rasenshuriken, capable of easily destroying multiple planetoid-like objects in one blast. The other hands would generate an equally large Wind Release: Ultra-Big Ball Rasenshuriken, "Lets go!" He shouts at his opponent before tossing the attacks towards him. In unison, the spirit of Asura  yells with Naruto the name of the attack, "Six Paths: Ultra-Big Ball Rasenshuriken!"


[Sage Mode]
[Asura Kurama Mode Version 3]
[ Six Paths: Ultra-Big Ball Rasenshuriken]     


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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!
« Reply #26 on: January 31, 2019, 09:15:31 PM »

Kamui floated freely within the temple of the enormous chakra construct, there was not enough time for maneuvering after both initial techniques had clashed with each other. They valiantly fought until the end as the explosion from both techniques engulfed them in damaging maelstrom of chakra, leaving both of them without their protective chakra cloaks and destroying both of their own chakra constructs in the process. Kamui was left battered, bruised and riddled with cuts on the hardened surface of the ground that was still somewhat hot, but not as hot as it was earlier when the lava was still slowly freely. A slight chuckle left his lips as the man struggled to get up, staggering with each attempt to gain his composure.

"Is your resolve stronger than my own? Is your will greater than mine? Do you have the same views on humanity as I do? Do you have enough courage to fulfill your destiny? Is this the extent of the bonds that transcend time? If I am to figure the answers to these questions, there is only way to do it. Uzumaki Naruto! Let us conclude this battle with one final clash of wills!" The multitude of cuts and bruises would begin healing in the wake of his statement to Naruto. From his opponent's perspective, steam could be seen coming out from the pores of his skin as regenerative abilities begun to take effect. Although the dried blood remained on his skin and on part of what was left of his clothes, there was an absence of any damage on his body whatsoever from their previous skirmish. Once his regenerative abilities finally ran its course through his body, there was no more struggle to stand up and Kamui was able to resume his fighting stance once more.

Kamui quickly generated some of the black flames of Amaterasu in his right palm and added some lightning nature chakra into the black flames by applying shape manipulation in the process, allowing both natures to mingle with each other. Once everything was done, he would eagerly stare at his opponent and gave him one last smile before dashing off in his direction with his right arm extended forward. With each step that he made, the whizzing, chirping sound from his technique got louder and louder as he came close to his target. At last the moment was at hand, their final confrontation would once for all settle their fight and perhaps Kamui would able to find the answers to the questions that plagued him since their last confrontation. Who knows? Maybe instead of burning bridges this time, this confrontation could lead up to them both building bridges instead.

[Regeneration Ability]
[Shape Manipulation]
[Kagutsuchi: Chidori]

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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!
« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2019, 04:50:39 AM »

The resulting explosion would consume the sky in a blaze of glory, large enough to be seen from miles away. The combined might of both their attacks would scar the land even deeper than before as a cataclysmic storm erupts from it, bathing the land below them in a sea of lightning strikes and hurricane force winds. Such an attack, as his opponent says, would strip them of their cloaks, sending them hurtling to the ground below.

Naruto's body lands on the opposite side of the Valley from the Uchiha, crashing into the ground. The impact leaves a small impression on the hard but still hot floor. Like Kamui, he gets up struggling at first before his own Healing Power begins to kick in, panting heavily. His entire jacket would have been destroyed in the explosion and he would have reverted back to his Base Form. In his response to Kamui, Naruto  would think. Voices echoing from the past would bring to the forefront of his mind his Nindō, his Ninja Way, "No matter what challenge you present before me, I'll never back down. To protect the village, my friends, and my partner, i'll give every ounce of who I am! KAMUI!" After finally acknowledging the Uchiha's name, Naruto  arches back his arm,  jumping forward to meet his opponent half way with a fully charged Rasengan. Backed with tremendous raw force, drawn out from sheer determination. Naruto's Dokonjō Rasengan meets with KamuiKagutsuchi: Chidori, both their wills fighting for dominance. Neck and neck, the two attacks prove equal. The standstill in power generates a discharge of bright multicolored chakra,  devouring the floor of the Valley of End. As the light engulfs him, Naruto smiles at Kamui. It had been awhile since their first encounter, and Naruto  never once thought he would grow to respect the man who tried to kill him. However, here he is, taking a bit of pride in the strength and fortitude of his "teacher". He understood his desire in taking Kurama wasn't out of malice or some greed, but out of a pure heart. Naruto  reflects in his mind, as explosion begins to ravage his arm to shreds, that sometimes good people fight among each-other for the sake of equally good goals. Any hatred he may have had for him fades as the light does, ushering in a new night as Sun goes down.

Moments after the great eruption devastates the land further, Naruto  finds himself lying face up, his eyes greeted by  an ocean of stars in the sky. A little disoriented, he looks around, finding that one of his arms had been completely blown apart by the clash, "Damn..." He says, not really angry or seemingly phased too much by it other than a minor annoyance. He goes to wipe the blood coming from his mouth, but instinctively does it with his dominant hand which had just been destroyed, "Oh..thats right.." The shinobi then looks around for any signs of Kurama to the left or right of him while he stays face up on the ground.

Within the Mental Dimension shared by all Tailed Beasts and their Jinchuriki,Kurama begins to speak to Shukaku, "Heh, you didn't do as bad as I thought you would." The Fox was rather stubborn and prideful, not wanting to give the Racoon-Dog too much credit. Not exactly the best compliment, but from Kurama this was a big step in the right direction of being a bit cordial with the One Tails.
[Healing Power]
Will of Fire]
Dokonjō Rasengan]   


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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!
« Reply #28 on: February 05, 2019, 12:10:30 AM »

Kamui was met with another technique that he was quite familiar with, this spiraling sphere of chakra would collide with his own technique that was his in right hand. The clash of both techniques had catastrophic effects on the environment surrounding them, demolishing most of the surface and what was left of the mountains around them. Debris would be scattered for miles in the aftermath of this explosion, peppering the nearby forest that on the outskirts of the Land of Fire. After the dust had settled, Kamui would find himself laying on the ground right next to Naruto, covered in same type of wounds as his younger compatriot and was devoid of the limb that his technique was used from.

"Well, shit not this again. Last time I lost a limb, it was leg and now this time it's my favorite arm." Kamui groaned in pain after expressing his dismay for the lost limb. Blood would trickle down from the stump and flowed away from him, forming an interesting shape as his blood mingled with the young Uzumaki that was laying next to him. Kamui also realized that the bracer on his right wrist was also subsequently destroyed in the aftermath, although it wasn't an important piece of technology. These bracers that he wore in the beginning of their fight were none other than special training weights that were able to withstand a majority of their fight.

"This damn thing is starting to feel heavy now...let met slip this off real quick and there we go. All better." Kamui could still somewhat move as he laid on the ground, but standing up was different matter entirely. He was devoid of a limb, so the only way that he was able to slip the bracer off was by using his dexterity to remove it from his wrist with only his feet. Once the bracer was off, the item hit the ground with such a tremendous force, that it left a small crater on the ground next to him. He would let out a sigh of relief upon removing such tremendous weight off his shoulders, figuratively speaking of course. After all of this was done, there was the matter of his low chakra levels that prevented him from standing up on his own accord.

"Hey kid, let me help you as a token of my apology. Just a forewarning, you will feel a slight pinch in the process of me mending that wound." Kamui revealed a seal hidden underneath his damaged forehead protector, this seal was the culmination of him storing chakra for a few years. Kamui couldn't recall the specifics that he even made use of the Strength Of A Hundred Seal back then, but to him it was quite some time that he used this seal to elevate his chakra to an acceptable level. He would feel invigorated in the process, allowing him to stand up as the seal itself would spread from his temple downwards to his feet, surrounding his entire body in the markings. Steam would emerge from his body as the burns, cuts and bruises would begin healing itself, even the stump on his right arm would begin healing as well. Kamui sauntered over to his fallen compatriot and placed his left arm on his shoulder, allowing the seal to transfer over to him and wrapping his entire body with the same seal that he just used; the effects that were used on him would transfer over to Naruto as well.

"As for that lost limb, well I can replace my own like so. I don't know about you though, if you had a contract with my species of animal. You could probably mend your limb like this. Well, this is the best I can do for now until we get back to the village. That little beauty is capable of simple movement and if you press this button right here, you can summon any kind of utensil whatsoever. Also this display tells you the current battery life, the weather, the time and it even has a built-in alarm for heavy sleepers. Amazing, right?" Kamui regurgitated a mass of slime that turned out to be a multitude of small slugs, once this slugs exited his body, they would converge on his stump and would reform themselves into a replica of the arm that was lost. Although temporary, this nifty ability had some benefits that were amazing in his opinion. For as long as he didn't lost his two vital organs in his body, this ability could invoked at any time that he saw fit. Kamui formed the seal of confrontation and placed his hand on the ground in front of him, summoning a small box that contained a robotic-looking limb. He would proceed to open the box and attached the arm to Naruto's stump. The device would immediately turn on and would begin attaching each nerves in that stump to special neural synapses that controlled the robotic limb. Once that was complete, the system on the limb would make some beeping noises, signaling that it was ready to be used. A poof of smoke erupted from the location that the box was summoned and the package was sent back to his warehouse in the village. Kamui was eager to return back home with the marker that he had placed in the office of the current Hokage, but he wanted to make sure that everything was in order before they decided to head back.

"Oi Fox! I hoped you learned that tails don't make up power, it's the will that we all share with our hosts that decides the value of our strength. Other than that, I have respect for you and your host." From within the mental realm from both jinchūriki, both of their tailed beasts were having a deep conversation based on mutual respect for one another. Such a rare sight to see between two hosts made it all the worthwhile to see from within his mind.


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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Tanuki and Fox Struggle Once Again!
« Reply #29 on: February 08, 2019, 08:22:55 PM »

Final Post on Hold Until Last Briefing

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