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Author Topic: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.  (Read 81044 times)

Uchiha, Rares

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Re: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.
« Reply #90 on: May 02, 2012, 02:14:12 AM »

Well I know a certain someone that would normally be included but should not due to behavior, certain alts and solid proof he/she lacks the right temper. >>

Alas. I'll establish a list of people I know people often go to ask rp stuff and what not:


Who else is there? I know Rakudo and who not might be acknowledged as good rp'ers and what nots but they aren't community abused as much. How about Jinzo? I really don't know shiz about him though. xD

Trash doesn't seem to know it's place anymore. I'm here to fix that.


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Re: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.
« Reply #91 on: May 02, 2012, 02:16:41 AM »

I don't want to be a guiena pig. Any who, I don't mind being the first to test this method.


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Re: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.
« Reply #92 on: May 02, 2012, 02:17:36 AM »

Just throwing out a random idea about grabbing tails. By waiting a certain amount of day, couldn't you just increase the days the higher you go up in tails? Such as starting the first tail at 20 and increase in increments of five (obviously still less if on has the proper resets)

Cause in my personal opinion, no one should have complete mastery within a short amount of time, though I understand the need to speed things up.

I also foresee problems with my system for the biju with higher tails, meh! Maybe someone can revitalize it.

But yeah just my two cents, forgive me if I sound foolish, but better to post my opinion and get feedback.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 02:22:05 AM by Trev »
Don't say f*ck any more because f*ck is the worst word that you can say

So just use the word mmmkay!

Uchiha, Rares

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Re: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.
« Reply #93 on: May 02, 2012, 02:22:35 AM »

Well given the two series antagonists shown to gain control over bijuu on the spot, a stretching of it would be off.

Full control in nothing hard to get for a "Madara wannabe" xD

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Re: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.
« Reply #94 on: May 02, 2012, 02:25:56 AM »

Well given the two series antagonists shown to gain control over bijuu on the spot, a stretching of it would be off.

Yeah I suppose your right xD
Don't say f*ck any more because f*ck is the worst word that you can say

So just use the word mmmkay!


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Re: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.
« Reply #95 on: May 02, 2012, 02:29:39 AM »

At least...5-8 people for the list. Like stated before, people who will thoroughly read the entire match up until the conflict, gives vauluable input of their opinion, and an unbiased answer. I could vouch for the 4 Rare stated.


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Re: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.
« Reply #96 on: May 02, 2012, 02:31:18 AM »

I just thought of something. What about outside help? I mean, Bee helped Naruto -- even if it was for the inner fight -- and Yamato could control the bijuu. So, let's say you know someone with Mokuton, would they be able to knock days of for you? Or, instead, you get two days knocked off when you RP with them and if they have Rinnegan -- or whatever you don't have -- 3, etc.


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Re: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.
« Reply #97 on: May 02, 2012, 02:53:18 AM »

That would be unecessary. Regarding one Jinchūriki helping another, that seems plausible.

Raifudo Oppa

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Re: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.
« Reply #98 on: May 02, 2012, 04:16:55 AM »

I think we're fine with the current speed of things. Start at a certain tail and then let the other tails come on by with the days (RL!) that flow. RP'ing one-two pages could speed things up to 2x and halve the time it takes to master the tails that are left.

In other words: Outside help or not, we have a fast-enough system already.

As far as the four Rare suggested, yeah, I'm fine with them. Jinzo, he can be of help, also. But he loves, more than I, to play Devil's Advocate and just throw everyone's fact into opinion. I guess we can just tell him to tone it down.

Guinea Pig =/= Gerbil, Nathan, My boy. >>

I think an odd number, by the way, so we can have a tie-breaker. Seeing since there could be the off-shot chance we have a 50/50 ruling.

What about Mei? I think he's inactive right now, don't recall, but I do so love his brain.


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Re: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.
« Reply #99 on: May 02, 2012, 05:06:22 AM »

Rares, I call you out on your attempt to over throw a Bijuu council that has already been set up.

First of all, the point both Kamui and I were making is that all Raifudo had to do was to make another reply and it would have shown up as a new post in the Bijuu council thread I already have set up just for this purpose. Then people would have known to go and look, or as is the case with this thread, Raifudo could have easily advertised that one in pms as he did his own.


Rares is not on the BIjuu council. Go look at the membership that was agreed upon and find out.,6929.0.html

Thirdly, what part of play nice did you not understand Rares?

Now my name is being used as some sort of terminology to denote a state of being in others?

And last but not least, have no right to just up and decide that I am not on the council for I qualify for it on two separate counts. Disagreeing with others is hardly an offense. That is what debate is for. However you seem to feel that anyone who does not whole-heartedly support your world view on how RP in SL should be is contemptible at best.

Additionally, I fail to see how my alts have anything to do with whether I am worthy of being on a body that sets out to decides things for SL or not.

But your apparent campaign to take a personal snit you have over me, concerning my lack of support in your alarm over my demon child and instead devoting my energies to that of my RL mother during her time in the hospital, and turn that into an opportunity to publicly attack me is abhorrent. BTW, she is still in the hospital, thanks for asking. And because I placed more importance on that issue rather than obsess about this game for one day parroting the appropriate responses that insure I retain your friendship, you choose to un-adopt me as your sister and now are having quite the good time being a jerk to me.

Do not speak of improper behavior and myself in the same venue sir because you are sorely unqualified to determine as to what proper behavior even is!

@Chika I disagree, it's not like you are obliged to rp to say something happened, that's just too Kayentaish. Now don't have me force you rp death out of starvation. xD No, but seriously, rp should be optional, it spices up things and grants you a better view from the community yet should stay optional. Given the amount of training each of us ever rp'd(average) most should have less than 7 jutsu and horribad stats.

And here we see that you feel RP is not even needed to learn justu. Why am I not surprised? I am amazed to learn that people don't RP learning jutsu. Do you mean you just claim something and all of a sudden you are its master? Wow...just ...WOW!!! Because unlike that 'most people' and I have talked to you about unverified data claims before concerning majorities on SL...I actually RP learning stuff from several Senseis and sparing partners over the very many years I have been here.

Concerning the Bijuu Council:

I feel that the council should be for settling points of what is allowed and what is not. By that I mean go over what a formal set of rules...that are used as Guidelines...will be.

I feel that judges should come from who is available and trusted to make such judgements in an unbiased way. I certainly would not wish to judge a match where Asadi was involved. That would be a place where I would excuse myself, because he is of course the very best man in the land. :P

@ Raifudo. Concerning Resting between matches.  Between ...MATCHES...this mean that after I have successfully defended my bijuu in one match against an enemy...that I should get to rest for a certain number of days before people can start claiming I am refusing to fight them. WHY? Because we have lives...and it is nice to be able to do other things with my time than sit here and accept and RP...yes MATCH after another.

Back to remarks not directed toward anyone in particular:

IF RP is optional then why worry about how long it takes me to train being able to use even the cloak let alone one tail of my bijuu?

IF RP is not necessary, why have matches? Why complain about a demon child in the desert who can teleport if RP is OPTIONAL!!!!!!! Who is comic relief and not a serious threat to anyone?

It is possible to log on and stick to the forest and not talk to anyone at all. But when it comes to zoning you cannot zone without RPing. By definition it is rp. And so we must define what RP is legit. I uphold that Zoning is not all that RP is. Just because some people confuse the issue and think because they are not good int he zones that they cannot RP at all. This is a common misconception that I have witnessed over the years on SL.

Which brings me back to KGs and OPness.

My problem is with people who claim KGs they have not earned. You want to talk about training?

I see you, Rares, having seizures all the time over the things you read in people's bios who do not have the resets to back it up. But when it comes to training, gain mastery of tails..or even jutsu apparently, it seems its just fine to say the quicker the better as if a tail is so much less than a reset on a KG.

Should training RP for each tail take as long as it does for a person to make 80DKs and reset? Perhaps, it should. But being the epitome of Kayentishness, even I find that to be a bit ridiculous as to time length for training. To gain even one tail in less than two weeks to me seems ridiculous seeing as Naruto was how old before he even was able to control his access to the Kyuubi's chakra?

However, since the settling in period for new hosts is two weeks, it is also ridiculous for them not to be able to use even one tail in their first bijuu match. SO no longer than two week per tail seems to be good to me in the current rule set we have. I know it too Raifudo quite along long time to earn his tails. Why should it suddenly take other less?

At any rate, That any of this is taking place outside the council is bogus. I think this thread needs to be closed and that the discussion on what the rules will be should take place in its proper locality.

Although I was willing to let the issue of a redundant thread go, Once Rares ...a non member...started deciding I Should not even sit on the council at all...well When I am attacked I am less than friendly or willing to be conciliatory about much of anything. Which was kind of the point of my anger with Raifudo in the first place.

Rules should be determined in council. I don't know what you call this place; 'Trash and bash anyone who disagrees with you land'?

But you know what?

I think that even commenting upon what has occurred here is basically a complete waste of time. I know what is going to happen. You are going to come back and attack me again and again just like always occurs whenever I have an objection to some action that is occurring. And it won't stop here but follow me onto SL as well.

But you know what? When I see something is wrong and not being fair in some way, I am not going to just lie down and say...or it is too hard to put up with the name calling and trolling that will be hurled upon my head for daring to even speak out.

so go ahead and knock yourselves out.

and when you are done...guess what?

I am still here and on the council Rares and you do not make policy for a body to which you are not a member.


Uchiha, Rares

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Re: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.
« Reply #100 on: May 02, 2012, 05:47:05 AM »

Rares, I call you out on your attempt to over throw a Bijuu council that has already been set up.

First of all, the point both Kamui and I were making is that all Raifudo had to do was to make another reply and it would have shown up as a new post in the Bijuu council thread I already have set up just for this purpose. Then people would have known to go and look, or as is the case with this thread, Raifudo could have easily advertised that one in pms as he did his own.


Rares is not on the BIjuu council. Go look at the membership that was agreed upon and find out.,6929.0.html

Thirdly, what part of play nice did you not understand Rares?

Now my name is being used as some sort of terminology to denote a state of being in others?

And last but not least, have no right to just up and decide that I am not on the council for I qualify for it on two separate counts. Disagreeing with others is hardly an offense. That is what debate is for. However you seem to feel that anyone who does not whole-heartedly support your world view on how RP in SL should be is contemptible at best.

Additionally, I fail to see how my alts have anything to do with whether I am worthy of being on a body that sets out to decides things for SL or not.

But your apparent campaign to take a personal snit you have over me, concerning my lack of support in your alarm over my demon child and instead devoting my energies to that of my RL mother during her time in the hospital, and turn that into an opportunity to publicly attack me is abhorrent. BTW, she is still in the hospital, thanks for asking. And because I placed more importance on that issue rather than obsess about this game for one day parroting the appropriate responses that insure I retain your friendship, you choose to un-adopt me as your sister and now are having quite the good time being a jerk to me.

Do not speak of improper behavior and myself in the same venue sir because you are sorely unqualified to determine as to what proper behavior even is!

@Chika I disagree, it's not like you are obliged to rp to say something happened, that's just too Kayentaish. Now don't have me force you rp death out of starvation. xD No, but seriously, rp should be optional, it spices up things and grants you a better view from the community yet should stay optional. Given the amount of training each of us ever rp'd(average) most should have less than 7 jutsu and horribad stats.

And here we see that you feel RP is not even needed to learn justu. Why am I not surprised? I am amazed to learn that people don't RP learning jutsu. Do you mean you just claim something and all of a sudden you are its master? Wow...just ...WOW!!! Because unlike that 'most people' and I have talked to you about unverified data claims before concerning majorities on SL...I actually RP learning stuff from several Senseis and sparing partners over the very many years I have been here.

Concerning the Bijuu Council:

I feel that the council should be for settling points of what is allowed and what is not. By that I mean go over what a formal set of rules...that are used as Guidelines...will be.

I feel that judges should come from who is available and trusted to make such judgements in an unbiased way. I certainly would not wish to judge a match where Asadi was involved. That would be a place where I would excuse myself, because he is of course the very best man in the land. :P

@ Raifudo. Concerning Resting between matches.  Between ...MATCHES...this mean that after I have successfully defended my bijuu in one match against an enemy...that I should get to rest for a certain number of days before people can start claiming I am refusing to fight them. WHY? Because we have lives...and it is nice to be able to do other things with my time than sit here and accept and RP...yes MATCH after another.

Back to remarks not directed toward anyone in particular:

IF RP is optional then why worry about how long it takes me to train being able to use even the cloak let alone one tail of my bijuu?

IF RP is not necessary, why have matches? Why complain about a demon child in the desert who can teleport if RP is OPTIONAL!!!!!!! Who is comic relief and not a serious threat to anyone?

It is possible to log on and stick to the forest and not talk to anyone at all. But when it comes to zoning you cannot zone without RPing. By definition it is rp. And so we must define what RP is legit. I uphold that Zoning is not all that RP is. Just because some people confuse the issue and think because they are not good int he zones that they cannot RP at all. This is a common misconception that I have witnessed over the years on SL.

Which brings me back to KGs and OPness.

My problem is with people who claim KGs they have not earned. You want to talk about training?

I see you, Rares, having seizures all the time over the things you read in people's bios who do not have the resets to back it up. But when it comes to training, gain mastery of tails..or even jutsu apparently, it seems its just fine to say the quicker the better as if a tail is so much less than a reset on a KG.

Should training RP for each tail take as long as it does for a person to make 80DKs and reset? Perhaps, it should. But being the epitome of Kayentishness, even I find that to be a bit ridiculous as to time length for training. To gain even one tail in less than two weeks to me seems ridiculous seeing as Naruto was how old before he even was able to control his access to the Kyuubi's chakra?

However, since the settling in period for new hosts is two weeks, it is also ridiculous for them not to be able to use even one tail in their first bijuu match. SO no longer than two week per tail seems to be good to me in the current rule set we have. I know it too Raifudo quite along long time to earn his tails. Why should it suddenly take other less?

At any rate, That any of this is taking place outside the council is bogus. I think this thread needs to be closed and that the discussion on what the rules will be should take place in its proper locality.

Although I was willing to let the issue of a redundant thread go, Once Rares ...a non member...started deciding I Should not even sit on the council at all...well When I am attacked I am less than friendly or willing to be conciliatory about much of anything. Which was kind of the point of my anger with Raifudo in the first place.

Rules should be determined in council. I don't know what you call this place; 'Trash and bash anyone who disagrees with you land'?

But you know what?

I think that even commenting upon what has occurred here is basically a complete waste of time. I know what is going to happen. You are going to come back and attack me again and again just like always occurs whenever I have an objection to some action that is occurring. And it won't stop here but follow me onto SL as well.

But you know what? When I see something is wrong and not being fair in some way, I am not going to just lie down and say...or it is too hard to put up with the name calling and trolling that will be hurled upon my head for daring to even speak out.

so go ahead and knock yourselves out.

and when you are done...guess what?

I am still here and on the council Rares and you do not make policy for a body to which you are not a member.
WARNING! What follows might not be appropriate for you children to read. >_>

You have a life? Since when? <_< That's rich coming from the alt record holder. >_>

Ah! As I feared! You shutting the fu*k up was a damn lie! D;

To my knowledge, you so called bijuu council failed to get recognize acknowledged due to some arguments/issues, your method of picking them being so bad that many of them were not anywhere near respectable shinobi, hell, some of those are viewed as god modes or below average or some of the ones you suggested as potentials at the very least. Sorry honey but something you just go on and make w/o the written approval of who would probably be the council head in the eyes of most(do I really need to say who I'm talking about?) means squat, cause as you see, as a consequence of your actions you've become a nuisance i.e. squat yourself. Were it not that way, Raifudo and several others wouldn't be making topic about defining who is in it and so on but w/e. :P

I am on the council/not on the council is irrelevant really, such a statement is far fetched given that one was never clearly established given the above. I simply suggested that someone that take off with a bijuu she pretty much officially surrendered, no longer took challenges for it while Zenaku started to do so, someone that throws a b*tch fit at about anybody when she feels like it, someone that makes up rules on her own and goes saying who deserves and doesn't deserve to challenge her MIGHT not be a good person for it. WHO KNOWS! What is she's in a bad mood and you get snapped at just for pming to ask something. My view anyway. And you'd best rest the nightcrawler god mode child of yours coming from that x-god mode husband of yours that abandoned you years ago(I honestly don't see why he or any sane man that wanted to keep it that way would >_>) cause it's a sore eyes for anyone who rp's as a SHINOBI on SHINOBI fu*king legends! Well anyway. I'm done posting anything in this thread, who knows? Some rabid bitch might bite me. Unlike others, I believe I contributed in the up way in it and I will also be keeping my word. :D

As for why bs alts would have something to do with it? Well it's simple, anyone that thinks that certain things are ok while clearly not such as being able to surpass hirashin and jkukkan ido (transparency excluded) combined on the reasoning the she's a demon and her demon god father could do it, is clearly not fit for a council.

And on a side note, you're the one usually attacking people that have a problem with your shizzy beliefs and logics, in this thread it started with Raifudo. ^^ I doubt there are many unknowing of your temperamental issues, hell, even you curse at them sometimes.

From that same thread since suddenly you starting one about it makes it official for w/e reason, sure explains Rai talking about defining who members are, but here:

Who's on the council? Zenaku and I, only, apparently.

I have the list of the past kage, but disregard past jinchuuriki since it's too long and unneeded.

I'd suggest and ACTUAL council thread is made by Rai or someone of equal acknowledgement so that competent, willing people are not left out and incompetent yet willing, that wouldn't make it to +jounin in most villages are not.

Personally, I don't care if I am in or not. I'd wouldn't lose community wide acknowledgement, people will come to me for help just as frequent, and so on. Just felt that since all that happened, I could be considered a member, unlike many, many others of those you've stated as such. Up till now, there wasn't even a purpose to define the council since people seen as incompetent by the community or at least not good enough would still stay that while in it and competent ones would still be resorted to even if not. But I just figured that since the latest method we came up with on developing the tails would over work Rai and Zen, there should be a larger council than just them, one that's actually approved and doesn't have a billion flaws so that they don't get fatigued due to the newly established method.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 06:53:46 AM by Uchiha, Rares »

Trash doesn't seem to know it's place anymore. I'm here to fix that.

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Re: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.
« Reply #101 on: May 02, 2012, 06:15:24 AM »

As far as the rest between matches went: I apologize for misunderstanding that.

ºHow to Challenge a Jinchūrikiº
In order to challenge a Jinchūriki & obtain a Bijū, one must extend an invitation to its host along with proper arrangements for it to take place; should the Jinchūriki refuse the set date/time: negotiate for a more appropriate time.

I feel that judges should come from who is available and trusted to make such judgements in an unbiased way.

That doesn't seem to be you as of late. You yourself just said how you qualified on two accounts; yeah, your attitude has revoked that.

Rares is not on the BIjuu council. Go look at the membership that was agreed upon and find out.

So now YOU can choose who is and isn't? We're electing people right now. New topic, not going to recycle what's old especially after your little fiasco.

Disagreeing with others is hardly an offense. That is what debate is for. However you seem to feel that anyone who does not whole-heartedly support your world view on how RP in SL should be is contemptible at best.

You threw a fit at me and left your village because I disagreed with you.

Do not speak of improper behavior and myself in the same venue sir because you are sorely unqualified to determine as to what proper behavior even is!

Neither are you.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ All of that? Reasons why you're not suitable for council.

And here we see that you feel RP is not even needed to learn justu. Why am I not surprised? I am amazed to learn that people don't RP learning jutsu. Do you mean you just claim something and all of a sudden you are its master? Wow...just ...WOW!!! Because unlike that 'most people' and I have talked to you about unverified data claims before concerning majorities on SL...I actually RP learning stuff from several Senseis and sparing partners over the very many years I have been here.

What he's getting at is the fact that, as I have been saying, you don't need to RP everything. I never RP'd to learn a jutsu, practice techniques, etc. -- at least from what I remember -- and no one is here questioning me and proclaiming me a false zoner or anything of the sort.

IF RP is optional then why worry about how long it takes me to train being able to use even the cloak let alone one tail of my bijuu?

IF RP is not necessary, why have matches? Why complain about a demon child in the desert who can teleport if RP is OPTIONAL!!!!!!! Who is comic relief and not a serious threat to anyone?

1) You're not reading the planned arrangements for the bijuu tails, or something? We talked how it is optional to pick up speed.

2) Why complain? Well, if I recall, during a shinobi war that Zenaku wanted to do, you had your demon child say she could talk to Jinzo's Hachibi without a problem.

Edit: Quotes and Spelling.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 07:13:09 AM by Raifudo, the Raifudo »


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Re: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.
« Reply #102 on: May 02, 2012, 06:45:15 AM »

Took me FOREVER to get through 5 pages of stuff, but anyway..... I wouldn't mind trading Sanbi to Zenaku for Gobi then becoming the Jinchuuriki for Gobi again, likewise I wouldn't mind Mioku becoming the Jinchuuriki as long as he's active.

Just outta curiousity would anyone have a problem with me if I continued to do 1Tail per Month and/or start off with 3 tails mastered(should I be voted on by the council to be the Jinchuuriki) since I did hold the damn thing for over a year.

Edit: I'm also free for RP judging as I am impartial despite being the active Mizukage, but of course if one isn't comfortable coming to me for help that is fine too.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 06:48:56 AM by cmage »
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Re: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.
« Reply #103 on: May 02, 2012, 07:12:56 AM »

Please people let's watch our attitudes and not start a flame war over something that already is starting to lose meaning to me now.
I really don't want to lock this thread before I put in my two cents about these grace periods.

Just outta curiosity would anyone have a problem with me if I continued to do 1Tail per Month and/or start off with 3 tails mastered(should I be voted on by the council to be the Jinchuuriki) since I did hold the damn thing for over a year.

I wouldn't have a problem if you started out with three tails since I already known you as the previous host but you had it for a year and lost it for awhile so you should train/re-connect for those lost times before considering three tails as your starting goal.


Raifudo Oppa

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Re: Rewriting the Bijuu rules, The council, and Jinchuuriki Elections.
« Reply #104 on: May 02, 2012, 07:14:49 AM »

Well, if we wanna get manga-technical:

Tobi placing the bijuu back into the last hosts allowed them to access their bijuus cloaked states, so, I see no ill-will in taking that movement, Kumaggie.
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