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Messages - Hitler-Chan

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Feature Requests / Re: Open Up all Zones to every Rank?
« on: September 26, 2015, 01:09:31 AM »
I agree here, any account with at least a single reset should be allowed entrance into those zones. Of course I still think those with no resets and 25-49 DK's should only be allowed into the Sannin, and 50 - ∞ should be allowed access to the Sannin & Hokage Zones. I'm over here with 12 resets and dozens of hours spent on this game in just the forest, and still do not have access to high ranking zones.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« on: September 15, 2015, 03:51:45 AM »

We like to use the Wiki here so...

"offers some amount of predictive capabilities: they can anticipate an opponent's next move based on the slightest muscle tension in their body and act accordingly to dodge or intercept"
Add that together with, "The user can see chakra, giving it colour in order to distinguish it by its composition and source" and she could easily see the chakra and seals slowly forming before her.

Actually I don't think that mean anything because the tattoos is on Yujo's body which also has chakra. >.>
That's like saying you're in Yujo's Hidden Mist tech and he's moving within the mist but you claim to see him because of Sharigan's ability to see chakra,, even though technically the whole mist bares Yujo's  chakra. >.>

And are the tattoos covered or exposed?

Forearms and palms as posted in the Rp. Covered by his robes though, only reason they were ever seen in the Rp by a guard at the gate was because Yujo raised his arms into the air to act innocent and non-threatening. Masane/Ichirou have never seen them.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« on: September 15, 2015, 03:41:17 AM »
lol again. You aren't free either girl. Yujo deals with your explosion and you're sealed up according to the flow of RP and the way things are going. You had too many mistakes here. First and foremost, the reason I contest you don't have the sharingan active, is because with it being 'active' you still let yourself get deceived until the trigger has been pulled and claim to be some matrix person out of nowhere, even after spending restless hours stalking me at the strip clubs Keito likes to go to. You could have stated your sharingan made you hesitant to reach for Yujo's hand BUT YOU DIDN'T DO THAT! YOU ALREADY REACHED FOR HIS HAND and that means the sealing technique is able to transfer from him to you. Case done and sealed. thats all folks. Even after backing out, he only needed that contact and you gave it to him. Now after you gave him what he needed do you try and save yourself when its too late.

he deals with the explosion he is not expecting and seals me into the seal that just got destroyed.  Hahahahahahah okay cuz thats how uzu likes to rp.

Wait did you just say that I couldn't deal with an attack I was not expecting? Oh my lord...Everyone...this has broken me.

Also did I state in my entrance post that I entered with Kamui, and then peered down the bridge with my...let's say it together, crimson eyes. What?! You lyin' gurl.

"(11d4h) <||||> 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō | A portal was opened up, someplace along the first 3rd of the Ame-no-ukihashi; This spatial rift was used a catalyst for his entrance. Stepping forth from his spatial chariot was a man garbed in an archaic Uzumaki leader robes, looking to have been fashioned well before the current trend of (C)
(11d4h) <||||> 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō (C) higher tech armors and such that some shinobi wore nowadays. His crimson eyes peered down the path before him, soon finding the nearest chakra source and making his way towards them, of course he assumed this was a guard that would allow him entrance into the village or at the very least (C)"

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« on: September 15, 2015, 03:27:32 AM »
(10d6h) <||||> Uchiha 爆弾 Masane the time to unwind. She had been trying to locate Amegakures would be assailent. It was clear from the dark circles under her eyes that she had not slept in a while.

So here you could have included, her still active sharingan eyes or even her ever active sharingan BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT you didn't. So yes, given this new scenario I am stating it as retro post to just conveniently say the sharingan was active when that is a lie. If it were active, Masane wouldn't be in the predicament she was in and could tell Yujo's intentions before he even reached out for her hand. By then she wouldn't reach for his hand and then blast him BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you didn't do that. So the seal, seals you up, understood seal? Ooooof Oooof.

No! I was in constant rp and never deactivated it. You cant just say it was never active when I CLEARLY STATED THAT IT WAS.

Alright I'm gonna end this right here. So, I was in an RP fight with Rusaku like...20 days ago or something crazy, this fight was IC btw, and entered sage mode, to which I NEVER STATED to deactivate sage mode. Immediately following this battle I went straight over to Ame and started this Rp, so I too have been in constant RP since then and now have Sage mode active, making my sealing technique work...let's say 3 times faster than described. So now, even if the people under the assumption that the technique takes about 6 seconds, with sage mode, it now takes...let's see, wait, only 2 seconds? Holy crap! But waits there a more! I have senninka cells to allow me to stay in sage mode as long as I see fit, so this is completely real! Woah!

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« on: September 15, 2015, 02:29:13 AM »
Yes Mei we're saying it takes 6 seconds or so based off he only time it's been visibly used. It is a specific seal and I assume it's vague usage is why people use it so they make up effects. It is a canon technique. It makes a lot more sense to say it works as it does the only time it was ever seen than you just doing whatever you want with it.

And yeah so what if she's tired? She made an exlosion that should blow off both their hands. She didn't claim to filet the seal off his hand with her pinky finger.
He randomly grasps her hand, a seal spreads up her arm, and then she strats getting sucked into yujo's hand and you're saying she can't go "ohshitboom." That's not a precise reaction that's a split second kind of decision.

As for Keito I don't think he understands how the seal works. You're saying it would be faster than the anime scene because Masane is in direct contact with it but that's what happened on the anime too, the creature was literally standing on top of the seal. This time the seal is on yujo's hand instead of he ground though, so I don't see the difference.

I'm only going to comment on the sealing portion of this: I want all of you to imagine if boring old fire style fireball jutsu was only ever used in a filler flashback. And when fired it traveled at a rate of 2 MPH, and was the size of a grape, was written this way for some reason never explained, and then never used again, would any of you use the technique as described.

This is what is being argued here.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« on: September 15, 2015, 02:09:42 AM »
So Masane made herself tired and then calls it retro posting when its brought up.
*rolls on floor laughing before he can continue to somewhat respond*

Again for the seemingly illiterate, the ONLY effect stated from lack of sleep were the dark circles. You cant go back and say that I was sluggish or dull. You cant GO BACK and add stuff to MY POST.

That's like saying you bit into a lemon and only felt the effect of liquid on your tongue but none of the sour.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 14, 2015, 10:11:00 PM »
Alrighty peeps. We've been going back and forth for pages and pages of arguments, never once coming to an agreement on basically anything.

So I opened a poll and there was a resounding support for their deaths. I gave 24 hours for people to vote, so that everyone got a chance to do so if they cared about this.

The count was 13-5 in favor of their death, and because of this, the poll has been closed, along with this topic. I'm sure there will be arguments that carry on by the opposition but at this point I cannot forsee and change in opinion from either side.

I wish the Ame team the best and will likely not be seeing you soon.

Thank you.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 14, 2015, 08:28:07 PM »
Theres not really anything i can do. Im just a body as of right now, so all im doing is waiting for things to come to a head. I bring up the beast because i actually have something to say on the beast.

Madara told me i could have the beast before the rp started with you, but i can host it until im revived. So i put it in my bio before you went all twoface on a homie. But since i am either not revived or still am edo i put it as kuchiyose, even if you have my body you dont get the beast, as its not sealed in me.

And I think that's all we needed to know.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 14, 2015, 08:17:22 PM »
Just to clear up the biju part of this. Status was to insue after this rp, ao the hachibi isnt connected to it and depending on the proceedings will go to madara or kage

Cept I've kinda got Pms to prove otherwise. Strange that you only now come, not to defend your life/Sisters but the beast.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 14, 2015, 06:15:08 PM »
At 1:00PM PST this will be over and decided with. If you wish to continue with your ridiculous claims, and bashing, be my guest, but when the poll closes, you will have no say in anything regarding this matter any further.

Guess it's time to start making some dummy accounts, Kage. :)

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 13, 2015, 11:16:50 PM »
I voted for death, but I don't really see 'character death' like a lot of you guys do. I feel that they can come back if they want to through RP. After this is all said and done with, they can lay back with a few drinks and come back in when they're ready. I also don't like the fact that the people involved in this haven't really posted here.

If they can find a away to come back in legitimate RP, then by all means do it. With how Naruto progressed as a show it gave us so many different ways to bring someone back to life that it's not even funny.

I wish them the best of luck with that, and I made a slight mistake with the polls, to which I cannot edit. They will conclude at 1:00 PM PST 9/14/15. So tomorrow at 1 in the afternoon.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 13, 2015, 09:36:27 PM »
I kinda like how the Masane/Ichirou Defense Squad jumped from her post not being meta game and all that nonsense, to the fact that the seal is no longer a viable way of sealing. Am I the only one that feels like Karate chopping my Desk, with my forehead?

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 13, 2015, 08:21:06 PM »

... Then there comes the issue that I believe to be the driving force of this thread for the opposition, and that is the fact that Ichirou has the Gyuki currently, so if their deaths are accepted into RP, Ame will lose the Bijuu and I get to walk away fresh as a daisy. So if we were to explore the option of splitting up and never Rp'ing with eachother again that will create a rather nasty loop where they are claiming the Gyuki, along with my claim, which as we all know is going to cause more issue than necessary.

There are no compromises to be made, it is either they are dead, or not. And at this point more people have sided with the death side than not; Keito so graciously did a count for us, and I think it's like 7-2. I'll go look through the threads and check.

PS: Do not claim that this issue spawns because of the Bijuu to further your argument to void them >_>

That's impossible, Ichirou is dead (that's the premise for them coming to you in the first place right?). Unless he is using it as a summon (which you wouldn't have access to anyways just because you sealed him) then there is no reason he should be the current holder of the 8-tails. I don't recall it ever being fine for an Edo Tensei to host a tailed beast (even though a brief look at the rules don't explicitly forbid it).

And if there were no biju involved you two could just go off in your own little worlds and have never needed to bring it here in the first place. So I could totally still use this as a reasoning to get rid of the stupid beasts. >_>

When was Ichirou made the host of the 8-tails?

I never said he was the host >_> And if I did, Totes apologizing. He in fact has the Beasty sealed by Summoning contract shenanigans. So even if he was dead, the sealing contract is still written.

"ºDeath of Summonerº
If the summoner dies while the bijū is unsummoned and located in inaccessible territory (such as a pocket dimension), it will re-spawn within a week's time where the summoner was slain"

Unless they are going to claim some nonsense, even this is easily worked around, considering how many Edo users there are nowadays, so with a simple Edo of ichirou, have him summon the Gyuki and I take control. It's pretty simple.

And Summoning contracts as far as I am aware, don't just disappear upon death, not even with SL rules. Just look at all the Edo's summoned in the Canon Naruto that still had summoning contracts with stuff.

Then what's the problem? Unlike Masane I do not see Ichirou having much room to do much of anything to prevent you from sealing him at this point, unless he can take control of his own soul (and even then the odds are not good). Regardless of Masane, as long as you are not dead (which I personally don't see happening with what has so far occured) then the biju matter is shelved.

It will respawn where the summoner died (the site of Edo Tensei release) if it was located somewhere inaccessible, regardless of whether Masane can avoid being sealed because Ichirou's Edo Tensei was released. A free soul is not a living being.

Glad we agree on a few points.

Now back to Masane.

Unless someone from the opposing side comes up with an argument that isn't a rehashed post stating she can just up and claim magical knowledge and suspicion, because of Ninja Magic, then I am going to take a final Poll and close this thing.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 13, 2015, 08:05:32 PM »

... Then there comes the issue that I believe to be the driving force of this thread for the opposition, and that is the fact that Ichirou has the Gyuki currently, so if their deaths are accepted into RP, Ame will lose the Bijuu and I get to walk away fresh as a daisy. So if we were to explore the option of splitting up and never Rp'ing with eachother again that will create a rather nasty loop where they are claiming the Gyuki, along with my claim, which as we all know is going to cause more issue than necessary.

There are no compromises to be made, it is either they are dead, or not. And at this point more people have sided with the death side than not; Keito so graciously did a count for us, and I think it's like 7-2. I'll go look through the threads and check.

PS: Do not claim that this issue spawns because of the Bijuu to further your argument to void them >_>

That's impossible, Ichirou is dead (that's the premise for them coming to you in the first place right?). Unless he is using it as a summon (which you wouldn't have access to anyways just because you sealed him) then there is no reason he should be the current holder of the 8-tails. I don't recall it ever being fine for an Edo Tensei to host a tailed beast (even though a brief look at the rules don't explicitly forbid it).

And if there were no biju involved you two could just go off in your own little worlds and have never needed to bring it here in the first place. So I could totally still use this as a reasoning to get rid of the stupid beasts. >_>

When was Ichirou made the host of the 8-tails?

I never said he was the host >_> And if I did, Totes apologizing. He in fact has the Beasty sealed by Summoning contract shenanigans. So even if he was dead, the sealing contract is still written.

"ºDeath of Summonerº
If the summoner dies while the bijū is unsummoned and located in inaccessible territory (such as a pocket dimension), it will re-spawn within a week's time where the summoner was slain"

Unless they are going to claim some nonsense, even this is easily worked around, considering how many Edo users there are nowadays, so with a simple Edo of ichirou, have him summon the Gyuki and I take control. It's pretty simple.

And Summoning contracts as far as I am aware, don't just disappear upon death, not even with SL rules. Just look at all the Edo's summoned in the Canon Naruto that still had summoning contracts with stuff.

Village Square / Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« on: September 13, 2015, 08:00:43 PM »
Just let them get killed so Ame can declare war on Uzu. War economy is a good economy for me.

We'll work out your contract as soon as this is over.

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