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Messages - Eric

Pages: 1 ... 229 230 [231]
Game Related Discussions / Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« on: February 19, 2012, 07:33:47 AM »
Everyone cannot be the 'one-man army' or the genius. Genius is a rarity but on SL it seems to have become the norm.

I could use a little of this 'Genius'.... just saying.

I'd slap some DP for some of that also... Although since i'm not an absolute genuis then I must be abnormal in SL terms. ~_~

Game Related Discussions / Re: Jounin Exam Thread
« on: February 19, 2012, 07:31:03 AM »
Since we need someone to counter Boc, I say we invite a former Kage just for that purpose. ^_^

Game Related Discussions / Re: Jounin Exam Thread
« on: February 15, 2012, 03:05:03 AM »
I have applied for the Jounin Exams. Might as well take a crack at it; I mean, what's the worse that can happen?

(Any questions about my app, ask in SL, although I'm sure you would do that anyway. ^_^)

Game Related Discussions / Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« on: February 04, 2012, 04:59:38 PM »
Question: Should the number of KGs per person be limited? If so under what criteria?

I think they should be limited. My character is on the weaker end so that just may be that talking, but the last thing I want to do is actually enter and be sent to my doom against someone with kaguya, Sage of Six paths, and Uchiha resets. I would certainly be butthurt after that match sort of matchup.

Question: How many affinities do the Chuunin NPCs get? Are there any other restrictions that need to be placed upon them

They're NPC"s': things are going to get hectic enough. I know how to post with character aside from my own using different color schemes, but controllin four at a time will require me to know some different color codes. XP. So if anything, the chunin should, for simplicty, have just one affinity per individual. There ARE three of them, and I can think of a least a few combination techniques that could work with the main character having two affinities, then the chunin each having one of the other three elements.

"You may not post the successful completion of ANY action."

I'm not new to RPing, but when you say of any action, does that mean you can't post that you hurled a kunai over the wall and it lands successfully onto the ground outside the wall? Is it that down to earth "see plains zone to get the joke" or are you just trying to tell people not to claim a successful scorching the post they declare they are trying to scorch someone?

"Who may enter? come on guys...are we excluding anyone?"

Well, technically since we are giving out DP, we have to be fair and allow anyone to actually join don't we? Excluding a group (despite misgivings) would probably not be a good idea for a tournament of this sort.

Although, I would like to know who's participating or not. If I have no chance of winning against ANYONE, then I won't even bother signing up.

Game Related Discussions / Re: So much DP and nothing to Spend it on!
« on: January 22, 2012, 04:09:49 AM »
The idea I'll throw out there, since I was redirected to this forum via PM, is that rather than a Jounin tourney, wouldn't it make sense for more of an arena sort of thing?  A place for jounins online to gather and just duke it out.

I know, the Main Zone is a decent place for that sort of thing, and the perfect location to host this sort of thing, but to make it more interesting winners of fair matchups by appointed referee(s) could be awareded DP or a "point". With DP, simple enough, you get DP.

With points, if you get enough points, you get to be "invited" to higher levelled fights where others with similar point values are matched up against you.

Yeah, complicated I know, but this is all brainstorming no?

Game Related Discussions / Re: Current Favorite Characters
« on: November 18, 2011, 11:25:13 PM »
My list suddenly seems so... Small.

Game Related Discussions / Re: Current Favorite Characters
« on: November 17, 2011, 11:51:09 PM »
And look what happened right after he left for the second time. A bunch of Hokage elects!

And Tomi was a better bad guy than Boc ever managed, whether that was Tomi's goal or not.

Game Related Discussions / Re: Village changes
« on: November 17, 2011, 11:49:03 PM »
Blown up... D: If you get blown up why not let it be an insta-kill event? ;)

Game Related Discussions / Re: Current Favorite Characters
« on: November 17, 2011, 11:42:28 PM »
Why thank you Reimu! I dislike most of them in RP, but OOC they're cool.

1) Rita the Dragon (personal mount)

Seriously? He likes himself? lol But nah, that's cool, I like myself too.

2)Kyuubigirl (one of the first SL friends and zone fights)

Not sure if it's the one I'm thinking of, if so they're okay.

3)Rare Uchiha

I remember fifty when he was an annoying Acad I had to report to the mods all the time, he was such a pain then, but he's come a long way.


Good buddy, especially in OOC, even though I have, and will keep trying to kill her.

5)Tommi Senju

WORST THING TO HAPPEN TO SL EVER! However OOC he wasn't too bad, was hard not to like him. Must say, glad he is *gone* though.


Read his bio... 'nuff said. lol Don't know him on a personal level though, and this isn't a best RP topic so me, sure he is great.


He seemed okay.

Characters are characters, they are not neccessarily the real people. Yeah I like myself but I like some of my creations for shinobilegends especially well! And quite frankly, you have your reasons for disliking Tomi, I have my reasons for particularly liking him. You can type crap about the guy but seriously, is there any solid evidence that he did so many terrible things for the SL RP? Come on now, as far as characters go, Tomi's was pretty friggen awesome man. You may disagree, but I have my reasons. And I didn't think this was a discussion thread for those lists. >.>

Game Related Discussions / Re: Current Favorite Characters
« on: November 16, 2011, 12:13:59 AM »
I guess someone has to make sure this doesn't completely die, seeing as how relevant the question is...

1) Rita the Dragon (personal mount)

2)Kyuubigirl (one of the first SL friends and zone fights)

3)Rare Uchiha


5)Tommi Senju



These are characters, not neccessarily the peoople on the other side of the screen, although that did influence just slightly in my listings. Rita was my own personal creation and I actually have alot of fun RPing both her and Eric together far more than when I'm just RPing Eric.

Kyuubigirl still has that place becuase she was one of my first real zone fights and friends on SL, although she is not as into that as she used to.

Rare has been with both SL and the village for quite awhile now; I remember when he was Fifty Cents in the friend's list. While it is questionable his latest ideas, since his character has alot of power (and not a thing to do with it) and for the most part resembles the Uchiha from the series pretty well, you can tell that Rare's own character probably has some illumination to OOC Fifty... Getting used to Rare threw me off for a bit. :P

OOCly I can't say I"m all that familiar with Kayenta, but from SLS to SL again, her character has certainly shone quite well, with the personalities of herself and her character very intuned.

Tommi's character was the greatest thing to happen to Konohagakure ever since Gyururu handed him the mantle in SLS. While his eventual OOC decisions are questionable, his character was undoubtably unique in nature. Yeah, plenty of Minato references and potential copycat, but he managed to pull it off rather well till the end, throwing in some "extra" stuff to "customize" the Minato template. Had his two infamous decisions of OOC nature been weighed more heavily... Well, he certainly wouldn't have gotten above Lightning that is for certain!

Lightning, the first eager member of the Shadow Force who gave me the honor of being one of his senpai's... I believe his second senpai including his master, but I absolutely adore the character behind it. Recently conditions haven't been so grand for either of us to shine, but war will eventually return to the shinobi legends realm...

Dark's character recently has been inactive... Very inactive in fact. But his real life is affecting that. His character looked out for the best for Konoha, and tried to help pick up the pieces from Tomi's first dissappearance... Well, RL has been sapping at that, but his character is still awesome.

No, I am not "reviving" this thread! I am trying to make a related post and give a template for others who wanna post, and I'm not sure i have any characters that I hate really.

Well, it is quite clear which side is going to "win"... Although I just hope it's enough votes to satisfy Neji to approve the work for these changes.

Also, as a side note, as long as we're adding births, maybe we can squeeze in the missing ninja birth.

Some know me, some don't, whatever. Point being, I want Oto to be split into Kumogakure and Iwagakure for RP-based reasons. However, if Oto is going to become the new Iwa, then do sound born shinobi start there still, or are they going to start somewhere else? And will there be new "birth" types seeing as Iwa and Kumo are going to become like regular villages. If not, then it still rotates back to what are the sound-born ninja going to do.

As a leaf born ninja for life, I don't have to worry much, but as an evil shinobi in-game I do have to be concerned with what happens to the sound-born people of Otogakure. It is also assumed that Otogakure is also going to retain its shops and the works?

Hoshi never really had much importance, but by making it Amegakure then it has a purpose. Making Ninja Central into the Land of Iron would make more logical sense, though how or if that will change the actual RP in that village is beyond me.

~Nara Eric

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