Well, I went through and read this topic and wanted to say my mind on the subject.
The hardest thing about 'boosters' in this game is that you're trying to quantify some qualitative data. It's like you're saying that your character is blue, but when you add a power-up, he becomes 10 time more blue. It doesn't really make much sense. This has been discussed earlier by a few people, and has been discussed in previous topics as well.
If we were to actually add stats to the game, it would cause a great strive between people who would advocate for numbers and those who wouldn't. Kind of like there was when the whole tailed beast OOC/IC thing happened. As Warren explained, it would be extremely insane to actually apply numbers to every little thing. Not only that, but there'd also be the lot of people complaining that they should have all the max level stuff because reasons.
In the end, I believe this should all fall into the hands of the player to decide what each boost does. I'll use my character Becquerel as an example. I know that he's rather fast normally, able to maintain sprinting speeds indefinitely. But if I were to use his boosters, he'd basically become faster than the eye can see (which can be bad, because even his eyes can't see what he's boosting towards at these speeds) which puts him at kind of a "flash-step"/"Soru"/InsertFastAnimeMoveHere level. He is also extremely strong, able to leap great bounds and lift many tons with ease, but this too can be helped through the use of the boosters to basically make any strike that lands lethal.
The reason why I say this is because even though Becquerel on paper is an extremely powerful being, I make sure to keep him in check and not abuse that ability. I know it's not fun if people are always going against an unbeatable foe, and personally, it's not fun to always win. I almost never go for lethal attacks even though, in theory, Becquerel could 'GG no re' a lot of people very easily. There's no fun in that.
So, I know I kind of went off tangent there...But for the people that want to use numbers, by all means go ahead and use them. But, at the same time, you shouldn't expect people to conform to your number rules if they don't want to. It's a nice thing to have if you and your fellow ninja decide to go with numbers, that way you can kind of make sense of stuff.
And I agree with Kayenta and Kage on the fact that the manga was pretty crazy when it came to power. When the manga started, it was impressive for Zabuza to be swinging around that giant sword. Then towards the end, Naruto was busting through meteors like there was no issue. So it's okay if you make your character powerful, but they should still be touchable.