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Topics - Gyu~ru~ru

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 10
Feature Requests / Dwelling Pictures
« on: December 10, 2007, 12:23:00 AM »
For 25 gems, players can upload a 150x150 picture as an exterior or interior picture of their dwelling.

The exterior picture will be displayed before the dwelling name (displayed only on the list of dwellings you have a key to). While the interior picture will be displayed above the dwelling description when a player enters the dwelling. No picture will be displayed on the hamlet registery list (the plunder or slay list)

When players are looking for a dwelling for sale, there is also an option to "View" the dwelling if the dwelling has a picture.

Feature Requests / Improve Gameplay (Possible on a LoTGD server?)
« on: November 01, 2007, 02:24:41 AM »
Is it possible to improve the battle system so that critical hits (power moves/mega power moves), misses, double attacks, initial attack (attacking 1st) etc be effected by the level of skill that a player has & not random chance?

Can the power moves & mega power move change to Critical Hit & Deadly Hit?

Adding new stat will be too troblesome. So instead of giving player more stat like ACC/DEX or SPD/AGI, I propose a passive skill system along with the battle system improvements. They will be refer as "Shinobi Traits". These set of skills will automatically take effect during forest fights & maybe even PVP. The player do not need to activate them manually & the certainly do not use up the player's chakra.

Here is a list of Shinobi Traits (Passive Skills):

Natural Healing
Lv 1, restore 1% of maxHP every round
Lv 10, restore 10% of maxHP every round

Fatal Blow
Lv 1, increase chance of dealing Critical Hit/Deadlt Hit by 3%
Lv 10, increase chance of dealing Critical Hit/Deadlt Hit by 30%

Mount Mastery
Lv 1, increases mount's stat by 5%
Lv 10, increases mount's stat by 50%
(Note: Currently, the mount stat = player's stat buff. But in the new mount system, the mount stat = the mount's HP/attack/defense/turns etc)

Shadow Strike
Lv 1, increases chance of attacking twice per round by 3%
Lv 10, increases chance of attacking twice per round by 30%

High Awareness
Lv 1, 5% chance of getting the 1st move
Lv 10, 50% chance of getting the 1st move

Leaf Dance - Leaf nin only
Lv 1, increases chance of dodging attacks by 3%
Lv 10, increases chance of dodging attacks by 30%

Powerful Falls - Water nin only
Lv 1, attack increases by 3%
Lv 10, attack increase by 30%

Sand Protection - Sand nin only
Lv 1, defense increases by 3%
Lv 10, defense increases by 30%

Sound Wave - Sound nin only
Lv 1, deals an additional 3% damage
Lv 10, deals an additional 30% damage
(Note: What this means is that, when you hit the enemy for 100 dmg, it will recieve another 30 dmg from the sound waves. This skill doesn't not apply to "Shadow Strike" as that would make it an overkill)

Attention: All skills get reset after every Oro kill, except for your village skill. BUT only when you pick the same race. Switching to another race will remove & reset your previous village skill. Meaning you will not only lose it, but you have to work on it from level 1 again when you switch back to your old race.

Feature Requests / Open Friend List
« on: September 20, 2007, 09:39:56 PM »
I wonder if a button like the "Open Inventory" can be added under the "friend" stat heading so that players can click to view the list of currently online friends. Some players have have such annoyingly looooooooooooooong name that it makes the stat heading wide & sandwiches your page if you display their names. So an "Open Friend List" button would be nice to have. :roll:

Clan Requests / Chinese & Japanese Short Name
« on: September 07, 2007, 02:09:28 PM »
I wish we could use Chinese & Japanese character for the clan's short name. They look cool & short. Take Akatsuki for example, <暁> VS <AKA>, which one do you think symbolizes Akatsuki better? "暁" is the kanji for Akatsuki. Short & simple.

Feature Requests / Donator Items
« on: September 06, 2007, 05:36:11 PM »
There are a few donator items (Amulet of Ru & Inn Coupons) in the game, but I am suggesting something a bit different. Something like Kyuubi.

Random Item for 1$ donation.
Sakura's Dairy
No exp lost during death (only covers forest fights, pvp, & pvped). Effect last for 3 game days.

Naruto's Purse
No gold lost during death (only covers forest fights, pvp, & pvped). Effect last for 3 game days.

Sasuke's Forehead Protector
Get extra exp bonus from all forest fights (not covering event creatures). Effect last for 1 game day.

Random Items for 10$ donations.
Tsunade's Coat
A higher chance of getting an item from forest fights. Effect last for 5 game days.

Jiraiya's Telescope
A higher chance of encountering forest events. Effect last 5 game days.

Orochimaru's Ring
No exp or gold lost during death (only covers forest fights, pvp, & pvped). No item damaged during Oro Kills. (does not cover forest fights, pvp, pvped or event) Effect last 5 game days.

*Note: You will only receive 1 donator item per donation. Donating 3$ will not get you 3 of the 1$ donation items.*

Feature Requests / Investing DK points on Chakra.
« on: September 06, 2007, 04:43:22 PM »
Aside from stat & jutsu, chakra is also something that symbolizes a ninja's growth. So I was wondering if putting dragon points in your chakra is possible?

The points you put in your chakra increases the level of your basic ninjutsu instead of your selected specialty. That way, players wouldn't have max level jutsu at level 1. Players of higher ranks having a better mastery of their basic ninjutsu sounds acceptable to me.

Feature Requests / Effectiveness of items
« on: August 27, 2007, 12:09:03 PM »
Oliver, Xaos, is it possible to make the stronger healing items that restore a certain % of the player's HP instead of points? Players with high HP have absolutely no use for the current list of healing items as they only restore only a next to nothing amount of HP for them :-?

Feature Requests / Mission Companions
« on: August 27, 2007, 12:01:19 PM »
I was wondering. When the A.I system is completed, is it possible to put special companions/guest in your team when you go on a mission?


Mission: Deliver a secret scroll to Gaara, the Kazekage of Sunagakure.
Rank    : B
Details : Please take this secrect scroll to Sunagakure in the Land of the Wind. Look out for mercenaries & ninjas from the other countries that might try to snatch the scroll from you. Nara Shikamaru will accompany you on this mission.
Reward: 5,000 gold & 1 gem.
Condition: Mission fail if you fail to defend the scroll (unable to defeat all encounters)

Shikamaru will support you with Kagemane no Jutsu during battles, rendering some of your enemies immobile & unable to attack.

Here's an example of a mission with a guest.

Mission: Kunihisa wants to hire a shinobi that would show him how to survive in the forest, the shinobi way.
Rank    : C
Details : You will take Kunihisa along with you as you go through the forest looking for enemies to battle. Survive 10 forest fights while protecting your guest.
Reward: 3,000 gold.
Condition: Mission fail when either your or Kunihisa's HP reaches 0.

Kunihisa will just hide from being targeted most of the time. When not hiding, Kunihisa will attack one of your enemy randomly by throwing a stone at them, doing low damage. (Kunihisa has low stat, so he will most likely be targeted by your enemies when he is not hiding, putting himself in danger & jeopardising your mission!)

I thinking it would be interesting to have players fighting alongside characters from the anime.

Forest enemies should drop less gold or only items instead. Eliminating fighting easy battles as a source of income where players would have to complete missions to earn money, just like in the anime/game.

Clan Requests / Clan Name & Short Name changer.
« on: August 01, 2007, 01:07:35 PM »
Is it possible to make it so that the clan founder, and the clan founder alone, can change the clan's name & short name for the price of 5 gems + 10,000 gold or 150 donation points?

Game Related Discussions / New Enemies in the Forest
« on: July 31, 2007, 03:42:55 AM »
I want to know what you guys think & feel about the new enemies in the forest.

But before that, I would like to tell you guys a few things,
1) All enemies are 100% Naruto characters (including the animals).

2) The enemies I create are taken from Naruto episodes 1 - 220, Naruto OVA, and Naruto movies.

3) All enemies will have a picture. Report if you see any old forest enemies that have no picture. Enemies like the Vicious Dog (Lv 14) which I removed.

4) All enemies will have attacking pose pictures. If you see one that looks like a passport picture, please report. Like the picture for Inari (Level 1). I will change that to a picture of him with a crossbow.

5) If you encounter the same enemy that is only has 1 level differences between them, please report.
Lee (Level 10) lunges at you with Taijutsu.
Lee (level 11) lunges at you with Goken.

Shops or other instances / Curry of Life
« on: July 17, 2007, 02:11:29 PM »

A picture for the curry house in the forest.

Since it's a curry house, it would only be right if we can enjoy curry there.

A picture for the inside of the curry house.

- Have a plate of "The Curry of Life". (200 gold/level)

Eat up!

Curry effects;
(a) restores 1-3 chakra.
(b) lose 20% HP with every chakra gain from eating the curry.
(c) get boon "Burning Throat", last 60 rounds, you can't eat anymore curry until the buff goes away.

Feature Requests / Cerberus, Gorgon & Werewolf
« on: July 04, 2007, 02:47:13 PM »
Maybe they should be replaced by real Naruto "monsters".

You hear a sniffing sound coming from the bushes. Something is moving towards you!

=> wait

A large man suddenly leaps out from the bushes yelling, "Food---------!!!". You jump back avoid him but bump into the belly of another large man. "Give us food---------!!!", he yelled as he tries to grab you. You managed to avoid being grabbed, but now you find yourself being surrounded by The Legendary Stupid Brothers, Fuujin and Raijin.

=> Fight

Fuujin lunges at you with Uber Strength & Hunger!
Raijin lunges at you with Uber Strength & Hunger!

You will have to fight both of these super strong enemies at the same time. When the enemy AI feature is implanted, if you don't kill both of them at the same time, the other one will do an uber damaging attack on you when the other get KOed.

=> run

Same result as the cerberus event.

Just change the text a bit to fit Orochi.

=> Fight

Orochi lunges at you with Bone-crushing Jaws!
Orochi releases Dokugiri at you!

Your whole party (yourself, mount, & companions) will be losing HP from poisoning for 5 rounds.

Onbaa should replace the werewolf.

When the AI feature is implanted, the Onbaa will summon another Onbaa to its aid when it has low HP. BEWARE, they have very high HP so low doesn't mean you can easily finish them off with normal attack on your next round. Get ready for some serious pain if you don't finish it off with everything you got when its HP gets low.

Discussions / Vote for your favorite!
« on: June 02, 2007, 10:41:55 AM »
Please vote seriously. Thank you.

Game Related Discussions / Staying at level 15
« on: May 21, 2007, 12:52:47 AM »
Gyururu has around 150-250 HP, 228 attack and 230+4 defense. So what's so bad about that?

I had 180 HP when I came face to face with Haku and he hit me for 208 damage, killing me in one-single-blow.

For those of you who are staying at level 15 to build up your stat, know your limit before it haunts you. Because the only way out, is to kill Oro and lose all those stat you built up.

Feature Requests / Gems transfer through mission HQ
« on: May 12, 2007, 12:55:09 AM »
Just a feature request for those who needs the gems transfer feature back.

The fee for transfering gems is 10 donation points per gem. The minimum amount of gems per transaction is 10 gems and the maximum would be 100 gems per transaction.

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