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Author Topic: KG Claims  (Read 12196 times)


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Re: KG Claims
« Reply #45 on: April 27, 2014, 12:08:14 AM »

Since I'm a noob compared to most of you, if not all of you (I started rping here in '12), I came to realize a ton of stuff from rping here. The reset system has offered a ton of pros and cons.

For example, the pros:
-If your character dies, you can get back into rp and not be'll have kg right off the bat and be taken quite seriously.
-This ties in with the above, it's a way to give your chracter perks. Most Vets have more resets, so they're awarded with more (of course, this sucks for people who don't level).
-It prevents someone from making a new character becoming Madara right off the bat.

But, there's the obvious cons:
-Over poweredness. If a 16 reset account is obtained, you're pretty OP. And thanks to the nasty precendent set, those resets don't need to be all.
-Skill in SL is based on who has resets and not who can RP better. There have been a few exceptions, but the only way to combat this is to get more resets...which leads too...
-Madaras running everywhere. Like many Rinni, mokuton, sharingan combos are there? At this point the amount of oxygen in our atmosphere isn't an issue anymore due to the amount of sprawling forests being made.

But the problem, I believe, stems at the very cornerstone of SL. It's moderation.

The appeal of SL is the freedom of it. Like, damn, compared to other's super loose and you really have to push the line before it's considered out of line. But, it's also it's down fall.

I have never seen a place where the RP mods where merely a side option - and that's not a dig on them, they're phenomal people who do their job; granted, when they're asked to mod a fight or something.

I remember a few months ago in HQ, I said Kyu, our new RP mod, didn't do anything. Of course, stupid me failed to realize he couldn't do much since he really can't do much without beng asked, and even then he doesn't have that much power. The title of mod is just simply that, a title. Of course, after many people "berated" me, I came to realize I was an asshole. I apologized, but to this day I still feel like a jerk. So sorry if you're reading this! :D

I really wish we could use our mods, a lot more. This approach of "Hey, you don't like someone? Then don't RP with them!" really falls apart when it comes to canon stuff. We really saw the effect of this when Kay wasn't cool with Chiyo's resets. The fact that people are disagreeing, on the same site no less, on what basically constitutes for power is sad and unfortunete.

So...why don't we make legit rules and have, I dunno...mods enforce them? And when I say "enforce", I mean enforce. This self-governing, democracy doesn't really work on issues where the majority is only causes more dissension, angry people, and hate. Hence, that's the duty of a mod...

Of course, I'm all for site wide nerf. How about...people only get to use one KG, like in the actual Manga/Canon?

These are my thoughts and please feel free to disagree with them. Maybe what I'm saying isn't that please feel free to correct me if at all possible.

Edit: I just realized how old this thread is...screw me for putting this much time and effort into it.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 12:38:05 AM by Genesis »


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Re: KG Claims
« Reply #46 on: April 27, 2014, 01:07:33 AM »

Pokemon franchise and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1-3. *Shivers*

An experiment would be to start RPing here on the forum, with rules and stuff, and let the SL site be a freelance spear all claim all. Just a thought.

Remember when SLS was a thing? It didn't turn out super well then either--unless you have some plan to change that formula.

Why it ultimately flopped is beyond me at this stage. I have reviewed what i recall about the place, and I don't understand where it went wrong, other than the issue of mixing SLS and SL RP.

... So...why don't we make legit rules and have, I dunno...mods enforce them? And when I say "enforce", I mean enforce. This self-governing, democracy doesn't really work on issues where the majority is only causes more dissension, angry people, and hate. Hence, that's the duty of a mod...

Of course, I'm all for site wide nerf. How about...people only get to use one KG, like in the actual Manga/Canon?

These are my thoughts and please feel free to disagree with them. Maybe what I'm saying isn't that please feel free to correct me if at all possible.

Edit: I just realized how old this thread is...screw me for putting this much time and effort into it.

For the record, the thread is still going, somewhat, so you putting in the effort is not in vain.

I am not familiar with what powers the mods have, although as you have stated, they largely rely on RPers asking them to intervene, and even then, their authority is not considered as absolute as on a RP forum.

It's not a bad suggestion per say, just that having potentially biased mods making the decisions (as a few participate in the RP themselves) seems like a stone's throw away from having judges preside over RP.

And whoever accused us of being a democracy? Not everyone who bites the rules helped decide on them, or even had the chance to at that. I would call it more like an aristocracy, or even a republic if you want to consider representation of factions or whatever.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: KG Claims
« Reply #47 on: April 29, 2014, 05:21:28 AM »

At the end of the day skill > resets. If people won't to go out of their way to level to 16 resets -- which by that time you'll probably already be good in RP and won't need them -- or buy an account then let them. At the end of the day most of those people will get owned by those with actual skill in RP.


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Re: KG Claims
« Reply #48 on: April 29, 2014, 06:05:33 AM »

That ^ has been proven time and time again. You'd think we'd just stop worrying about it by now.


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Re: KG Claims
« Reply #49 on: April 29, 2014, 10:15:45 AM »

I think I'm one of the few running an account with no resets but I'm claiming resets through rp. No one's bitching about cause they know I'm doing it the right way.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: KG Claims
« Reply #50 on: April 29, 2014, 06:20:09 PM »

I think I'm one of the few running an account with no resets but I'm claiming resets through rp. No one's bitching about cause they know I'm doing it the right way.

Until Nathan let me borrow Kirk's other account (long story), I was running resets through role-play. The only one that ever gave me any trouble was Yumei; I feel that, for the most part, those training Kekkei Genkai through extensive writing are still respected. It seems to be that, while resets grant one an automatic pass to power, one can still gain power the old-fashioned way.

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Re: KG Claims
« Reply #51 on: April 30, 2014, 03:54:44 AM »

I think I'm one of the few running an account with no resets but I'm claiming resets through rp. No one's bitching about cause they know I'm doing it the right way.
We've never interacted, have we. Never have, never will.


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Re: KG Claims
« Reply #52 on: May 11, 2014, 02:13:44 AM »

Honestly SLS was great. Even some of the bigger players back in the day bothered making characters. I think the problem was that it just didn't have enough advertising to really back it. And because of that the RPing was limited without a really dedicated community. But it really served as a testament to how people (at least back then) wanted to have their own specializations as oppose to being a master of everything via kg stacking as we know it on SL. I mean technically SLS didn't even have much in terms of restrictions, and yet people went out of their way to not grab a bunch of hiden techniques, kekkei genkai, kekkei tota, tailed beasts, etc. They usually only had 1 of those things and made proper use of it along with their specialties.

There's even another Naruto game site much like SL whose url I forgot (which kinda sucks cause I sorta want to try chilling there again. >_>) where your in-game rank and RP rank were completely separate. It looked very similar to SL in layout, but it's forum had a place for character sheets to be posted and reviewed by GMs before being allowed to RP. And after that was said and done you could start out as a noob academy student and work your way up from their by chilling and RPing with others. Improving them along the way.

So then why can't we just do that here? I mean, if all the kage, higher up players, and clan leaders came together then we could probably establish some GM-standards for character sheets to be reviewed and accepted. And if denied then they'd have to help said person revise their character accordingly. Allow people to have their HT or KG from the start, but make sure they know that at the beginning it'll either be an unlockable (in the case of the Sharingan where it's latent) or at a sufficiently nerfed level. I mean take the Hozuki and Yuki as an example. In the case of the former perhaps they have to go through rigorous training and at the start they can only fluidize parts of their body and they have to consciously utilize it as oppose to how Jounin+ rank Hozuki's in the show can use it both consciously and unconsciously so long as they're being hit, where at that point it actually takes effort to not liquify when struck. With that in mind the Hydrification technique would need to be practiced and improved upon before it could even reach the same tier as that which we view in the show. Meanwhile for the Yuki example, we know that Hyouton (Ice Release) is comprised of both water and wind natures. So you'll probably start with some ice jutsu since that's your KG. Then once you become sufficiently good with your elemental KG, you can then break it apart to utilize water or wind jutsu respectively, but then you'd have to train those abilities. Also I'm saying you'd play with ice first as oppose to last in this case because that's actually how it went down in the show in the case of Haku. Which means elemental KG should come more naturally then even their basic natural affinity (in this case water/wind would be replaced by ice).

I mean I get that here on SL we just love our freedom so much that we're willing to isolate each other, but forums have rules and GMs where players are usually more then happy to try things out, especially if it's there first time they're more then willing to work with you. But here, in this case we're just fighting against pride. Pride that comes from having had things tough and not wanting to give others a free pass. The same pride that has us claim powers for the sake of keeping our spots in the power hierarchy and preventing others from challenging our threatening what we consider the "balance". I mean, it's like asking the rich after all their hard work to actually spread the wealth and show goodwill towards their fellow human when instead they usually just voice the idea that they're competitors were lazy or not good enough and that there was equal opportunity when we all know that's bogus. I mean you worked your asses off for it it and paid the piper when the time came and fit in just enough while flashing the right personality traits to make the right friends, but what about those who didn't have those chances and can't get them now cause we're in the way of that?

That aside the question we really have to ask ourselves here is whether or not we are willing to trust and share with one another here. :/ If not then this whole thread is just mute. And I think that part of the problem is that we misplace what being strong on SL really means in the grand scheme of things. I mean sure you can claim all those powers but you can't claim to outdo a specialist in their particular expertise. And part of the problem is that so many of the characters have all the same KGs with enough flavor inbetween to differentiate between them all via their names, appearances, and a few trademark skills. But in doing so you just really ruin team dynamics like that of the Ino-Shika-Cho formation. I mean if you do it all, then who do you play with? I imagine you play alone and just fight people whenever the mood suits you. So then where are the team dynamics and roles that work together as a proper unit? I mean if you specialize in something and work with other specialists, then you should just naturally do that one guy who has all your abilities but hasn't fully evolved them as you had. It's like if you only had Katon as a viable option, then you'd be damned sure you'd find every single possible way you could make the best of it. Meanwhile a generalist would just be kinda meh about it and use it the same way everybody else does and thus won't be as good with it. But it's whatever really. Just throwing out some ideas in rant form. Though so long as you're a better RPer you should be able to deal with KG stacking anyway. So to me it's more to balance out both sides if that sounds right. :/ Anywho, sorry for the long rant.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 05:24:49 PM by AkiraTheLegendaryANBU »


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Re: KG Claims
« Reply #53 on: May 11, 2014, 02:15:29 AM »

What's the TL;DR?
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: KG Claims
« Reply #54 on: May 11, 2014, 03:09:28 AM »

What's the TL;DR?

TL;DR = Too Long;Didn't Read


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Re: KG Claims
« Reply #55 on: May 11, 2014, 03:30:50 AM »

I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: KG Claims
« Reply #56 on: May 11, 2014, 04:04:15 AM »

What's the TL;DR?

TL;DR = Too Long;Didn't Read

-_- I know that.

I believe he was asking what's in the post. As he didn't read it due to it being too long.


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Re: KG Claims
« Reply #57 on: May 11, 2014, 03:33:03 PM »

...But it really served as a testament to how people (at least back then) wanted to have their own specializations as oppose to being a master of everything via kg stacking as we know it on SL. I mean technically SLS didn't even have much in terms of restrictions, and yet people went out of their way to grab a bunch of hiden techniques, kekkei genkai, kekkei tota, tailed beasts, etc. They usually only had 1 of those things and made proper use of it along with their specialties...

There's even another Naruto game site... It looked very similar to SL in layout, but it's forum had a place for character sheets to be posted and reviewed by GMs before being allowed to RP. And after that was said and done you could start out as a noob academy student and work your way up from their by chilling and RPing with others. Improving them along the way.

So then why can't we just do that here? I mean, if all the kage, higher up players, and clan leaders came together then we could probably establish some GM-standards for character sheets to be reviewed and accepted. And if denied then they'd have to help said person revise their character accordingly. Allow people to have their HT or KG from the start, but make sure they know that at the beginning it'll either be an unlockable (in the case of the Sharingan where it's latent) or at a sufficiently nerfed level...

...for the Yuki example, we know that Hyouton (Ice Release) is comprised of both water and wind natures. So you'll probably start with some ice jutsu since that's your KG. Then once you become sufficiently good with your elemental KG, you can then break it apart to utilize water or wind jutsu respectively, but then you'd have to train those abilities...

...elemental KG should come more naturally then even their basic natural affinity (in this case water/wind would be replaced by ice).

I mean I get that here on SL we just love our freedom so much that we're willing to isolate each other, but forums have rules and GMs where players are usually more then happy to try things out, especially if it's there first time they're more then willing to work with you. But here, in this case we're just fighting against pride...

...Pride that comes from having had things tough and not wanting to give others a free pass. The same pride that has us claim powers for the sake of keeping our spots in the power hierarchy and preventing others from challenging our threatening what we consider the "balance"....

...But in doing so you just really ruin team dynamics like that of the Ino-Shika-Cho formation. I mean if you do it all, then who do you play with? I imagine you play alone and just fight people whenever the mood suits you. So then where are the team dynamics and roles that work together as a proper unit? I mean if you specialize in something and work with other specialists, then you should just naturally do that one guy who has all your abilities but hasn't fully evolved them as you had....

For quoting convenience (I did read the whole thing) I condensed to the main points of your post. in the grand scheme of things, I did not condense much.

Do not apologize to some lazy people who did not want to read your post. It was not that long, honestly. Maybe text blocky, but not too long to read. +1, honestly, I agree with most of your statements.

Gathering all of the Kage (including "minor" nations who are not so minor in this realm) together to try to hash something like that out would be nice, though getting them to agree on a template might be a tougher issue.

I know at least once before character templates were brought up before, to which I know would be objected to simply as the notion of having to create a character template here would be offensive and considered a strike on the freedom of RPers.

It's like British America. Once we got a taste of that good ole' freedom, we didn't want to have it limited in any way, even if it was somewhat best for the grand scheme of things.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

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Re: KG Claims
« Reply #58 on: May 11, 2014, 09:34:44 PM »

Blah blah blah words
More words

The problem with the 'character' templates is that there would be no reasonable way to enforce them without some serious changes to the structure of how SL works. Basically, you'd have to have all clans agree to not accept any members without a 'template'. That already won't go over well. Then you'd have to decide on what the template should look like, where to host the templates, restrictions, etc.

After that you'd need someone to moderate and check the legitimacy of characters. I would suggest just having people sort this out on their own, but people on SL like to fight, so it would be best if just one person did this.

After that you'd have to decide how and when people are allowed to update their character. Are there 'points' for RPing? Or do you just trust people know what is and isn't reasonable? etc. etc.

All of that is the bare minimum you'd need to start a system like this. And you'd be hard pressed to get people to agree on the first point. That is to say, it's not possible. Not on SL anyway.
>INB4 banned for opinions.


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Re: KG Claims
« Reply #59 on: May 11, 2014, 09:54:54 PM »

Wait you're talking character templates, I've tried that. You can go look. This will not happen as it 'takes freedom of rp' away or something of the sort. No one on SL can agree and never will.

We've tried several times to regulate rp. We cannot do it without anykind of system in place. There isn't a system because no one wants to agree.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

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