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Messages - Jin

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 27
Feature Requests / Re: Ability to remove hotkeys
« on: August 22, 2009, 06:56:27 AM »
with the hotkeys, the only time I really make mistakes, is in multienemies fights, I accidentaly click twice the "h" Hot key for Thrillseeking to the end, and I accidentally use a jutsu.
Could it be possible just to remove the hotkeys of the Jutsu?

Spam / Re: Goodbye Ace...
« on: August 19, 2009, 02:09:17 AM »
I hope Ace returns soon, he has been one of the best Mods in SL.

Spam / Re: Who/what do you prefer(can also be a personality test)
« on: July 31, 2009, 08:10:06 AM »
- 4rth
- Kakashi
- Sakura
- Juugo
- Jiraya
- Kaguya KG
- Shikamaru
- Shino
- Konoha
- Oto
- Tau
- Rai

Feature Requests / Re: Extended Bios (Sectioned Bios)
« on: July 30, 2009, 11:48:08 PM »
The problem with that (using is: it's an entirely separate site and takes a lot of time to setup if you want to include simple things like home village, special traits, clan, etc. It's nice to just have those in your bio.

Besides not everybody visits the "bio" it would be better if we could use this idea, it sounds great, 10 boxes where you can put some basic RP info.

Spam / Re: Generations
« on: July 25, 2009, 03:03:06 AM »
does it still exist?did nejiown that to?did it merge to SL when it was created...were you able to move the Accounts to SL?ZOMFG >.<

No, Legend of Naruto was the previous name of Shinobi Legends, same game.
and yeah, I liked it before,  few people  begged for points, it was peaceful xD

Spam / Re: Back in my day...
« on: July 25, 2009, 01:14:37 AM »
Doki was a great clan, full of strong people, but sadly it got very inactive, I met Tau there, I also got my first reborn when I was in Doki, clan destroying was the hit back there XD the game was very active also around those times, a lot of people knew how to rp and make fights interesting.
I also remember the Rasengan race, everybody was trying to be the first to get Rasengan, it was cool xD

Game Related Discussions / Re: KKG history and hardship?
« on: July 24, 2009, 01:20:17 AM »
Well I started using sharingan in my battles when I got the third reset of the Uchiha, and as for the gates I have never used the 8 gates in the same fight.
But I do agree that people should earn them in the game before using them, at least the ones that are realesed, as for custom KG I don't have any problem with people using them, some are very creative.

And there are still some people that rp as they have the sharingan, and those KG, I think is something that will never end.

Spam / Re: Chapter 455
« on: July 11, 2009, 11:30:54 PM »
Isn't Danzo older than Kakashi? I don't think he is Obito, Obito was around the same age of Kakashi, and Danzo is around the age of the third Hokage, he fought against Sarutobi for the Hokage position, it would be more reasonable if Danzo is Madara's brother, but well is also difficult for me to believe that, because Madara took, both eyes of his brother if I am not mistaken, to get the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

Discussions / Re: Further Development
« on: June 27, 2009, 06:40:32 AM »
The MotD says that Neji plans to limit us to 2 KG but he didn't say how. What I mean is that we can only choose 2 KG, leaving all of the people with 6 resets without the option of getting the new ones, or limit us with 2 kg as just being able to activate  2 KG of the 3 in the "Elite Forest"
I hope that people with 6 resets can reborn again, I have waited a lot of time for this new Kekkei Genkai.

Spam / Re: Naruto 453
« on: June 27, 2009, 04:35:28 AM »
Are you kidding me? That bijuu looks awesome.>>

I think it looks cool xD

I want to see Kumo nin fighting against Sasuke. But I think that first Naruto will find killerbee anl learn how to control his kyuubi power, and then he will fight against Sasuke.
I have this weird feeling that Sai will betray Danzo and will kill him.

Discussions / Re: Rasengan
« on: June 23, 2009, 07:13:21 AM »
Uhh, Jin. It's not THAT old of a topic. It's just a month since the last person before him posted. You should only scold them if it's several months old or even years old.

Alright, I accept my mistake, sorry Kalaman.

Discussions / Re: Further Development
« on: June 23, 2009, 04:27:24 AM »
In the end, the name should be Elite Forest. Possibly, when entering it, you'll have to fight some seriously strong person. Also, maybe, you could fight Oro and it'll count as 2 dks.

I don't like the "You could fight Oro and it'll count as 2 dks"
I think that, that would make it a bit more easier, even though we don't know what does the forest has, I think that it should be difficult, full of strong people, and Orochimaru should be stronger... at least is what I think.

Discussions / Re: Further Development
« on: June 23, 2009, 04:18:40 AM »
So in another games xD
Anyway I think that the "Elite Forest" is a good name, it would be for elite players anyway xD

Discussions / Re: Further Development
« on: June 23, 2009, 03:52:28 AM »
So this "Elite Forest" will be like forced on people with Kekkei Genkai, or wiil just be one more option like the Go Thrillseeking, Look something to kill, and the others?
if so, I believe that it will be harder than the Search Suicidally option, so it might be a good idea if just people with at least 2 kg could fight in there.  :roll:

Game Related Discussions / Re: Random questions
« on: June 15, 2009, 06:58:14 AM »
I will try to answer your questions.

1) You can choose in whatever you want to spend your dragon kill points, if you want to put 10 points in forest fights you are free to do it, you win 1 point each time you kill him.

2) Yes, you win some donation points each time you defeat him, is not just for the first time.

3) You can choose the kekkei genkai you want, this is something you must work hard to get, so just killing him one time is not enough.

4)  You keep your charm each time you beat the boss.

I hope, I helped you in something, anyway, you should check out the wiki, it is very helpful when you have this kind of questions.
Here is the link: 

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