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Messages - Trev

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Village Square / Re: Biju rules?
« on: September 19, 2016, 07:12:35 PM »
Oh, I see now. You guys have it on the ET page on the wiki, but not the biju rules page. I figured as much anyway, can't blame me for trying. Thanks Camel

Village Square / Biju rules?
« on: September 19, 2016, 07:00:26 PM »
So I'm not sure if this thread goes here, or the biju rules subsection, so sorry if it doesn't go here, a mod will move it if not.

Anyway, I have the Yonbi now and my grace has started. I was looking over the biju rules as I haven't really followed this new system too closely, was fighting Bocc more for fun than winning the Yonbi. But I noticed in the new rules it doesn't say Edo Tensei zombies can't seal a biju inside them.

Was this taken out of the previously rules? I know some edits were made, like how you can now enhance the biju as a summon which you couldn't before. Or was it an accident that was never discussed, or just not put in the wiki?

I personally think unbound Edo Tensei's should be able too, but I'm biased as summoning a biju sucks. I know the council has a lot on it's plate, but please answer me before my grace ends in 2 weeks!!!

Bijuu Arena / Re: Official Challenge
« on: September 19, 2016, 06:29:24 PM »
Thanks everyone for defending my claim on the Yonbi without me having to post a single thing. You really have my back <3

Me and Bocc decided like four days ago our fight was ooc.

As for Madara and T'challa, I think they have some point. If the fight was IC and a death match and they can prove that it was winner lives, loser dies, I think they have a claim. If it was a true death match, that means Bocc is dead (unless his opponents have mercy, though would Bocc have it on you if you were panned or went inactive?) Now I personally would think it very bad taste to claim him dead, but I wasn't his opponent.

If dead, it doesn't mean you get all his biju. In fact it means you get none. But it means that Kurama is dead and regaining time to spawn. I say this as one the council could use this in buying time for deciding what to do with Kurama (as he effectively has to bide time and respond). And perhaps if the council is nice to you, you get first dips on the hunt for the 9 tails once it responds, who knows. But you wouldn't just gain all his biju, you could maybe make a case for the 9 tails since he had it on him, but these are just my thoughts on the matter.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Deja vu! Bocchiere defends the 4 Tails against Trev
« on: September 13, 2016, 12:10:06 AM »
Had seemingly lucked out on several accounts, as the Yondaime only expected the beam or bansho tenin to discontinue, not both. I guess today was an alright day for him after all, for now anyway. Seeing as the jinton beam and rinnegan technique ended, the Yondaime had no need to have his Kamui portal open, and that promptly ended as the Yondaime made his way towards his clay bird as previously mentioned. However, his venture back was once again rudely interrupted by the sudden appearance of Bocc. He wondered how long it would take to simply stand on his clay construct. Although he had little time to react, he knew Bocc did not Hiraishin or Kamui, being a user of both. Indeed this was a new technique.

Seeing as he had little time to react, the Yondaime had to act quickly. Luckely, the Yondaime was chalk full of things that could be sprung almost instantly. Before he could be struck, the Otokage utilized his sharingan once more. Instantly spawned was a black ethereal warrior, commonly known as susanoo. The figure would appear in full form (About the size of Itachi's, not Madara level) with shield also manifested and proceed to block Bocc's incoming attack. If one had really adapt eyesight, they would spy curse marks upon the susanoo, a result of the senjutsu enhancement. The Senjutsu enhanced creature was more than enough to simply block the incoming attack, and the speed of it's manifestation ensured it would spawn in time to provide a defense (Itachi spawns Susanoo, before lightning strikes him).

Once Bocc made contact with the shield, the Yondaime would focus chakra to his black lightning tattoo, and proceed to shoot the lightning in all directions. The attack would hurt the clone, but more importantly immobilize him and prevent him from moving and potentially cause such a brain lapse from the electrical signals short circulating, not do any technique at all, like the Corridor of Infinity but that was debatable. As seen numerous times, the users own attack can pass through a susanoo no problem. Also since the technique only required a chakra input to his tattoo, its quickness was hard to counter.

At this point the Bocc clone should be immobilized after suddenly striking a susanoo. Meanwhile, via remote manipulation, the clay creature would be on route towards the Yondaime. The creature would fly at a fast rate and promptly explode near Bocc, releasing a purple spray. This was Dokuton, which Bocc was familiar with from his time fighting Shinro. Upon contact with Bocc, whether it be inhaled, or seep into his skin, ears, eyes, or another crevice, it would erode his chakra network, it merely needed to touch him in anyway. The chakra of the clone would be drained rather quickly, which would eventually cause it to disperse. Considering Bocc utilized 25 percent of his chakra on the Yonbi, this meant this clone contained 37.5 percent of his total chakra, perhaps slightly less if you take into consideration the techniques used. Considering the clone would run into a great defense, be  almost immediately immobilized, he would likely be hit by said clay monster. And if somehow Bocc made a slight deviation and was not immobilized, the clay creature would pursue and do the same thing, unless the clone was super out of range.

Obviously the Yondaime would not let his guard down while this happened, keeping his various senses open in case he struck. As for the Yonbi, as said previously, not all pillars need to be intact to operate, thus the remaining four would continue to shoot lightning. This would potentially destroy the back rods, since they were damaged, and surely immobilize the beast for a turn or so. It would also require Bocc's intervention, lest he wanted his beast further damaged and immobilized.

1. Susanoo
2. Chidori Current Variant
3. Possible C1 Doktuon explosion

Actions from last round:
1. Ongoing four pillar bind

Bijuu Arena / Re: Deja vu! Bocchiere defends the 4 Tails against Trev
« on: September 02, 2016, 05:03:23 AM »
Watched the drama unfold in front of him, while also noting the continuing of the pull upon his body. Not wishing to travel any further, the Yondaime would ensure maximum overdrive to his jet boosters in order to create a stalemate in directional travel.

However, the beam of death did not go unnoticed and the Otokage prepared to react, as he did not wish to meet whatever was hurdling towards him. The Yondaime would focus his sharingan on the beam rapidly approaching him, while multitasking and performing actions with his still operational hands and arms. Due to the distance, the Yondaime should still be in relative control on his limbs, with perhaps some strain on moving them, but his sage strength would surely prevail, even if slightly delayed than usual.

First the Yondaime would open a Kamui portal several meters in front of him to intercept the dust release attack. Seeing as the beam wasn't overly fast and headed in a straight line, his sharingan should have had no trouble tracking it. A Large Kamui portal, roughly triple the height and width of himself would open it. The attack would enter the portal and not affect the Yondaime. The portal was much larger than needed to ensure if the continuous beam moved, it still could not move in a direction to hit him. Whether it was up, down, left, or right, the portal was big enough to encompass it.

Bocc could continue to shoot the beam in the Kamui if he liked, but it being senjutsu enhanced to increase size, and his limitless chakra, he would be there quite awhile if he planned on outlasting the Kamui. Also seeing as he had the Eternal Sharingan, had no emotions, and minor damage was healed instantly, the strain of the attack on the eye would be almost non existent.

But the Yondaime did not plan on staying here forever. While doing this, the Yondaime would swipe one of the kunai off his belt and allow it to fall below, reserving the right to hiraishin in a jam. For sake of not pulling out a hiraishin kunai every time I'm in trouble bs. Lets say I started with 10. Meaning that once this one fell to the lava below, I would have 8 left. It was debatable if the bansho tenin would pull the kunai, but the technique is known to only pull the target, allowing the kunai to fall slowly to the world below. However, in the unlikely event it does, it would be pulled into his Kamui dimension, and unless the death beam was hitting the spot it entered at precisely the right moment, make it to his dimension intact.

But the Yondaime hoped to not even use the technique, it was only an emergency measure. Instead, he would form five kata at a great speed, moderate if the pull controlled his arm movements. His focus and unlimited chakra, ensured his multitasking success. Using his Kamui to buy time, the Yondaime would focus a large amount of chakra in the surrounding area of Bocc and the Yonbi. Eight large pillars would suddenly and quickly appear around the Yonbi and Bocc and proceed to shoot lightning. Being Senjutsu enhanced, it would cause quite the problem, damaging Bocc, the Yonbi, and his clone. It would possibly disperse said clone and maybe even destroy or weaken the chakra rods on his body and in his mouth. More importantly it would also immobilize the individuals for a fair amount of time.

But even if Bocc didn't get hit, he or his clone, or both would have to react. Thereby the Bansho Tennin, or beam would end. This would allow either the Yondaime to fly back to his clay creature, or not be in immediate danger if the beam discontinued. The speed of the appearance of the pillars ensured they would go off before interruption, meaning someone on Bocc's side must react, and it likely wasn't going to be the Yonbi due to the need to create a quick and effective defense. Also the pillars would still shoot off their attack, regardless if some were destroyed, they need not all be intact to operate.

1. Kamui
2. Lightning Release: Four Pillar Bind Variant

Village Square / Re: Claimed list restructuring
« on: August 29, 2016, 03:04:29 AM »

And why not compile a list of all the possible ideas? People who have ideas, list them in a constructive way. Teostra already listed two earlier in this thread. Maybe a new topic could be made that's basically a brainstorming thread and the first post can be updated as each person adds an idea. :)

That would be very constructive Beq. A thread of just brainstorms. People's ideas on how to fix it. And then take said thread and later turn it into a discussion one like now once we have more solutions to look at.

Village Square / Re: Claimed list restructuring
« on: August 29, 2016, 02:55:39 AM »
No, it's not what most competitive players do.

Anyway, you all could keep going back and forth and not getting anything done, or take passive aggressive shots at one another all day, or you can attempt to come together. I know that's hard for you all, since you all basically hate each other or at the very least have a small amount of disdain.

Now lets look at what we got here.

Now, there are somethings each side is refusing to give up. One side will absolutely not agree to only have one item, and/or multiples of each item around. So take that off the table.

On the other hand, one side will absolutely not agree to defending items, or having such strict strip regulations were you may have to constantly prove your activity if you have a somewhat popular item.

Where does this leave us?

Well, many people protested having only one item, perhaps raise the number and discuss a # that suits both.

Or, I've seen many people on both sides clamor for a reduction. So perhaps open up all summons to being used, and have a discussion on what jutsu to take off the claimed list and leave only the highly abusable ones on there (Edo Tensei, Hiraishin, things of that nature).

Or perhaps these ideas of mine are rubbish, but start to bounce ideas off of each other, that's what these threads and forums are for. Think logically about both sides, before posting, try to be constructive. Don't get off topic, don't get into debates about ranked vs casual, or go into a profanity laced post about no one hearing you.

We're better than this. There is no reason to be hateful, spiteful, or generally rude. Start compromising, working together. Or just lock the thread and never avoid each other indefinitely.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Deja vu! Bocchiere defends the 4 Tails against Trev
« on: August 24, 2016, 05:58:15 PM »
Would start to feel the pull of gravity from the Bansho Tenin, though it wouldn't fully yank him immediately due to the nature and distance of the technique. Though his small lose of footing combined with his bird flying the other way would mean, he was forced off his mount into the air. To counter act being pulled towards Bocc, the Yondaime would utilize his jet boosters to attempt and fly in the opposite direction.

Obviously he wouldn't be able to go in reverse, but he would slow down the strength of the pull, and delay his arrival towards Bocc and biju bomb by extension, and he would need that time. Although he made sure to not fight the pull so hard that his body would be torn in half. Placed in a bad situation with the Yonbi charging up his biju bomb and the Yondaime obviously being able to tell what it was, he didn't have much time to react. Luckily he had a combo move that would save his skin, and it only required four kata.

One could debate if the Yondaime could move his arms, but he was a Sage after all with immense physical strength to go on par with it. While Bocc was in a relatively equal form, he was still using a technique from a large distance away, one that grew stronger as time went on. (Even Kakashi initially could move in the Nagato fight for reference) So it may be debated he couldn't move if he was much closer, and the bansho tenin could completely stop his sage strength, at this distance, and initial weakness of the technique, there was no debate to be had. All the Otokage would need was four kata.

His first technique only required one kata, and the Yondaime would perform it, then spew a very large amount of water from his mouth. The volume only being increased due to his sage enhancment. The water would quickly flow out, and a moderate amount of it would drop to the lava below. As he did this, he would hastily form the last 3 kata, and shoot his hand forward. Out of the large amount of water he had released and still was releasing, a large giant shark propelled forward towards Bocc, the Yonbi and biju bomb. The large and enhanced by Senjutsu shark would collide with the biju bomb, and amazingly not be overcome. It would actually envelop, absorb, and by extension absorb the bomb as the shark could absorb chakra. The Two would collide, and the biju bomb would shrink as the shark grew, taking care of the bomb in seconds.

This would save Trev from utter destruction, while simultaneously forcing Bocc to react. The Shark would have almost instantaneously grown in proportion with the amount of chakra in the biju bomb. So Bocc would have to deal with the giant water shark, bigger than a biju bomb hurdling towards him. The Technique would potentially rob chakra from the yonbi and Bocc and his clone leaving them depleted, while also crushing them under a very large volume of water/ shredding them with it's teeth. If he attempted to counteract with another jutsu, it would absorb that as well. Hopefully for the Jashinist he was familiar with the technique.

The Yondaime would be momentarily safe, and the bansho tenin would presumably stop in order for Bocc to deal with his current situation. He would use his boosters to meet his bird and land back on it. Unless of course Bocc continued the technique. But if he did, the Yondaime would continue to fly away, stuffing his right hand into his clay pouch, fully expecting Bocc to find a way to escape.

1. Jet Booster
2.Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave Variant
3. Water Release: Great Shark Bullet Technique

Bijuu Arena / Re: Deja vu! Bocchiere defends the 4 Tails against Trev
« on: August 24, 2016, 03:52:38 AM »
Would not be attempting Ephemeral at this point in time, the Yondaime had tricks, but none for right now. The Yondaime still idle as Bocc went through what would probably be most of the words that were spoken for this fight. His eyes would become fixated on the man, especially when he pulled off his quick motion and summoned the Yonbi.

"Hello, lovely." Was all the Yondaime could mutter at the site of his former beast appearing in front of him, as he noted that Bocc summoned the creature and did not transform into it. Meaning he was not hosting it. The Yondaime noted the strange eyes of the Yonbi and potentially the placement of the chakra rods, if the beast opened it's mouth, and depending on their exact placement on it's back.

Bocc had better hoped the Yondaime did not take away control, as he knew too well the cost of summoning a biju. It caused said biju to hate the summoner as the Yondaime knew based on his time with the Hachibi. Seeing as the Yondaime was on ok terms with the beast, if he freed Bocc's control of the beast, it would surely turn on him. He also knew that the summoning itself was very taxing and when he had the Hachibi, he was mighty thankful to be an Edo Tensei. At this point, Bocc would have lost 20% of his total chakra, and another 5% if he was using genjutsu on it, which based off the sharingan eyes of the beast, seemed to be the case, but perhaps not.

Anyway, the Yondaime would have to deal with the hellstrom of lava which would undoubtedly occur once the Yonbi smashed his fist. The range of the attack would surely be enough to reach him, luckily, he had some space and time to work with before annihilation. Quickly and simultaneously, the Otokage moved both of his hands. His right hand reached into his clay bag, and the tiny mouth snagged a small piece of clay and began to form it. His left hand meanwhile, snagged one of his hiraishin marked kunai and coated it in wind chakra.

The Yondaime would take said wind kunai and whip it into the sky. The combination of arm strength and wind ensured it would go very far into the sky. As the kunai traveled, the Yondaime waited till he was about to be burned dead-er before vanishing in a purple flash. He would reappear and from there sprout a medium sized clay bird from his right hand, big enough for him to stand on. The bird would then carry him even further higher and away from the Yonbi, as his kunai presumably fell into the pit below.

If everything went nicely, which it should have based on his quick motions/ teleportation. He would escape unharmed and be a fair distance in the air and only continuing to grow the distance higher and further. The Yondaime would never take his eyes of his target, and his senses were very aware of Bocc and the Yonbi (Sage, Negative emotion sensing, hearing, etc). As he gained distance, the Yondaime let a red glow overtake him, as he began his Sage Transformation.

1. Hiraishin
2. C1: Bird
3. Sage Transformation

Village Square / Re: Claimed list restructuring
« on: August 24, 2016, 01:00:39 AM »
People can already do what you recommend Teostra. For an example, I can claim the Kiba swords right now and use them in all my normal rp. Can walk around with them, can train, etc. Not a damn thing anyone can do about it.

The issues occur, when casual rp stops and battle rp begins. Like if I were to use them in my fight with Bocc, that would be a big no no. Else people would start using these duplicated items to gain an advantage they otherwise didn't posses.

Anyone on SL can rp whatever they wish till their hearts desire. They can join and claim to use hiraishin and be the 3 tails jinch if they want. Problems arise when they interact with another player.

Even if we were to use your system of duplicates. I imagine the original owner of Kiba would get pretty irked if he had to fight a death match rp and his opponent also had kiba, which only he should have had.

People can rp whatever they want, and nobody should stop them. However, their is a difference in rp that only involves yourself and roleplaying with others/ a community.

Only other solution I could see besides challenging (which I don't advocate for) is to make the inactivity window smaller (30-45) days.

But I also don't think there is that big of an issue with the claimed list. While some players do have a large amount of items, there are still many things left to claim for players without. Filler episodes often introduce new stuff, and if you look at the claimed list now, many of the people are inactive and the claims are free to grab (Notably summons).

Village Square / Re: Claimed list restructuring
« on: August 23, 2016, 03:39:09 AM »
People will never go for the multiple items answer. People get items/ jutsu for two main reasons.

1. To help them in battle rp
2. To collect a unique item

Your first solution is more probable to work, but still likely wont.

The only solution is to make everything challengable. This way, everyone has the opportunity to earn an item or weapon and never be denied a chance to earn it. However, this comes with issues of their own.
1. People like before would argue against having to defend their stuff. Most feel like they shouldn't have to.
2. Then you have people like Bocc. A very skilled roleplayer who could likely win most items. Which would lead to him hoarding lots of stuff, and other good battle rpers. This would have a even more negative affect on parity. This could be fixed my maybe putting an item cap on 3-5, or saying you can only challenge for one item in x amount of months. This would also lead to another issue tied with number 3.
3. How much should the community meddle? This is the biggest issue on SL, almost like big government in the States should you live there. How much say and how many rules should SL have. To put this process in place, the community would have to agree to the rule, and agree to a item cap rule. As you saw with the biju rules, a large segment of the SL population are very against regulation.

And problem 3 also puts a dampen on this whole thread, as your proposing regulation. As for me I'd be for some rules, but I was also for Edo tensei regulation, hiraishin, biju, etc. You can get by problem 3, it's been done a few times. But you're going to have to campaign, get support, compromise, and do a lot of arguing.

But I do applaud you for trying to find a solution and engaging in dialogue. But I way I see it, to change the system, you would have to make a challenge procedure, or personally implore people one by one to give up their stuff and hope the effect is contagious.

Village Square / Re: Claimed list restructuring
« on: August 23, 2016, 01:52:46 AM »
Nice in theory, wouldn't work though.

1. That would require current players to give up some of their stock of ammo, which most wouldn't.

2. Some things just wouldn't be in use anymore. We don't exactly have that many people.

3. Initiatives in the past tried to create claimed list parity and were rejected. Such ideas such as being able to challenge for weapons and items was rejected. And another to have have any summons be claimable was also axed.

4. Only one solution exist at this point and that is voluntary giving up things. Efforts have been made to some extent. I think there is a list of techniques on the wiki anyone can claim, and maybe a summons list too, might be mistaken though. But basically, it's up to the players who hoard stuff to decide to give it to a new player.

If the newbies asked nicely, that might get an older more semi inactive player (Like myself) to give up stuff, maybe. Else it's up to the owners to give away items, or place their claimed jutsu on the public domain list.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Deja vu! Bocchiere defends the 4 Tails against Trev
« on: August 21, 2016, 09:10:12 PM »
Trev would be nowhere to be found. Bocc did not post the temp of the sun, which was 1 gillion degrees this day. Thus Bocc would melt and Trev would win.

Anyway, Trev would assumingly eventually find his way to the battle location. Though not for many hours, as he opted to travel on foot. Hopefully Bocc fell asleep or something in the mean time. He too would already have his EMS activated, just cause. He was adorned in his typical Otogake attire as usual, consisting of the entire robe and hat getup. Underneath the robe, was a melody arm on his left arm, a air tube in his left hand, two iwagakure kinjutsu mouths, on his chest and right hand, and a bunch of kunai dangling from his belt marked for hiraishin. Also marked on his right shoulder, was the kanji for lightning, signifying his usage of black lightning.

Trev being as he always was, started off quite a far distance, 100 meters exactly, or 30 feet shy of a football field. Trev stood there eyeing his opponent carefully, not looking serious or relaxed, just stoic and plain as a wooden board. If Bocc cared to pay attention, or could see at this distance, he would  figure out Trev was an Edo Tensei. And if his foe was a sage, he could see the constant flow of natural energy around him.

The Yondaime would force himself to give a small grin, and give a very small wave to the Tschuikage. They had known each other for years now, it was only polite.

(Let me know if the purple is too much of an eye sore)

Spam / Re: Little Experiemnt
« on: August 03, 2016, 07:06:11 AM »
Vanilla and Vanilla

Mioku and Bocc seem to have have this, so I say lock until the 14 days are up. Then unlock and post the findings.

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