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Messages - Trev

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19 ... 50
Bijuu Arena / Re: Trev V. Rusaku
« on: August 07, 2015, 11:30:47 PM »
Agreement made that sees this fight to an end. Thread being locked

Village Square / Re: How Come?
« on: August 07, 2015, 05:59:11 AM »
Actually not lying, I tend to not like custom techniques so much and do like the logic of the series (Whatever it has left). I consider SL kind of like chess/ research paper.

I enjoy fighting someone and trying to outwit them with my character, while simultaneously finding sources from the anime/ manga to back up the claims of my post.

Maybe it's cause I'm a history major and finding details/ sources is all I do. Either way it gets my rocks off and thus my answer was not a lie >>

Village Square / Re: How Come?
« on: August 07, 2015, 05:51:26 AM »

Bijuu Arena / Re: Trev V. Rusaku
« on: August 06, 2015, 06:21:07 AM »
Shuriken would be dodged for now, and Rusaku would move to take the Yondaime by surprise, but this would not occur. As the Sannin moved, the Yondaime would turn his head to where the shinobi would be. Although Rusaku with his speed and chakra rain could hide from the sharingan, it could not outwit a Sage's extraordinary ability to sense chakra (Taken from wiki "The user can sense chakra around them and can sense attacks without the need to see them."). Thus his movements would be able to be followed, as being a man with large chakra liabilities would set off a fairly large "bloop" on his metaphorical chakra  radar.

Although the Yondaime had much bigger things to worry about than just sensing the attack, he had to now react. Two problems occurred here, one of which was his foe being in direct proximity to him and the other being the feeling of a force around and than actual pulling of this psuedo bansho tenin.  Considering his opponent's battle tendencies, the Yondaime was willing to bet a massive strike was awaiting him. Lucky for him, he had a plethora of one handed kata jutsu to utilize.

The Yondaime would indeed be separated from his etheral warrior, which would quickly disperse once is was no longer connected to his chakra. Once being pulled, the Yondaime's jet booster quickly twisted and flared to life in the opposite direction of Rus as Trev formed the Ram kata. The jet boosters would do one of three things, either slow down the pull of gravity, completely stop it, or floor the Otokage in reverse. Considering The Yondaime was a Sage enhanced Edo Tensei and the latter were clones (Wiki quote about wood clone "In the event the main body is busy fighting elsewhere, the wood clone would be unable to fight with it's full potential") meaning the last two events were more likely.

In any case, he had bought himself a few brief moments and thus before he could be struck, the Yondaime released a large amount of purple water from his mouth. And by large, I mean a lake amount of water. The purple water came out as a continuous and wide stream of water (wide enough to full cover your impending attack and then some, so none fly around it). The water would serve three main purposes.

1. The force of the expulsion would send the Yondaime flying back much faster, and if it was doubt able that the clones could hold him before, this would be the icing on the cake. 2. The water would absorb the force of the man's attack, being as it was a large volume of rushing water and senjutsu enhanced. Even if the man's technique did win the initial clash, the sheer volume of water would eventually win, as the Yondaime traveled further and further away. But that was unluckily the case, since even with his Tenseigan enhancment, Rus's potential was only a third of what it could be up here and against an Edo Sage that was not wise. Finally once it did overwhelm the attack, the remnants would aim straight for the man himself. Being as the water had a Dokuton influence, if any amount of it touched him, his whole chakra network would be eaten away, and game over (Seeing as you know Otogakure Dokuton on an account, I shouldn't have to overly explain).

1. Sage Sensing
2. Jet Boosters
3. Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave (Dokuton variant) (Senjutsu enhanced)

Shuriken and Susanoo disperse.

Village Square / Re: How Come?
« on: August 06, 2015, 05:32:40 AM »
You already answered it, Izanagi is canon and yours isn't. So what you will about that, but more often than not Canon>Custom. Plus Izanagi seals your eye away forever, no getting it back. And if you're not a senju, it's duration is not very long at all.

And your armor hasn't gotten a big thumbs down, in fact several players have said it's fine and even agreed with you in the other topic. The only real thumbs down was from Eric, and you gave him a thumbs down as to what he could do. Tis the nature of custom things.

Village Square / Re: How Come?
« on: August 05, 2015, 11:47:07 PM »
I don't have other eyes to use inzangi with, if I do, it will be at the cost of my own eyes.

I would not likely accept some of the people's custom techniques if it were up to me. So it isn't just picking on you, as most of that list I wouldn't accept.

Not saying your custom armor is wrong, just saying that not everything listed on there is accepted.

Village Square / Re: Eric and Neala
« on: August 03, 2015, 12:28:16 AM »
I have no opinion on whose right, but it pretty much comes down to whose custom jutsu/item outdoes the other one. Since this is custom stuff, we can't not answer it with manga evidence, therefore.

You guys can continue to get the communities opinion, which is split and just really causes arguing to no avail.

Or get an independent arbitrator (Judge) that both of you consent to, to make a decision. Which is much quicker, easier, and less messy of a solution.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Trev V. Rusaku
« on: August 01, 2015, 12:14:13 AM »
Eyes swirled as he watched the movements of Rusaku, eventually he would be dealt with an onslaught like no other, how unfortunate. If the Yondaime  did not react quickly, this fight would quickly end for him. Seeing the large amount of kunai coming towards him, the Yondaime simply became overwhelmed in a giant mass of black chakra. This was the full manifestation of his susanoo, which would also noticeably be covered in curse seal marks due to the presence of senjutsu. As stated last post, the manifestation of the ethereal warrior is extremely quick, quickened even further by the fact part of it was already spawned.

The Yondaime would position his yata mirror (Which rus would likely think is a regular shielf) to take on the full blunt or at least most of the kunai attacking him. Bracing himself, the Yondaime would be attacked be the large explosion of lighting chakra from the kunai and needles. The yata mirror being the yata mirror would defend entirely against the kunai assault, as for the rest. Considering he was encompassed in a full susanoo, enhanced by senjutsu, it was safe to say he would be relatively fine. Combined with the dark release shroud still over him as another barrier, and finally if he was somehow damaged by any remnants, his Sage Transformation state was very durable (See Jugo, getting a hole punched in his stomach)

Once the attack cleared, likely making lots of smoke from the collision and destruction of the kunai, his susanoo would spawn four brand new arms (making three on each side). Five of these hands would manifest large shuirken (one hand is holding the yata mirror) These five arms would quickly launch the five shuriken through the smoke. Attached to each shuriken would be a long line of chakra.

The five shuriken flew through the air, sending large amounts of water to Trev's Kamu dimension, the shuriken would arm to bisect Rusaku and send him to his Kamui dimension. Should Rusaku attempt a defense, one of the shuriken would strike said defense first, transporting it away, allowing the other four to strike. Rus would not be aware of the Kamui properties even with his mind's eye, making this attack harder to defend against. Should Rusaku just attempt to dodge with his vast speed, the shuriken would simply reroute and track the target until he was destroyed or they were impeded.

While the chakra absorbing rain, might slightly dampen his shuriken and susanoo and anything else, it would be hard to it to completely get rid of anything, seeing as an Edo Tensei Trev's chakra was virtually infinite, thus he could keep pumping chakra into his techniques to sustain them. Also still going on the assumption it absorbs at kirisame like speeds (I've said this three times now, and haven't received info otherwise) the chakra absorption speed is very low.

Full susanoo manifestation
Kamui Shuriken
Manipulated Shuriken Technique variant

Bijuu Arena / Re: Trev V. Rusaku
« on: July 30, 2015, 02:31:17 AM »
Gyuki would indeed be bound, it seems he had outlived his usefulness, and thus "poof" a plum of smoke would erupt from his place, signifying the Hachibi returning back from whence he came, done with this fight he was. What a lousy pet, or perhaps the owner's training was to blame.

As for up above, the Yondaime would be in quite the pickle having lost sight of the man, lucky for him he was a first class Otokage and could rely on his stellar hearing as a backup. The enhanced hearing combined with the pro typical strategy of attacking a blindside gave the Yondaime some time to react, albeit not much. Also luck for him, his next defense could be spawned quickly.

Spawning a simple black ethereal arm of susanoo and the yata mirror the Yondaime would shield his blindside. Rusaku would find himself quite literally flying into an impenetrable object, likely bouncing off it with some force, as his wooden spikes certainly would not pierce it. If his Tenseigan Chakra Mode provided extra defense ( I honestly don't know enough about it to say) Rusaku would likely find his hand a little sore to say the least, if not, the impact could certainly crush the man's arms due to his high speed crash.

Even with the chakra absorbing rain (Which I'm assuming to go at kirisame like speeds) the short duration of the sequence would ensure it not be absorbed. As Trev continued to descent, his whole body would glow red as his body entered Sage Transformation, natural energy mixing with his chakra to create senjutsu.

Desummon Gyuki
Susanoo manifestation
Sage Transformation

Side Note: Susanoo spawns very fast, evident when Itachi manifested it in 1/100 of a second it took for Kirin to strike.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Trev V. Rusaku
« on: July 29, 2015, 09:27:57 PM »
As the rain fell, the Yondaime could feel his chakra being sucked up, unfortunately for Rusaku, he chakra was constantly replenishing, so it would take a very long time, before a dent was remotely made. Also his assumption on it destroying him would be incorrect (Example being chakra rods which nullify chakra being imapled into Edo's and not dispersing, etc) But, just to be extra sure, the Yondaime would utilize his dark release chakra and create a shroud of chakra around him. A trick learned from the Reibi. This shroud would absorb chakra of anything it came into contact with. This constant shroud would act as a barrier to the rain, or umbrella in this case as both techniques would effectively nullify each other. As long as the shroud was maintained, he would be fine.

The Yondaime would start to descent, his sharingan eyes fixated on the giant glow stick rapidly approaching him. Even in the downpour, that was something very hard to miss and not see. As for down below, it would seem the eights tails attacked failed, although since the clones are not fully powered due to being clones, the hobi would not be at full strength, though it was still certainly enough to tank his attack.  As for the genjutsu being broken, basic principle states two things must happen, 1. The user most stop the flow of chakra and 2. Disrupt the casters chakra. While the rain would certainly start to do these things, it would have to stop the whole chakra network of the tailed beast, which as you can imagine will take a very long time, especially if the technique is anything like kirisame.

As for the Gyuki, staring at the Hobi, the giant beast would spew ink from it's mouth, covering the wooden dome in ink. Within three seconds, the ink would dry completely sealing the whole entire dome. This would effectively trap the remaining clone inside, who would have little knowledge of what took place even with mind's eye.

Dark Release Shroud variant
Sealing Technique: Octopus Hold variant

Bijuu Arena / Re: Trev V. Rusaku
« on: July 28, 2015, 04:16:26 AM »
With his sharingan, the speed of the clones would be very easy to track, thus the Yondaime wasted no time in dealing with his opponent. As the clones neared, the Yondaime would simply slam the palm of his hand on the ground, causing a huge plum of smoke to emerge. From the smoke would be none other than Gyuki or more commonly know as the eight tails. The beast would be gargantuan and size and grasp the Yondaime within his hands before tossing the Yondaime sky high, obviously avoiding the clones attack should they continue towards the beast.

Once the Yondaime was in relatively safe positioning in the air, the Hachibi would react, closing all eight of his tentacles around himself. He would then extend his tails with an enormous amount of physical strength. This caused him to spin rapidly, resulting in the generation of tremendous gusts of wind that buffets everything in the surrounding area. This attack would be enough to level the surrounding field into a desolate area, and obliterating the clones, the real Rusaku and the seeds.

Meanwhile as the Yondaime traveled up at a fast fast, almost comically, he saw the incoming storm and thought to himself of how he was quite sick of bad weather.

Summoning Technique: Gyuki
Tailed Beast Eight Twists

Bijuu Arena / Re: Trev V. Rusaku
« on: July 27, 2015, 02:15:21 AM »
Supposes if Rusaku would be coming from the west, then Trev would just have to be coming from the east. The Yondaime was adorned in his usual attire, albeit without his typical kage hat upon his head. Multiple kunai hung off his belt as well, also containing a plethora of various kunai. Notably a melody arm gauntlet adorned his left arm, and if one could see, an air tube hole was placed in his right hand.

The eyes of the Yondaime would come alive, as the blood red of the three tomoe sharingan took over his brown pupils. The red eyes would seemingly glow brighter with the blackened background of his eyes from being an Edo Tensei, heightening the brightness of the red. Finally, for those in tune with sage training, the Yondaime would be passively and constantly collecting natural energy, even as he moved, a trait of his Yasei heritage.

The Yondaime would eventually find his way to the center and roughly 230 meters away from the jinch.

Game Related Discussions / Re: City relations
« on: July 26, 2015, 11:21:37 PM »
Didn't you use to also take hp damage back in the day if you were in a village that didn't like you?

Bijuu Arena / Trev V. Rusaku
« on: July 26, 2015, 11:12:28 PM »
1 v. 1 ooc match

Setting: Zone 6

Each user has one week to post a response, if they don't, they forfeit.

Void list:
-Anything that does not have a reasonable explanation within the Naruto/SL lore
-Any custom technique that has no prescribed flaw (auto-hitting/character control)
-Any of the recent Rikudo powered abilities
-Body Revival Technique (when used to survive Hachimon)
-Swift Release
-Kamui (Intangible verison)

Trev (Yata Mirror and Hachibi)
Rusaku (Reibi and Nanabi)

Judge: Yujo

Bijuu Arena / Re: Ichirou vs Shadow decision
« on: July 26, 2015, 10:15:05 PM »
Why would you agree on a judge if you thought he was biased??

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